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Ebony POV

I wake up crying from another nightmare. I don't recognise where I am. I want my mummy. She always comes when I cry. I don't know where she is. I look down and realise that I have wet my bed. Mummy is going to be mad.

I keep on crying and get out of my bed. I look out of my window and it look different than at home. Where am I?

"Mummy" I keep crying

I lay down on the floor and curl up. Maybe she come for me soon. I no want to sleep again. I stay awake and wait for mummy.

Demi POV

I wake up with a naked Naya Rivera wrapped around my body. Wow last night was amazing, by the time we finished I was absolutely exhausted, not even a fire alarm going off would have woken me. I roll over slightly and realise Naya is actually awake.

"Morning babe" she says in a sexy, husky morning voice

I kiss her forehead and begin stroking my fingers down her arm.

"I told you last night Dem that tickles"

"I know you told me, that's why I'm doing it"

She rolled over and straddled me, she leant forward and pecked my lips softly.

"Babe as much as I'm loving this I really need to get up and go check on Ebby"

Naya gently climbed off me and allowed me to jump out of bed. I threw on my silk robe as we are in Spain and it's hot. As I'm walking towards ebony's room I can't help wonder why she didn't wake up last night or why she hasn't come into me this morning.

I open her bedroom door and do not expect to see what's in front of me. Ebony, my baby girl is curled up in a ball on the floor. She's sobbing and shaking. What on earth is going on. I walk over to her but she flinches away from me. I don't think she realises who I am.

"Ebby, baby it's mommy"

I crouch down on the floor next to her, I need to take it slowly with her, I don't want her to have a panic attack. She looks up at me and our eyes connect.


"Yeah baby it's me"

She sits up slightly and allows me to wrap my arm around her.

"Momma why you no come get me?" She cries

"Hey shhhh, what are you talking about princess?"

"Last night, I wake up. No know where I am. Had bad dweem and I cry for you"

"Why didn't you come and look for me baba?"

"Too little to open door, too heavy and handle too high"

"Oh Ebony I'm so sorry sweetheart, mommy was very tired last night and couldn't hear you"


"Yeah baba?"

"If I say something you no get mad?"

"No Ebby, tell me"

She stood up and pulled me over to her bed, I realised straight away what she wanted to tell me, she had wet the bed. I feel so guilty, if I hadn't have spent the night with Naya then she would have been able to sleep with me like she always does.

"Sweetie it's ok, it's nothing to worry about, I'd never get angry with you over something like this, now come on let's go get you all cleaned up" I tell her as I take hold of her hand and lead her into my bedroom. Luckily Naya has done the same thing as me and put a robe on.

"Morning Ebby" she says as we walk through into my bathroom. Eb doesn't say anything. She looks up at Naya with a confused look on her face. I begin to undress Ebony while the bath is running. Even when it's just me and her she can't completely relax.

"Breath baby girl, come on copy mommy" I lift her into the bath and crouch down next to it. Ebony looks so out of it today, she's in her own little world. She's just staring into space. I grab a cloth and start to wash her tiny body, she doesn't even really look at me she's just staring blankly ahead.

"Baby, talk to mommy"

She just shakes her head no at me. I decide not to push her, she'll talk when she's ready. Once I've washed her hair I lift her out and wrap her in a big fluffy towel. As we walk out of the bathroom Naya signals for her to climb on the bed with her. Once again Ebony shakes her head and walks back towards her room.

"She ok Demi?" Naya asks

"Not really, when I went to check on her this morning she was curled up in a ball on her floor. She had been up all night crying and she's wet the bed. I feel so bad but I was in such a deep sleep I just didn't hear her"

"It's nobody's fault Dem, she'll settle down again soon"

"I hope so, now let's go get some breakfast"

We both went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Naya made ours while I got a bottle ready for ebony and a bowl of banana and yogurt.

"EBONY" I shouted as I sat down at the table with Naya. We started eating and waited for ebony to come and join us.

"EBONY" I shouted again. This time she slowly walked over to us with her long wet hair down her back and she was wearing a little vest top and little pink shorts.

"Come eat with us babe" Naya tells her

Ebony climbs up onto the chair that is in between me and Naya. I place ebony's food in front of her and put her bottle next to her bowl. I'm hoping she is going to start feeding herself soon but I very much doubt it. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Eb pushed her bowl away from her.

"Eat please Ebby" I tell her

"NO" she shouts, this totally takes me by surprise, she never shouts. I move it back towards her and I pick up the spoon for her and attempt to feed her myself. She moves away from me and picks up her bottle. I expect her to start drinking but she throws it straight on the floor. She tries to get off the chair and run away but I grab her arm, she wriggles and struggles to get away from me.

Ebony POV

When mummy took me to get a bath I saw Naya in mummy's room. I love Naya but why she with mummy. I sleep with mummy. Is this why she no get me when I cry. Does she not want me no more, she want Naya with her instead.

I feel really angry and sad and I not know how to control it. I don't want to feel like this. But I no help it.

I just threw my bottle on the floor. Mummy is going to be so angry, I try to get away but she grabs me, I try again and I manage to get out of her grip. I cower into the corner of the room. I'm scared I might get hurt. There are all these voices in my head telling me mummy doesn't want me, she loves Naya now. She hates me because I naughty.

She's looking to and from me and Naya. She starts to make her way over to me and I feel myself start shaking.

Demi POV

She's in the corner shaking, I've no idea what's going on in her head but I need to find out, quickly!

"Ebony come here" I say as I sit down on the couch, I want her to come to me. I don't want to freak her out and make her panic even more.

She stands frozen to the spot and shakes her head.

"Ebby let mummy help you"

"What's happening mummy?" she asks me. Her eyes are so wide with fear and tears are just freely flowing down her cheeks.

"Baby, listen to mommy, you're having a panic attack ok and you need to try and take big deep breaths for me"

She was too far away from me for my liking but I know if I just went and grabbed her she'd freak out even more.

"D-don't like I-it" she whimpered

"I know sweetheart, come to mommy" I hold my arms out, beckoning her to come forward to me. Naya is just stood away from us watching, I know she feels helpless. Ebony slowly starts to take a few steps towards me.

"That's it, good girl Ebby"

Eventually she makes her way into my arms. I pull her up onto my lap and cradle her in my arms. I gently rock her back and forth, I signal for Naya to pass me her bottle. Once she's handed it to me, Ebony let's me hold it to her mouth while she drinks. Her breathing still isn't right and she hasn't stopped crying but she's a lot better than she was a few minutes ago. I stand up with Eb still in my arms and motion for Naya to put all our stuff in Ebony's pushchair. She does and we head out to the pool again, I'm gonna get Ebony to fully calm down before I talk to her.

We sit down in the shade and I continue giving ebony her bottle. When she's finished and after about ten minutes of me quietly singing to her she shuts her eyes and she's asleep. I'm hoping she'll get a good couple of hours because it looks like she didn't get much sleep at all last night. Naya clears the stuff out of the pushchair and moves the seat in it back. I place ebony in it so she's lying down. I keep the pushchair in the shade because I don't want her getting burnt in this sun. Me and Naya came out by the pool still in our silk robes, it's a good job we have a private pool and apartment. Naya throws me my bikini and and we both quickly get changed. After applying sun cream we both get comfortable, put on our shades and begin to relax.

"What are you gonna do about Ebony?" Naya asks

"I'm going to talk to her when she wakes up, I need to know where all that came from it isn't like her to get that angry. I mean I know she has a mild form of autism but it's never usually anger she suffers with."

"I know it was so strange seeing her like that"

"Plus she didn't eat anything so I've definitely got to get some food in her soon"

Ebony has been asleep for two hours now it's now about half 12. Me and Naya haven't moved, we've simply just chilled out around the pool, talked and relaxed. I look over towards the pushchair and notice Ebby is starting to wake up. I walk over to her and crouch down in front of the pram.


"Shhhh baby girl, mommy's here"

"Uppy" she says as she makes grabbing gestures for me. I unclip her straps and lift her up, I place her on my hip and carry her over to where I'm sat with Naya. Ebony is a bit fidgety on my lap and won't stay still.

"What's up Ebby?"

"Hot" she replies

I move her forward a little and lift her top over her head. I stand her up on the sun bed and help her step out of her little shorts. I neatly fold up her little clothes and place them on the edge.

"Better?" I ask her as she sits back down on my lap

"Yes mummy"

"Good, now Ebony can mommy ask you a question?" I glance over at Naya and she knows what I'm about to do. I need her to tell me why she acted up earlier.

Eb nods her head and places it back down on my chest. I gently tickle her back and kiss her forehead before I start speaking.

"Ebony can you be a big brave girl and tell mommy what happened earlier?"

She shakes her head no.

"Please sweetie, mommy won't be angry at all."


"I promise Ebony"

"When I saw you and Naya I thought you no want me no more. And that why you no get me when I cry and why I have sleep in my own bed. I didn't want be naughty it just happened and me no stop it. I sorry mummy"

"Baby I am so proud of you for telling me this because now momma understands why you got upset."

I look across at Naya who I know by looking at her is giving me permission to explain to Ebony about us.

"I love you so much baby girl, nothing will ever change that. Now this might be a little difficult to understand but don't worry about it ok, i'll help you. Mommy and Naya have a special relationship. Usually a man and a woman fall in love and get married and love together, you know that right?"

She nods her head

"Well sometimes it isn't always a man and a woman, sometimes it can be two men or two ladies. And in this case I have fallen in love with Naya. Do you understand princess?"

"Yes momma, so Naya is like mummy number two?"

Me and Naya both start laughing at her. I wrap my arms tightly around my baby girl and smile over at Naya.

"Yes baby, Naya will be like another mummy, is that ok?"

"Yes but will I still have sleep on my own? I no ready"

Naya comes over and joins us both on my sunbed. She takes ebony's hands in hers.
"If you want to sleep in mummy's bed then you can sleep in mummy's bed" she tells her

"I love you Ebby" I tell her

"I love you mummy and you mama Naya"

Sorry for taking forever guys!!!!!!
You know what life is like, one week you do absolutely nothing and have the time in the world then the next minute you don't have five minutes to yourself.

I hope you like the update, however I don't think it's one of my best, i'll try harder next time.

Thank you for voting and reading, I love your constant support.

Xxxxxx Faye

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