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Demi POV

"ebony" I shouted

"yeah mummy?" she said softly, walking towards me in he kitchen

"come on babe, dinner time" I said pulling her up onto my lap

"im tired" she said as she rested her head on my chest

"I know sweetheart but you need to eat, come on, sit up for mummy"

"no, Im tired" she cried

"ebony, once you've eaten you can go to bed"

"im not hungry"

"sweetie, you know the rules. Come on I know you're tired, mummy will help" I say picking up her spoon and starting to feed her. She let me but she wasn't happy about it, tears were still falling down her cheeks.

"I'm done"

"No, ebony you've not even eaten half"

"I'm done mummy, no more"

She's starting to get really worked up now, she's been coping with food a lot better these last few days and I know she's tired but I've no idea what's caused all this.

"Ebby no, you need to eat"

"Don't make me mummy"

I hated how guilty she made me feel, she doesn't intend to make me feel this way it's just she's too precious and I hate being the reason she's crying.

"Ok ebony just a little bit more and you can stop"

She nodded and let me continue to feed her. She was too tired to carry on fighting me so she ended up nearly eating it all.

"Do you want to go to bed now ebony or stay downstairs with me for a bit?"

She didn't answer me, instead she snuggled into me and I took that to mean she wanted to stay with me.

I carried her into the living room and placed her down on my lap.

On the way into the lounge I picked up one of ebony's reading books that Sian gave me. Just out of curiosity I want to see if she'll read for me.

"Hey baby, fancy reading a story?"

"You going read?" She sweetly asked me

"I was thinking you could read a little for me, show me how clever you are"
As I said this I felt my baby tense up in my arms, her chest went tight and her breathing went unsteady.

"I cc-canttt ddo itt"

"Ebony, take nice deep breaths for me sweetheart. Copy mummy."

She relaxed a little then broke down into tears.

"Hey hey ebony, what's all this for, mummy knows you can do this"

"I can't mummy"

"Sweetheart I know you find it difficult but that's why we need to practice."

"I can't read in front of you"

"Why not baby girl?"

"It's embarrassing, I'm not clever enough to be your daughter, I don't want you to be ashamed."

"Ebony, I don't care how clever you are, I'd never be ashamed of you. I know that you're not stupid, you may have to work a little harder than everybody else but you'll get there. Now why don't you read a little bit of the story then I'll finish it off."

"Ok" she said wiping her eyes

"Good girl"

Ebony started reading the story and I knew it was too easy for children her age but she was still struggling a bit. She could read, but nowhere near at the standard she should be at. I'm going to take her the doctors I think and find out whether she is dyslexic. I really hope she's not because she's already got so much to deal with. I'll give her a few weeks to see if she improves with Sian's help.

Ebony POV

I look up from the book and turn my head towards demi

"You read now"

"Ok princess, you did really well by the way. I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you mummy"

I hate reading out loud but I know I need to get better at it and the only way to do that is practice. It's nice spending time like this with demi as well, away from work, paparazzi and everybody else.

I don't even think I can comprehend what demi is reading because I'm too tired to even think. My eyes are closing and I know I'm going to fall asleep petty soon.

Demi POV

I look down and ebony is fast asleep. I must have been reading to myself for a while, oh well.

Let's get this little one into bed.

I stand up with ebby in my arms and make my way towards the stairs. Once in her room I lay her down on the bed and go to get her pyjamas. I grab her little purple onesie and being getting her changed.

As I take off her dress she's had on today, I notice some marks on her stomach and chest. They look like little bruises.

As far as I know she's not fallen over or had anything dropped on her.

I'll keep an eye on her and see if she comes to me to tell me.

I finish buttoning up her onesie and tuck her in her bed. She's been all over the place today so I'm gonna sleep in her room with her, if she doesn't wake up tonight it will be a miracle.

*2 weeks later*

Ebony POV

"Ebony I've booked you a doctors appointment for today I just want to make sure everything's ok with you"

"Mummy why, I'm fine"

"I think we just need a check up sweetheart, just to be on the safe side"

"No mummy I'm not sick"

I don't understand, why is she making me go to see a doctor. I'm fine.

I bet it will be a man as well as I really don't like being around males, I don't feel safe.

"Sweetie we leave in twenty minutes go and get ready, your clothes are on your bed"

"No! I'm not going"

"Ebony baby calm down, don't get yourself all worked up. I'm gonna be there with you so you don't need to worry"


"Ebony you need to relax, do as I say and then we can go and get it over and done with"

I run upstairs to get some space, why is she doing this to me, why won't she believe me that I'm fine.

She's gonna make me go no matter what I do or say so I might as well get changed.

She's laid out a little pink jumper and denim shorts for me. I must admit I do like how she dresses me.

Demi POV

She's been acting up like this for a while now, her anger is getting the better of her and I don't think she can control it.

She's hiding something from me I'm sure of it, I just wish she'd tell me .

This doctors appointment is going to be hard for her. I know she's terrified, she's covering up her fear by getting angry. Usually she would just cry and come for cuddles but lately she's just been flipping out.

I need her to understand that I'm there for her and that it's ok to trust me.

"Ebony come on baby we need to go"

I wait a few minutes and there is no sign of her. I go up to her room to check on her and she's trembling in a corner of her room.

"Oh sweetheart come here"

She rapidly shakes her head at me.
I look at the time and we really need to go.

I bend down and pick her up, she's desperately trying to get out of my grip.

I buckle her into the back of my car and she's crying her little heart out.

"Shhhh ebony, it will be over before you know it. I'm not going to make you do it on your own"

By the time we reach the doctors office ebony has calmed down. I go to get her out the car and for the first time in ages she puts her arms out to me to carry her.

I pick her up and walk into the doctors.

Once I've checked in with the receptionist we are told to go and wait in the waiting room.

Ebony is silently shaking on my lap, I keep playing with her hair until her name is called out.

Immediately she freezes

"Come on baby you've got this"

"Don't leave me"

"Never baby girl"

And with that we entered the doctors office. It was a male doctor which I knew wouldn't help the situation. Ebony took one look and jumped into my arms.

I sat on the chair with ebony on my lap. She was facing me with her back against the doctor. Her legs were either side of mine and she was leaning on my chest her head buried into me. Her hands were grasped tightly round my shirt.

"Who do we have here then?" The doctor said cheerily

I knew eb wasn't gonna speak so I did the talking

"This is ebony and she's six"

"And what can I help you with?"

It took me a while but eventually I filled him in on ebony's story and her medical history, he clearly wasn't expecting that.

"Ok then here's what we're going to do ebony, I'm going to take a little look at you and then we're going to do a few little tests. Don't worry I'm going to make mummy do some as well" he said trying to get ebony to come round to him. Slowly I think it was working.

"I'm just going to go and get one of my nurses to help me" he said, I knew it was because of what I told him about ebony being abused.

Once he was out the room ebony looked up at me

"Ebony baby I need you to be really brave for me while the doctor and nurse look at you and do these tests ok"

"Ok mummy"

"Good girl baby"

The doctor returned followed by a young nurse. I hoped to God ebony wasn't gonna flip out.

"Can we just get you over here on the scales ebony"

I walked over with her and got her on the scales.

She's lost 4 pounds since the last time I weighed her. How has she done that, she's been on the diet set by the dietician. I've not even let her out of my sight after meal times. Sian gives her dinner as well and does the same thing as me, she tells me ebony's been fine at lunch. I don't understand.

"Ok ebony come and sit over here on the bed"

I can't help myself but gasp in shock as I see fresh bruises all over my baby. how have missed this and why hasn't she told me.

Once the doctor has finished with the regular check up he asks ebony to read a little passage. She's reluctant at first but eventually starts reading. From the sounds of it she hasn't really improved. I'm starting to get worried now.

"Ok, miss lovato by the looks of things ebony is dyslexic." Ebony's eyes widen and she looks straight at me with fear written across her face

"Don't worry ebony, it's nothing terrible, it just means reading and writing is a little bit more of a struggle for you, but with the right help we can get you there" the doctor explained to her.

"Now ebony, when me and nurse jones were looking at you we noticed some bruising and marks on your back and stomach, can you tell us how they got there?" He asked her

She shook her head

"Baby, we all want to help you but we can't if you don't tell us what's going on" I told her

"But mummy you'll hate me"

"Mummy could never hate you, I want to protect you ebony. look at me, pretend it's just you and me at home and tell me how you got those marks"

Whatever answer I was expecting It was not what came out of ebony's mouth

"Mummy it was sian"

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter i will try and update very soon.

Sorry if this is rubbish but I do only do this for fun

Thank you again for reading xxxx

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