First family meal

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Demi POV


A couple of minutes later Evie came and joined Naya and I at the table.

"Where's Ebby?" I asked

"She said she didn't want to come down"

I made a move to get out of my seat but Naya stopped me,

"I'll get her dem"

"Thanks babe"

When Naya went to go get Ebony I averted my attention back to Evie, she was looking down and nervously playing with her hands. I rested my hand on top of one of hers and gave her a comforting smile.

"I can't do it Demi" she said as she stared at all the food on the table.

"Yes you can sweetie, I know you can. You don't have to eat loads but you are going to eat and you're going to keep it down. I'll help you"

As I finished talking to Evie, Naya walked back carrying a struggling Ebony.

"No, no food" she cried

Naya placed her down on a chair but she immediately got off and tried to run away,

"Ebony no" Naya said sternly

i stuck my arm out and quickly pulled her on to my knee.

"Baby foods good for you, you'll get poorly without it" I added

She turned herself round and snuggled into me. I know she's tired so that's not helping her mood I really want to nurse her to sleep but she needs to eat. I looked across the table at Evie and she was just sitting there awkwardly. I think she's finally realised that yes Ebony struggles as well. It's going to be so difficult having two baby girls with eating disorders.

"Right girls" I began as I forced Ebby back around.

"Naya and I both know that you don't like meal times but I can promise you it will get easier and we will help you through it, you can help each other. Now why don't we all eat dinner then we can watch a movie all together"

"Ok mama" Ebby whimpered. I placed her back down on her own chair but she started to make grabbing gestures for me.

"No baby, sit with mommy after dinner"

She frowned and began slowly eating her dinner. Evie's eyes had glossed over and Naya seemed to have noticed this as well. She took hold of Evie's hand and helped her get through the meal. I don't know how I'd cope being a single mom with two young girls. Thank god for Naya.

Towards the end I had to finish feeding Ebony because she got fussy and agitated but I was happy with the amount that both girls ate.

"Well done my babies, I'm so proud of you, now let's go watch a movie"

I picked up a slightly crying Ebony and swayed her from side to side before grabbing a bottle and heading towards the living room. Naya waited behind with Evie who was clearly panicking, I'd have stayed with her but I wanted to get Ebby out of the way.

Naya POV

"Evie talk to me" I said calmly.

I could see her panicking, she had tears in her eyes and her chest was moving up mad down too quickly for my liking. She shook her head at me and her eyes kept glancing towards the bathroom.

"Evie no, come to me"

She was in a complete world of her own, she looked like a little zombie. Before she even had chance to run to the bathroom I took hold of her. I wrapped my arms around her, that's when she began hysterically crying into my chest. I stroked her hair and kissed her head in an attempt to calm her down.

"Baby it's ok, I'm here it's all ok"

"I don't like it, Naya make it stop"'

"Oh sweetheart shhhhhhh, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere you've done so well. Come on let's go sit with Demi and Ebony, Demi's better and things like this than I am"

She looked up at me and gave me a weak smile

"You're better than you think you are"'

I led Evie into the living room and saw that Demi had completely calmed Ebby down and had her across her lap and was giving her a bottle. The whole idea of giving them up hadn't really worked she still needed them. I sat next to Demi and pulled Evie on my lap so she didn't feel left out. I covered all four of us with a blanket and pressed play to start the movie.

About half way through both girls were fast asleep.

"That was easy" Demi joked

"Let's put them to bed babe"

We carried a baby girl each and undressed them carefully, once they were in their pyjamas we tucked them in their beds and switched on their baby monitors, we thought getting them was a good idea as we would definitely be able to hear them if one had a nightmare or needed us.

"Looks like we can have time to ourselves tonight baby" Demi whispered in my ear seductively

"Let's go" I quickly said before I dragged her into our room and began undressing her.........


Thought I'd give you a quick, short filler chapter

Let me know where you want me to go with the story

I love your ideas


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