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Maddie POV.

When we had to take ebony home I thought she was going to cry and cry and cry. I thought she would refuse to let go of Demi, but she didn't. She just stayed quiet and It seemed like she wanted Marissa more than anyone.

"Ebony, we've already been to your house so I've got you some clothes and toys packed so we're just going to go straight back to our house ok?" My mom explained to her as we were driving home.

"Ok" she said quietly

I may only be 12 but I love my niece so much and I want to be the best auntie for her.

When we got home I helped Ebby out of the car and held her hand as we walked up to the house. Ebony dropped my hand and walked towards one of the sofas, she climbed up and lay down before pulling her knees to her chest and curling up in a little ball.

I walked over to her and crouched down so I was at her level

"Do you want me to get your blankie, and teddy bear?"

"please" she almost whimpered

I quickly rummaged through the bag my mom packed and went straight back over to her. I took her little white sandals off and placed the blanket over her little body. She took her bear out of my hands and pulled it into her chest. I sat on one of the armchairs just watching her as she fell asleep, I didn't take her long.

"Mom something's not right with Ebby" I said as I walked through to the kitchen where my mom was making lunch.

"She's probably just tired, is she taking a nap?"

"Yeah she's asleep now but I'm serious, she's acting so strangely like how often is it she would rather be with Marissa than Demi?" I argued my point

"Yeah that was strange. Well then seeing as you're playing the role of responsible adult today why don't you do a bit of detective work and find out" she joked

"Alright then, I can't wait to say I told you so" I laughed a little and so did my mom

I helped my mom finish making lunch and at the same time I was on my phone texting Demi. I wanted to know if anything happened with ebony this morning. She replied quite quickly telling me about the incident with Evie and how she wouldn't let anyone but Marissa hold her. Now I knew what happened, I could try and question her a little.

"I'm just gonna go wake Ebby up for lunch" my mom said, walking to the living room.

I expected to hear Ebony's cries but no noise came, my mom just carried a very sleepy Ebby into the kitchen on her hip. She still had hold of the bear. When my mom placed her down on a chair she climbed off it and went straight back to my mom.

"Wanna sit with grandma?" She said softly to her

Ebony just nodded and placed her head on my moms shoulder. I think my mom was clever enough not to make her sit on her own and feed herself. As long as we can keep Ebby calm and not get her worked up she'll be ok. I watched as my mom ate her food at the same time as feeding ebony. I think she secretly missed having a little child to baby.

"Maddie, I really have to go out and help Dallas with something soon. I can take Ebby with me but it wouldn't really be ideal. You think you can manage on your own with her for a bit until your dad gets home?" She asked

I was shocked, I didn't think she would trust me. She knows how hard it can be looking after Ebby.

"Yeah sure. What you think Ebony? You ok staying with me?" I asked her

For the first time all day she gave me a smile. It wasn't a big one but it was a genuine one. She gave a nod of the head before continuing to eat.

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