No.87- Michael

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FOR THE GORGEOUS CELIA WHO IS 15 TODAY (I say as I'm writing this but you'll probably be 20 by the time this is up)

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The general verbal shit continued to spill out of everyone's mouths as you took your seat in the first class of the school year. Music.

You absolutely loved music, it was a passion of yours. However, your school was filled with complete arseholes, which didn't help with your motivation problem.

Through all the weirdos and football obsessed freaks, there was one nice guy in your class. However, you could only guess that he was completely Off Limits.

His name was Michael. Michael Clifford to be precise. He would sit at the back of the classroom every lesson, with his blonde fringe flopping over his eyes, playing a guitar quietly.

All your friends thought of him as a weirdo but you found him mysterious, interesting and down right cute.

Anyway, you glanced to see Michael at the back of the room and then took your seat among the rest of the class. Within 5 minutes, you were already fed up. Your best friend's flight had been delayed until tomorrow, so you were completely alone in a sea of unwashed adolescents.

"What have I got to lose." You muttered to yourself, picking up your bag and going to sit next to Michael.

You pulled a chair up next to his and he immediately looked at you curiously.

"Hey." You mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" he grunted in reply.

"Have you heard those dickheads?" you protested with a snort. "Five minutes of them and I was about to bash my head in. I felt obliged to come and talk to the only visibly sane person in the class. You have a problem with that?"

"No, no, not at all!" he replied quickly. "It's just, I've watched you since year 7. You're pretty and you have friends. You seem like the rest of them. I had no idea you'd want to sit with me!"

"You, you watched me?" you stammered, unsure about how to feel. your cheeks were flushing red, so you presumed you were flattered.

"Sure, why not?" he laughed, looking at you for the first time ever and you discovered that his eyes were the most beautiful shade of green you'd ever seen in your entire life. He really was attractive.

"Well, I'm honoured." You giggled as Michael put down his guitar and stared at the mess of teenagers, still waiting for the teacher to dare to make them shut up.

"You think we can ditch? I mean he's not even going to notice..." Michael said, gesturing towards your music teacher who was fully enveloped in something or other on his computer.

"If we run..." You mumble. "3.2.1 now!"

You quickly grabbed your bags and darted out the classroom. To be honest, you don't even think anyone noticed.

"Follow me." Michael demanded in a tone you'd never heard him use before. It was more urgent, more needing.

You obliged and followed him down the bike shed where he pinned you up against the wall and without even asking your permission, slammed his lips against yours roughly.

He pulled away after about a second.

"I had to do that." he confessed. "At least once. You're so beautiful Celia."

"Please!" you gasped, a little more desperately than anticipated. "Carry on!"

And carry on he did. It was safe to say that not a lot of work was taken care of for you and Michael that day. However, you made light work of taking care of each other.

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