Christmss day :)

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Naya Pov

I woke up before Demi and our baby girl; It was 7am Christmas morning and Ebony is still fast asleep in between us both. She only woke up once last night but she calmed down quite quickly. I tiptoe out of Demi's old bedroom and sneak downstairs, being carful not to wake anybody up. I know people will be up soon because if they're anything like Demi they're gong to be ridiculously excited for Christmas. I make Ebby a walm bottle for when she wakes up, as well as making me and Dem a coffee. Carefully I carry all three drinks back upstairs. As I walk back into Demi's room I notice she is awake, she's sat up against the backboard of the bed, gently stroking Ebony's hair. I climb back into bed and hand Dem her coffee.

"Morning babe, Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas gorgeous" I replied as I leant over Ebony. I pecked her lips and kissed her little nose, she giggled at me.

At that moment Ebony began to get fussy, she started wriggling around and throwing her arms about. Me and Demi looked at each other and both placed our drinks down at the side of the bed. Demi tried to grab hold of her arms but Eb was really having a bad nightmare and wasn't making it easy for her.

"Naya help me, she's not been this bad in a while"

"I'm here Dem, she'll be fine, you need to stay calm for her" I told her.

Ebony's eyes opened but you could tell she was in her own world, she didn't know where she was or who me and Demi were. She was wriggling all over the place and Dem was trying to restrain her.

"Let go, don't hurt me" she cried

"Ebony calm down, look at me, baby look at mummy" Demi cooed

Ebony was having none of it, she was trying to turn over away from me and Demi. Demi pulled her up and cradled her across her lap.

"Mummy, mama"

"We're here sweetheart, we're both here" I told her

"Baby girl, try and calm down for mummy. I'm here baby I'm not going anywhere, I've got you." Demi added

Eventually Ebby calmed down, she stayed in Demi's arms and played with Demi's hands.

"Hey Guys" Dallas said as she walked in to join us.

"Merry Christmas sis" Demi said

"You coming down to open presents, everybody's up now"

"Yeah we're coming, Naya babe can you hand me Ebony's bottle, I'll give it her downstairs" she asked.

Demi POV

I carried Ebony downstairs on my hip and we were all greeted by my family when we reached the living room. The whole room was full of presents. My mom created room on the sofa for me to sit down with Eb. I placed her on my lap facing everybody but she turned herself round and curled up into me with her head buried into my chest, she still hasn't woken up properly and she's surrounded by a lot of noisy people, she just needs to calm down a bit more. I slightly turn her round so I can give her her bottle, she gladly drinks it and snuggles into me. Moments like this with my baby girl are so precious.

"Can we please start opening presents now!" Maddie asks

With that, everybody starts handing out gifts to each other. There is wrapping paper everywhere. Ebony has woken up a bit more now but she's still being really quiet, she's just watching everybody open their gifts.

"Hey baby girl, why don't you go and give this to Auntie Maddie?" She looks at me then climbs down off my knee.

"Here you go Auntie Maddie" I hear Ebony say as she hands Maddie her present

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