confessions at the beach

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Demi's POV

"Right come on, not that I don't love sitting here with you but I think we need some fresh air, let's have a drive down to the beach" I sat up bringing ebony up with me.

"Can't you just go and get fresh air, I'm fine here"

When Eb said that I remembered what I had read earlier that morning in her file. It was going to be so hard with my job trying to keep her away from people so I need to start working on her anxiety with her.

"No, baby I promise I won't let anything happen to you, we won't go for long I'll be with you the whole time."

"ok I'll try"

"good girl baby"

And with that we got I went and got changed into denim shorts and my converse.

As I'm walking back down stairs Ebony is standing by the door looking terrified. I didn't speak to her I just took hold of her hand as we went and got in the car.

Ebony's POV

I can't believe Demi is making me go to the beach, doesn't she know how many people there are going to be, and I can bet that half of them will know who she is. I trust her, I really do but I hate being around lots of people.

Demi walked down the stairs and oh my gosh, she looks gorgeous; I know she does all the time but at this moment it hit me. I still can't believe I'm living with Demi.

Demi's POV

It wasn't a long drive at all, only about twenty minutes but Ebony was silent the whole way, she just sat silently staring out of the window, it wasn't an awkward silence by any means and I know that I had only met her this morning. It must be such a big change for her and I really need to speak to her about her issues because I know what they are on paper but I need her to tell me what's going on and how she's feeling.

I got out the car and went round to get Eb. We made our way down to the beach, it was busier that I had expected, but it had brightened and warmed up since earlier. I realized then that Ebony wasn't joking when she said she didn't like lots of strangers around, she walked very close to me so I just took hold of her hand and gave it a little squeeze.

We found ourselves a quiet spot away from the busy crowds of people and sat down next to each other.

"thank you" Ebony said softly, looking up at me

"what for?"

"for just being there, and making me feel like it's alright to talk to you"

I didn't say anything I just put her arm around her and kissed the top of her head gently. I was beginning to feel very maternal and protective over Ebony. It was now or never, taking a deep breath I started to ask her to tell me her story.

"Ebony sweetheart, I need you to try and be honest with me, I know it's hard to talk about everything at once but I need you to try for me"

Ebony looked terrified at the thought of telling me everything that was going on, but eventually said,

"What do you want to know?"

I gave her a little comforting smile and proceeded to ask her about what I'd read in her file.

"When I was about three or four my mummy and daddy started getting drunk all the time and they stopped taking me to school so they could have party's all the time. The men came up to me and said they wanted to play a game. I didn't want to, it didn't feel right demi. They carried on doing it every week, they hurt me. Every person that I came across did something to hurt me whether it was hitting me, raping me or just shouting at me."

I sat there staring down at my little girl, her story was breaking my heart, a little girl of six years old shouldn't even know what rape is.

"I don't like sleeping, its dark and you can't control things, you don't know who's there," Ebony's voice was beginning to crack and I could tell she was about to cry so I picked her up and sat her between her legs. Eb lay back so that she was snuggled into me, her head was on my chest and she continued to talk,,,,,,

"I try to stay asleep but I end up waking up straight away, as soon as I shut my eyes everything comes back to me, it makes me think about things, things I don't want to think about"

"and what about the not eating properly sweetie?"

"I don't really know, it just happened and I can't get out of it. My parents didn't feed me and their friends and everybody at the orphanage bullied me telling me to lose weight or nobody would want me"

"ok, well I'm really proud of you for telling me all of this and I'm going to help you Eb, I promise, no matter what it takes"

"but other people have tried, it won't work"

"Darling I'm not going to give up on you, we'll get this sorted together. Now then, it's getting late we better get back home"

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