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Demi POV

Ebony hasn't said a word all the way to my moms, I'm hoping she's going to relax a bit more when she's around maddie and my mom.

"Demiiiiiiiiiiiii" maddie screams, running over and jumping all over me.

"Hey baby girl, you ok?" I ask her

"Yeah you should see all the things I've learnt at Ariel, here look through my phone"

She handed me her phone I started looking through all of her pictures, I have no clue how she does that stuff.

I look up from mads phone and see ebony curled up on one of the arm chairs, she looks so tiny.

"Maddie, go and see if ebony will go and play with you, just don't tell her I told you to ok?" I whispered into her ear

Without saying another word maddie jumped off the couch and ran over to ebby.

"Ebony come upstairs to my room I wanna show you this amazing new dance game I've got"

"Yeah ok"

Ebony followed maddie upstairs, I was so glad she went with maddie, hopefully it will cheer her up a bit.

Now the girls were playing I could finally go and talk to my mom. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom and Marissa in deep conversation.

"Oh hey dem"

"Hey momma"

"You don't need to tell me, Marissa has filled me in, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm just so worried about ebony, she's frozen up on me, she won't even let me hold her hand"

"Demi, you need to understand that Sian will have really gotten to her, she will probably be believing some of those things Sian has told her"

"But she should know they she's my baby girl"

"Demi, she was left alone with Sian while she was physically and verbally abused, you can't expect her to pretend like nothing's happened just because Sian's now been taken by the police"

"You're right momma, I just don't know what to do"

"Yes you do, you will do what comes natural to you"

"What if I've ruined our relationship because I left her with Sian?"

"I can promise you this demi, you will not have ruined anything, she'll come back to you, just give her time"

"And what am I supposed to do about her education?"

"You'll have to find another tutor but leave it a while before you leave her alone with ebony just so ebony really does get used to her"

"Good plan, you may need to help me out with that though because my schedule is about to get extremely busy"

"No problem dems"

We carry on talking for another ten minutes before I realise Marissa isn't there, I walk out the kitchen to go find her, I head upstairs and she's lingering outside maddies bedroom. She sees me and places a finger to her lips to signal for me to be quiet.

I join her outside mad's room and peep through the gap in the door. They are both playing on a dance game.

"Oh my god" I silently mouth to Marissa

"I know" she nods

Ebony was incredible, I had no idea she could dance. She dances like she's had years of lessons. I definitely need to get her dancing more, it might help with her recovery.

They finish the song they were dancing to and rest on maddies bed.

"So what was wrong with you before eb?"

"Nothing it doesn't matter, I'm fine now"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, dancing makes me happy"

"You're amazing, does demi know you can dance?"


"Why not, she'd probably make you your own dance studio in one of the spare rooms?"

"I don't know, I mean it's not like I can just go up to her and be like oh hey demi did you know I'm a good dancer"

"Why not, you saw me before showing her my Ariel stuff"

"I just can't, she wouldn't be impressed anyway"

"Oh my gosh. Yes she would, ebony do you even know how good you are?" Maddie exclaimed

I saw ebony shake her head and look down at her hands. My baby has no self esteem at all, I need to help her.

I look at Marissa and she's agrees it's time to interrupt their little conversation.

I knock on the door and walk into to join the girls.

"Hey girlies, you both ok?" Marissa asks

"Yeah it's been fun" maddie answers

"Ebony?" Marissa questions

"Erm yeah, erm it's been fun" she stumbles out

"Want to head off home ebony?" I ask her

She just shrugs her shoulders and stands up off maddies bed, I'm taking that as a yes.

"Come on then chick"

Ebony POV

I don't know what's wrong with me, I love demi so much but I can't help think what Sian was saying is true.

Is demi just using me?

Is she going to get rid of me?

Am I such a burden on her?

These questions haven't sopped going round my head.

I wish I could just cry to demi and tell her everything but I can't.

I don't want to bother her, she's already had enough to deal with.

Maybe if I distance myself from her it will be easier when she takes me back to the orphanage.

We arrive home and Marissa leaves us to go back to her house. I just go straight up to my room without saying anything to demi. She's probably so happy that I'm not clinging to her or mithering her.

I miss her touch though, she makes me feel so safe.

I'm just lying here on my bed listening to music when I hear my door open slightly.



"Can I come in?"


And with that demi comes and joins me on my bed. I don't want to speak because I know as soon as I try I will break down.

"Sweetheart, I know today has been horrible and you're probably so worn out but sweetie I know something is bothering you, you can tell me anything"

I look down and shake my head, but demi puts a finger under my chin and lifts up my head so I'm looking right into her eyes. I feel mine start I water.

"Tell me ebby"

"I can't"

"Talk to me baby girl, please I'm so worried about you"

As soon as she said that I could not prevent the tears from starting, I'm so angry at myself for crying.

Demi tries to pull me into a hug but I jump off my bed and move in to a corner of my room.

Why am I scared of her?

My breathing is quickening and I know what's going to happen and I won't be able to stop it.

I hate panic attacks

Demi POV

She's cowering in the corner of her room, she's shaking like a leaf.

All I want to do is pick her up and hold her but she won't let me near her.

She's having a panic attack and we both know she needs me.

Why won't she let me in?

"Ebony baby breath for me, breath for mummy"

I move a little closer to her

"Come on sweetheart you can do this, come to mummy"

I reach my hand forward towards her but she freaks out.

"Don't hurt me please don't hurt me"

"Baby it's me, I'm not going to hurt you, let me help you"

"No don't touch me don't hurt me please don't hurt me"

She is hysterical now and it's breaking my heart seeing her like this.

"Ebony I need you to take big deep breaths, come on eb, copy mummy"

She meets my eyes and I think she's realised that it's me, her mom.

"Good girl, in and out that's it"

I crouch down on to my knees and hope that she will come to me. I put my arms out to her to signal for her to come to me but she just stares at me looking terrified.

"Baby can you tell me who I am?"

"Mmmummyy" she cries

"Good girl, now mummy would never hurt you, I love you ebony"

"I sorry"

"What for sweetie?"

"Hurting you and for not being good enough for you, i know you're going to take me back"

"Come here princess" I say again, desperately trying to get her in my arms, I need to hold my baby.

She starts to move towards me, I grab her and pull her into such a big cuddle. I swear I'm never letting go.

I move us both onto the huge beanbag in the corner and squeeze her into me. She's still shaking and crying.

"Shhhh baby I need you to listen to everything I'm about to say alright. When I went to the orphanage that day to adopt a child I had no idea who I was going to get. From the moment I saw you I saw someone special. I had to have you ebony. I fell in love with your cute little smile and adorable giggle. You're my beautiful baby girl and I can't imaging my life without you in it. Everything Sian said to you was a lie, I am going to help you get through all this ebony every step of the way."


"Yeah baby?"

"Are you angry?"

"Why would I be angry with you for hurting?"

"Because I pushed you away I thought you'd be better without me"

"I need you to understand that you can talk to me about anything ebony, absolutely anything. Promise me from now on you won't keep all these feelings to yourself"

"I promise"

"Good girl now let's get to bed"

"No mummy"

"Princess you need to sleep, you can sleep with me, I'll be there ebby"

"You won't leave me"


And with that I carried her into my room and tucked her in my bed before joining her on the other side. She was still reluctant to whether she could come close to me so I pulled her tight into me and let her rest her head on my chest. I played with her hair and stroked her cheek. Eventually she fell asleep wrapped in my arms where she belongs.

It's been such a long and traumatic day. Tomorrow will be tough but better. I need a demi and ebony day. I'm going to treat her..........


Hope you have enjoyed :)

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