Demi's new girl

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Demi's pov
I had made my mind up, I wanted to adopt a child. I wanted to help someone and at the same time the company would be nice. After speaking to my management and my family I made the necessary calls and appointments with the adoption agency.

I couple of weeks later after all the mandatory checks has been done, I jumped in my car and made my way to an orphanage to discuss which child I would be adopting. As I drove through the gates, somebody instantly caught my eye. She was sat on the grass, in the shade under the big oak tree. She had long, wavy light brown hair and these huge beautiful eyes. One of the main things I noticed about her was her size. If you just looked at her at a glance you would probably think she were around three years old but the maturity in her eyes suggested she was older. I made a mental note so I could describe her to the care worker.
I entered the office and was told to take a seat.
"hello Miss Lovato I assume you're here to choose a child you would like to adopt, do you have any idea of what child you would like?"
"I hadn't until I arrived here today and saw a little girl who caught my eye"
"and what did this girl look like Miss Lovato"
I proceeded to describe the little girl I had seen when suddenly I was interrupted
"I know who you mean, you're on about Ebony, and trust me you do not want that kid"
I was in complete shock, how could she say that about a child she was supposed to be caring about. She handed me Ebony's file and I began to read

Ebony James, aged 6 has been in care since she was 4. She was taken away from her parents after they were convicted of numerous crimes including child abuse, drug use and in her father's case rape and paedophilia. Throughout ebony's years in care she has been diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia. She's also got severe social anxiety and does not trust people very easily.
I finished reading and wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes away. I looked up at the social worker and simply said "I want ebony"
"are you sure miss lovato?" she looked at my with a raised eyebrow
"ok well I'll send someone to go get her"
After about five minutes there was a tiny knock on the door and in walked my new little girl. You could see how nervous she was, she was visibly shaking. The social worker began shouting at her to straighten up and smile because otherwise I wouldn't want her. Ebony looked at me with pure fear. I got up out of my seat and walked over to her.
"excuse me do you mind if me and ebony go for a little walk to get to know each other" I asked
"yeah go" was the sharp reply
Once we were out the room I asked ebony to take me to where I first saw her, she just nodded her head and began walking. We arrived at the tree and I sat down, I patted the grass next to me and ebony reluctantly came and sat down.
Surprisingly ebony spoke first
"you don't have to adopt me you know, you can pick a better child. You can have a pretty one with no problems"
"Sweetheart I want you, I've read your file and I want to help you. I want you to be my little ebony" I went to put my arm around her but she quickly flinched away. Her breathing started to speed up and she was clearly starting to panic.
"don't hurt me, please demi don't hurt me"
Two things surprised me, one she knew who I was, I hadn't had time to introduce myself properly yet and two she thought I was going to hurt her.
"ebony, breath for me hun, take big deep breaths ok, im not going to hurt you I promise"
"you promise?" she looked right in my eyes as she said this and I saw so much hurt
"ebony I promise, come here" I put my arms out and slowly but surely she came to me. She snuggled into my body and Im sure she realised then that she was safe with me. She twisted round in my arms so her head was on my chest. She was too cute. We sat there for a while, in a comfortable silence with me just stroking her hair. I looked up and noticed Ann the social worker walking over to us.
"you signing the papers then or what?"
I looked at ebony and for the first time all morning I saw her smile
"yes lets do it" I gave ebony I little wink and as she went to pack her things, I went to sign the papers.

We were walking out of the orphanage towards my car when I realized ebony had stopped walking, as I turned around I could see that she was just frozen to the spot.
"eb, sweetie what's up?" I said as I crouched down to her level.
"im scared"
"baby it's ok to be scared, it's understandable that you are and I know that you're so brave ebony. Lets drive to your new home and get you settled in ok" I held out my hand and slowly she took it. Her hand felt so soft and tiny in mine.

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