I've got my baby back

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Naya POV

"GIRLS COME ON, WE'RE GOING IN A MINUTE" I shouted up the stairs.

I had spent the last hour packing up loads of ebony's toys and clothes for her, as if I was going to let her pack for herself.

She was feeling a lot better today, I think she's just concentrating on the fact she's seeing Demi later.

We're driving up there soon, we're gonna spend some time with Dem before her sound check and concert then the day after I'm driving back home with Evie.

I didn't make Evie go into school today, I'd have had to pick her up early anyway.

I asked Linsey if she wanted to grab a lift with us but she said she had to sort some things out before she left to join the tour. She told me she would get dropped off in a couple of days. I was fine with that. It meant demi and ebony got some time together.

Evie had once again gone into quiet mode and despite her protest I managed to force her to eat something this morning when ebby was watching Disney channel. I didn't want ebony witnessing it, she'd only copy.

"See mommy now?" Ebby said as she skipped over to me.

"Very soon baby, do you think you could have a sleepy in the car for mama?" I say crouching down to her level. She hasn't had a nap today and she was quite restless in the night. She would also be going to bed late today as Demi's concert didn't finish till past her usual bedtime. I don't want her being grumpy.

"I no tired, I wanna see mommy"

She gave me a cute little pout.

"Baba, when you wake up you can see mommy"

"Dolly sleep as well?"

"Hahaha yes baby. Dolly can have a sleep to" I laughed and ruffled her hair as I stood up.

Evie still hadn't come down. I told ebby to wait near the door while I went and got Eve. When I walked in her room she was laying in her bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Come on Evie, we're going"

"Can I not just stay here?" She asked

"No you can't now let's get going. Your mommy wants to see you"

"She wants to see ebony" she muttered under her breath, thinking I didn't hear. I let it slide and decide to talk to her in the car, she won't be able to run off then.

I fastened ebby into her car seat and placed a little blanket over her. I handed her a bottle of juice in one hand and gave her her dolly in the other.

"Kissy mama" she said sweetly.

She made a little duck face and I kissed her lips. She smiled and snuggled herself into the car seat more.

I got in the car and drove away.

Within about ten minutes she was fast asleep with her bottle in her mouth. I don't know how she's managed that.

"Chick, just lean over and take the bottle out her mouth" I ask Evie. I clearly can't do it as I'm driving.

Once she's facing the front again I attempt to start a conversation.

"So why didn't you wanna come see mommy babe?"

"No reason"

"Oh come on Evie, I thought you were missing demi?"

"I am"

"Then why aren't you excited?"

I could tell she was about to cry, but I had to keep pushing her. I had to get her to open up to me.

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