Picnic at the beach

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Demi POV

"Demi, I'm leaving for work in a minute"'Naya shouted from downstairs.

"Coming baby" I replied as I finished getting ready. I ran down the stairs to catch her before she leaves.

I wrap my arms around her and plant my lips on hers.

"Do you have to go?" I asked with a pout.

"Yes baby, you have a nice day out with girls, where are you taking them?"

"I'm not sure yet, I'll ask them what they want to do."


We both turned round to see Ebony running towards us in her pyjamas. Naya bent down and scooped her up into her arms.

"Don't go mama"

"Aww baby, I'll be back later on. Mama has to work" Naya explained.

"Come on little one, come to mommy" I said as i took Ebony out of Naya's arms. She turned herself round and buried herself into me. Naya quickly kissed both of us then left.

Ebony was a little restless in my arms. If she's like this in a morning you can usually tell she's going to be a little grumpy throughout the day.

I carried Ebby over to the sofa and sat down with her across my lap.

"What do you want to do with Evie and mommy today baby girl?" I asked.

"I don't know mommy"

"Come on I'm sure you can think of something"

"No I can't"

"Not anything" I exaggerated

"No" she giggled.

"What if I tickle you, then will you think of something." I laughed. I instantly began tickling her little tummy. Her laughs filled the room and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. We were interrupted when we noticed Evie making her way into the living room.

I stopped tickling Ebby so she could get her breath back. Once she'd calmed down she returned to snuggling into me. And once again her hand gripped around around the top of my shirt.

"No no no baby, don't pull on Mommy's shirt" I said softly. I removed her hand but it was instantly back, curled tightly around the material. I gave up. She wouldn't move it.

"Good morning angel" I said to Evie.

"Morning mommy"

"Since Ebby won't decide, what do you want to do today?" I asked

"Anything I don't mind"

"Oh come on, there must be something"

"Can we go to the beach?" She asked nervously

"Of course we can, what do you think Eb, how does the beach sound?"

Without speaking she agreed by nodding her head into my chest. Evie and I just laughed at her.

"Come on then, let's get you two ready and we'll go. We'll stop at the shop on the way and get some stuff for a picnic ok. I can't be bothered making one myself" I smiled.

Evie ran off to get ready and I went to help Ebony.

Half an hour later we were all ready, Evie was in the car and I was attempting to fasten Ebby into her car seat. She was having non of it.

"Ebony, enough. Let mummy clip you in" I said firmly.

"No, uppy" she whined.

"Mummy needs to drive. Sit still now"

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