Bath time

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Ebony's POV
Oh my gosh Demi wants to give me a bath, she's gonna see everything, my scars, my bruises. what's she going to think.
I really don't want her to give me a bath, what if she hurts me as well. I hate water , I hate hate hate it.

I'm too tired to fight her though, she's in the bathroom running the bath now, I really hope she doesn't hate me because of what my body looks like.

"Eb, come on baths ready" Demi shouted from the bathroom.
I can feel myself shaking as I'm walking, I'm trying my best to hide it, I don't want Demi finding out I have a fear of water as well, she won't want me anymore and I don't blame her. I can't expect her to be able to handle me the way I am.

"Eb, are you ok?"
"Yeah w-wh-why wouldn't I b-bee" I stuttered

"Come here then gorgeous" she said as she crouched down near me helping me undress. I saw her eyes widen as more and more of my scars and bruises were revealed to her. I could feel tears falling down my Cheeks I didn't even know I'd started crying.
"Please don't hate me" I cried at her
"Oh sweetheart, why would I hate you?" she was stoking my cheek as she spoke, i felt so comforted my her touch.

"Because I'm ugly, look at me. how could you not hate me? I'm weak, I couldn't stand up to them and look what happened. I'm fat and scarred and ugly. I don't want you to get involved with me, you'll be unhappy, ill end up hurting you. Oh and please please don't make me get in the bath, I hate it, the water scares me"

By this point I'm crying hysterically and I can see tears forming I'm demi's eyes.

"Come on shhhh, shhh I'm here, it's ok. ebony trust me ok"

I look in her eyes and start nodding my head. She picked me up and carefully placed me down, surprisingly the water was soothing and I felt myself relax. Dem came and sat on the side of the bath, and started stroking my hair.

Demi's POV

"Ebony, baby I need you to know that none of this is your fault"

"It is. It's all my fault" she cried, looking down at all the scars on her body

"Baby, you're my beautiful little girl, nothing is ever going to change that. no amount of scaring or bruising will ever change that. I promise you with all my heart." I told her lovingly but sternly so that she knew I meant what I said.

She just nodded at me and I proceeded to rub shampoo into her hair. when I went to pour water over her head she flipped.
"No, no water! don't drown me"
"Ebby, baby, I'm washing your hair. I'm not going to hurt you, it's just a little bit of water and then I can get you out and ready for bed"

I attempted again to rinse her hair and this time she let me.

After about 15 minutes ebony was dried and dressed in her little pink onesie. I'd dried her hair and walked her into her bedroom.

"Come on you, let's get you settled" I said as I lifted her into her big double bed. I noticed she'd gone really quiet but after the day she had had and after telling me all her secrets it was no wonder she was tired. I also know that she finds bed time hard so this could potentially be quite traumatic for her as well.
"I'll be back in a minute sweetie"

I returned two minutes later with a bottle of juice for her.
"Come here baby" I said climbing into bed with her. I pulled her in close to me and wrapped her into my body. with my arm around her I held the juice to her . I knew that she wouldn't drink it without me holding it to her mouth for her. it was the cutest thing seeing her cuddled into me I never want to let her go. I can see how worn out she is and after a while her eyes are slowly beginning to close. finally my baby is asleep and I can feel myself drifting off as well. I can't wait to introduce her to everybody soon.

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