Home, bath & bad dream

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Naya POV

After spending hours in the hospital that day with Evie, Demi finally persuaded me to go home with her for a bit to rest and freshen up. I really did not want to leave Evie there on her own but she promised me it would be ok if I left for a bit.

When Demi arrived a few hours later with Ebby we decided to all just chill and watch films, Demi nipped out to get us all some edible food as we were not eating that hospital crap. Ebony was a little nervous around me at first but she soon warmed up and was snuggled into me while Demi had Evie.

"Babe, I'm gonna go have a bath, that ok?" Demi asked when we entered our home

"Of course babe, I'm gonna ring my mom and sister" I replied

"Me bath with you mummy?" Ebby said, jumping up at Demi. She sighed before bending down and picking her up.

"Yeah come on, if you want baby"

Demi was shattered and I knew she just wanted some time alone but after what happened earlier with ebony there was no way Demi would say no to her.

When they went upstairs I headed towards the sofa, I threw myself down on it and grabbed my phone, I had been that engrossed in Evie that I had forgotten to inform my family of what was going on.

After I had said goodbye to my mom I realised I needed to be with Evie. Yes I'm tired and yes I need a break but I can't be at home knowing my little girl is in hospital.

Demi POV

"Alright baby girl take your clothes off and put them in the wash basket" I instructed Ebby as I began to draw the bath.

"Mummy do it" she said sweetly

"No baby, you can do that yourself"

I ignored her whining, knowing that she was just incredibly tired and proceeded to undress my self. After throwing my clothes in the wash I turned round to see Ebby still stood there in her little dress. I laughed to myself, the tiredness taking over me, I knew this was going to be a long night. I crouched down in front of her and lifted her dress over her head and held her up while she took off her little panties. I lifted Ebby into the water and climbed in after her. As soon as I was lay down in the bath she climbed on me for cuddles. I held her close while she rested her head on my chest.

"Don't fall asleep baby girl. Mummy needs you awake while you're in the bath."

"Ok mummy, I stay awake" she yawned.

I was about to reply to her when the bathroom door opened and in walked my beautiful fiancé who looked like she could fall asleep any second. She smiled weakly when she saw me and ebony.

"Dem I'm gonna head back to the hospital. I've changed my mind I can't leave her there alone."

"Babe no. Look at you, you're shattered. You need to get a good nights sleep and we'll go straight back in the morning. It's late Evie will be fast asleep by now" I tried to reason

"But what if she's not, what if something's happened and she needs us?"

She perched on the side of the bathtub and I took one of her hands in mine.

"Naya, if something happens the hospital will ring us. Evie told you to come home"

"I know but our little girl Demi" she said, starting to cry. Now I know how tired she is. Naya hardly ever cries.

Ebony's head lifted off my boobs when she heard Naya crying, she had a cute confused look on her face as her eyes concentrated between myself and Naya.

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