Suspended, again?

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Demi POV

Once I had said my last words to my fans I ran off stage and got to my dressing room as quickly as I could.

I flung the door open and saw Naya on the sofa with her arms around both Ebony and Evie.

Ebby looked really spaced out and half asleep with her head resting on Naya's lap.

when Evie saw me she got up, flew across the room and landed in my arms.

"Mommy" she said happily.

"Hey there baby girl". I said as I sat with her on my knee, next to Naya.

I turned to face Nay and planted a huge kiss on her lips.

"Hey babe" she grinned.

"Hi, how's this little one doing? And where's Marissa?" I asked as I stroked ebony's cheek with my free hand. The other was holding on to Evie as she snuggled into my chest.

"Mar's gone speaking to max and the rest of your team. She said ebby only slept for about twenty minutes before she woke up inh pain and she's been spaced out ever since" she informed me.

"Ebby sweetheart, can you tell mommy how you're feeling?" I asked softly.

She glanced up at me slightly, then shrugged her shoulders.

"Baba, use your words for me"

"It hurt mommy" she said faintly

I stood up and placed Evie down on the sofa as I moved in front of Naya and Ebony. I crouched down and moved her hair off her face.

"What hurts?, come on tell mommy"

"My back momma" she cried

I glanced up at Naya and she got my hint. She stood up and cradled Ebony in her arms. I took a hold of Evie's hand and we walked out of my dressing room. I text Rissa on our way to the bus to let her know where we would be.

She replied telling me she was gonna visit her mom for the night and meet us again tomorrow.

"Evie, why don't you go put on a movie while mama and I sort ebby out" I told her as we reached the bus.

She wandered off to go find a film she wanted to watch.

Naya carried ebony into the bathroom and gently took her clothes off whilst I ran her a bath.

"No bath mommy" she said with fear imminent in her voice.

"It's ok Ebony, mommy and I are right here" Naya told her.

I checked the water wasn't too hot before I told Naya to place her in the bathtub. Ebony was in too much pain to try and wriggle and make a fuss so she allowed Naya and I to softly wash her little body in an attempt to soothe her pain.

Once she was out and dried I put a pull-up on her then lay her on her stomach on my bed.

She wasn't crying but you could hear quiet whimpers.

Naya sat at the top of the bed and played with her hair while I tried to massage cream into her back as gently as possible.

"Ouch mommy"

"I'm sorry sweetie, I'm nearly done" I tell her.

I wrap her up warm in her onesie and all three of us go and join Evie and watch the film.

She chose 'pitch perfect'. That's no surprise, she's obsessed with that film.
I cuddled Ebby while Naya had Evie resting on her.
As soon as Ebony fell asleep I wanted to get her settled in bed so I stood up and carried her into the bedroom. I placed her in the middle of the bed so the rest of us could easily get in around her later on.

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