Preference No. 4

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After a massive fight that left Calum smashing plates and leaving your shared apartment in a fit of drunk rage, you thought it was the end of your relationship.

One month passed and you heard nothing from Calum. It hurt like anything that he could just leave like that, after you'd been together for over three years. You hated to admit it, but you missed him.

It was late one Saturday night when oh heard a knock on the door. You found Calum, his hair a mess and his eyes red and puffy. He was wearing his jeans and black sweater, the same he wore on the night of your break up.

"What do you want." You asked him coldly, not wanting to let on how desperate you were to jump into his arms again.

"I want us back babe. I've been a mess this last month. I haven't been eating, sleeping, or laughing. I just miss you so much. Miss us so much. Why? Because I love you. And i can't just let you go. I understand if you've moved on, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"So," you replied. "It took you one month to grow a pair of balls and tell me that?"

"No." He shook his head. "It's taken me one month to prepare myself and save enough money to buy this."

Before you even knew what was happening, Calum was down on one knee in front of you, holding out a beautiful silver ring.

"Y/F/N. today is our four year anniversary. You have completely changed my life. I know things over the past few months have been rocky, but I never stopped thinking about you. You never left my mind. I love you so much, will you do me the honour if becoming my wife?"

You stared at him in shock, your eyes wide and filling with tears. Without a word you flung yourself into his arms, and you finally felt happy again.


Ashton was your first childhood friends. Your mums met in hospital when they were pregnant with you both and had been friends ever since. This meant most of your childhood was spent alongside Ashton. Your practically grew up together.

When you were ten, you an Ashton were in the treehouse in your back garden when he asked you a really strange question.

"Y/N, if we get to 25 and we're not married, should we marry each other? It would be cool."

"Yeah!" You replied. "Cool."

You then performed your two minute long handshake to seal the deal.

*15 years later*

You were in a club for your 25th birthday, bored out of your mind. All of you uni mates had dragged you out, even though you hated clubbing. Being alone always let your mind wonder, and, same as normal, you started thinking about Ashton. You'd lost touch with Ashton about five years ago when he started touring the world with his band and became too busy for you, but you still missed him.

Suddenly you felt one of your friends tug on your should and they spun you round to reveal Ashton, standing next to you blushing like and idiot.

"Y/N!" Your drunk friends screeched. "WE FOUND HIMMM. NOW WE'LL LEAVE YOU TWO ALONE!"

They all ran off and Ashton took a seat next to you.

"25th birthday huh?" Ashton smirked, and you realised he was exactly the same person you knew all those years ago.

"What about it?" You asked, twirling your hair. You'd completely forgotten about the deal.

"Do you not remember? I turned 25 three days ago, you're 25 today. I promised I'd marry you if we were both unmarried and twenty five, about fifteen years ago. I reckon we've got some catching up to do if you're still up for the deal..."

The night in the treehouse came flooding back and you stuck out your hand. Ashton immediately hit it and you started your handshake for the first time in over ten years, but you didn't make a single mistake. He was the one for you, there was no doubt about it, and although your future had been made on a stupid childhood deal, it still looked amazingly bright.


Luke would try and make his proposal to you super cute, and he'd spend months planning it and getting the boys involved too. --

Finally he decided to ask you by leaving weird clues all over the house. You grew up reading detective books and they were still a passion of yours, so that where the idea came from.

He'd call you at work and tell you to come home real quick. You drove home in a hurry to open the front door of your house to find that all the lights were out. You tried flicking the switch but nothing happened even then.

"LUKE!?" You called, panicking. You stepped forward and nearly tripped over the flashlight on the floor. You picked it up and shone it round, finding one pink post it note on the wall. It read "the bedroom?"
you walked upstairs to your bedroom to find another note on the door. It read "try the kitchen."
You felt your way to the kitchen and this seemingly wild chase in the dark carried on until your reached your conservatory. There you saw Luke, sitting in your garden playing his guitar, with one final post it note in his hand.
You walked outside and he handed you the note. You looked down to read the words "marry me?" And by the time you looked back up he was already one knee, holding out the most beautiful ring.


Michael would make your proposal as grand as possible.--

It was the last night of 5SOS's world tour and it was ending in Paris. You'd always wanted to go to Paris but being there with your boyfriend and best friends made it even better.

Weeks before the night of the proposal, Michael blocked you for a day on twitter to announce how he was wanting to propose. He swore the fans to secrecy and created a different twitter to help the fans do what he wanted them to.

On the night of the Paris show, Michael called you up from backstage just after they'd finished singing their second-last song, which was Lost Boy.

He spoke to you through the microphone.

"Y/N!! You know you said to me the other day that the 5SOSFAM were your favourite things in the world? Well these lovely French and me have something to ask..."

Michael gave the crowd the thumbs up and they all held up signs reading "Y/N, WILL YOU MARRY MICHAEL?" It was the most overwhelming thing. There were 10,000 people, all with the same signs. There was just a sea of colour.

You looked back at him and he was on one knee, where he gave you the cutest speech as all the crowd screamed and the rest of the boys watched Michael proudly.

"Y/N. I couldn't live without you, and to be honest, I don't want to. You mean the world to me, along with my fans, so I thought I'd combine the two and ask you the most important question of my life. Now, I know I'm a crap boyfriend but I swear to you I'll be a ten times better fiancé and one hundred times better husband. Will you marry me?"

You looked out to the crowd and looked at Michael again, tears streaming down your face.

"Yes!!" You screamed and the entire arena went wild as you embraced Michael in a crushing hug.

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