Back from surgery

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Demi POV

I had just watch doctors wheel my baby girl through to surgery, when the doors closed I turned to Naya and buried my head into her shoulder and let out uncontrollable sobs.

"Shhhh Demi calm down. Breath baby" she whispered softly in my ear as she led me back towards the waiting room.

We have a long wait on our hands now.

Naya and I sat in silence in each other's arms, neither of us knew what to say. We just wanted our little girl back with us.

Half an hour passed and we were broken from our silence when my phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID before answering and noticed that it was Marissa.

D- hey mar

M- hey, do you have any news, how is she?

D- she's in surgery now, they are taking her appendix out

M- well at least it's something fixable, she'll be ok you know Demi

D- I know, I just hate seeing one of my babies sick or in pain, speaking of babies can I hear Ebby crying?

M- yeah she's on my lap, she's not stopped crying for two hours. I'm out of ideas.

D- hold on a second Mar

"Naya babe, Marissa's really struggling to calm Ebby down. She said she's been crying for two hours. Should we tell her to give her a bottle?" I asked my sleepy fiancé who's legs we're draped over mine

"I don't know dem, she's gone over a month without one now" she replied

"I know but Mar can't handle her like we can. Ebby knows she can't get bottles off us anymore"

"Ok then, but just this once while it's an emergency" Naya finally agreed

I nod at her before turning my attention back to Rissa.

D- Mar?

M- yeah?

D- there should be a spare bottle in one of the kitchen cupboards, I saved it for emergencies. Go warm her up a bottle of milk and she should calm down.

M- alright thanks. I'll speak to you later

D- thanks Riss, look after my little girl

M- always

After the phone call ended I snuggled back into Naya, who then wrapped her arms protectively around me.

We must have both fallen asleep because the next thing we know is we are both being woken up by the doctor.

We both instantly became alert and started firing questions at the doctor.

"How is she?"

"Where's our baby?"

"What happened?"

"Ladies, please calm down" the doctor calmly said

"Sorry" Naya and I said simultaneously, like two schoolgirls in trouble.

"She's stable, her heart rate and blood pressure drastically dropped a couple of times during the surgery which put her in danger but she's ok. It was successful" he informed us

"Thank you so much. Can we see her?" Naya asked

"Of course, she should be waking up soon"

Naya and I once again sat beside our little girl in a hospital bed. I was still worried about her but relief ran through me as I kept reminding myself that the operation was a success. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Evie's hand moved a little under mine.

"Mmmhh" she whined as she began to wake up

"Shhh Evie it's ok, we're here baby girl" Naya cooed over her

"Mama" she struggled to say

"Yeah baby it's mama, Mommy's here too" Naya replied to her.

Her eyes finally opened properly and she gave us a weak smile when she saw us both.

"How you feeling sweetheart?"


"Ok well I'll go tell the doctor you're awake" I said standing up out of the chair.

When I returned with the doctor I was met with the sight of Naya holding Evie's hair back as she was being sick. I naturally rushed over to her

"What's going on?" I said with a panic filled voice

"It's nothing serious, just the effects of the anaesthetic wearing off" the doctor explained

When Evie was settled again the doctor gave her more pain relief and told us she would be in hospital for at least the next five days and would be uncomfortable and in pain for the first couple. I looked at the time on my phone and noticed it was 6am. We all really needed sleep. Naya and I should probably go home and freshen up but I really don't want to leave her.

"Sweetie, try and get some sleep, it will ease the pain a little." I said softly to her

"No I'm scared" she said as she began to cry.

I think she's suddenly got a little overwhelmed with everything that has happened. Plus she's tired, feeling sick and in pain. Naya climbs up carefully onto the bed to comfort her.

"Shhhh sweetie it's ok. You're safe" I say, taking hold of her hand

"It hurts mummy" she whimpers

"I know baby girl, come on try and get some sleep."

"Don't leave me" she begs

"We're not going anywhere" Naya answers her. That confirms my idea that Naya and I are staying here instead of going home for a bit.

Evie nods slightly and attempts to snuggle into Naya, unfortunately she can't roll over because of the pain she's in, she needs to stay flat on her back. This sets her off into another round of tears as all she wants is a cuddle with her mama.

I walk around the other side of the bed and start playing with her hair, she calms down slightly so I try the technique I use with Ebby when she refuses to sleep. I begin tracing a line with my finger down her nose from her forehead. I continue to do this until her eyes close as she's peacefully asleep. Naya sighs with relief and jumps off the bed.

"Come on then D" she says, taking my hand and leading me to the sofa in Evie's hospital room. It's just big enough for Naya and I to lie on side by side. Naya lays down with her back against the back of the sofa, I go in front of her and she instantly wraps her arm around my waist.

I relax from the comfort I receive from her touch.

"I love you" she breaths softly against my neck

"I love you too" I reply before we both fall into a well needed sleep.

I know it's not the best or longest chapter but you did get two updates tonight so forgive me :)

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