Mum can i wear a bra?

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Demi POV

I am so incredibly tired.

I had been up the majority of the night trying to get Ebby to sleep. If she fell asleep, I'd only have about an hour before she woke up again.

I'd tried everything.

I had her in bed with me and Naya, I got in her bed with her, I read to her, I sang to her, I even put on a Disney movie but nothing really worked.

Around 5am she fell asleep again and only woke up at 8 but by that point I was past being tired and was wide awake myself. Naya offered to help me during the night but there was no point in us both being tired.

I'm currently in bed snuggling into Naya while she plays with my hair. It's no wonder the girls love this, it's so soothing.

Ebony is downstairs watching cartoons and I don't think Evie is awake yet.

"Babe I've got an idea" Naya spoke in her sexy, husky morning voice, breaking me from my thoughts

"Hmmm" I mumbled against her chest

"What if we don't put Ebby down for a nap today, what if we keep her awake all day and tire her our" she suggested

I thought for a moment before replying

"That does sound like a good idea but she would be so fussy and grumpy by late afternoon and I don't think I have the patience for her tantrums today. Plus I've got emails and stuff I need to sort out before this weekend."

"Demi, calm down and stop stressing. I'll manage Ebby today. I'll take her in the pool and make sure she uses a lot of energy. You sort out what you need to do and try and relax." She said, tracing lines up and down my arm with her finger.

"Ok thank you baby"

I leant up to connect our lips. Naya instantly intensified the kiss by adding her tongue. With no surprise I let out a moan. Both of us being lay on our sides facing each other let our hands roam all over each other's body. My hand trailed down and rested on Naya's bare ass as she only had on a oversized shirt. I gently squeezed it, receiving the moan from her that I was dying to hear. Her hands found my boobs and I smiled into the kiss before having to pull away.

"Naya baby, not now. The girls are probably awake and I don't want another episode of what happened in Greece." I said, only just getting my breath back.

She pouted at me but nodded.

"We haven't had morning sex in ages though" she whined like a child.

"I know baby, but that's probably because we usually wake up with a child in our bed"

"I need you though" she said, leaning forward for another kiss. I happily accepted before once again pulling away.

"I need you too baby. Maybe if your plan works and Ebby falls asleep tonight we might finally get time to ourselves."

She nodded at me and pulled me tighter into her body.

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you too"

And as if right on cue someone's little hand knocked at our door.

"Come in" Naya smirked, thinking exactly the same as I was

I assumed it would be ebony but then I remembered she rarely knocks, She just walks straight in no matter what.

I smiled warmly at the sight of a sleepy Evie.

"Morning baby girl. How are you feeling?" Naya asked

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