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Demi POV

While ebony is getting her onesie on I go to my film cupboard to choose a film.
Ok so nothing scary for her, or too grown up, she's only six.

Right so a Disney film it is, erm i think she'll enjoy beauty and the beast.

After getting my pyjamas on I go and climb into my bed, ebony is sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed.

"Come cuddle eb"

She tenses up

"Baby I'm not going to make you go to sleep, we're going to watch a film, come and give mummy a cuddle"

She crawls over to me and climbs in under the covers. She snuggles into me, I press play and then wrap my arms around ebby.

Ebony POV

I like this film. I love Disney, I've only seen a few films though, they didn't have many in the orphanage.

I can feel myself getting sleepy, I need to fight it, I need to stay awake.

The film finishes and I sit up straight, moving away from demi slightly.

"Baby it's late now, come lay down"

"I'm fine, you go to sleep demi" I tell her

"Ebony, you're six years old and have had a very long day. I'm not falling asleep and leaving you sat here awake"

"Demi I'm scared, every time I sleep I have nightmares so what's the point"

"I know sweetheart but even if you do have a nightmare I'm gonna be right here, just come lay down, you don't have to shut your eyes yet, let's take it slowly"

I crawl back under the covers and lay on my back just staring at the ceiling. Demi turns onto her side, facing me and props herself up on her elbow.

"Good girl" she says stroking my hair

Before I knew it she was wiping the tears away from my cheeks, I didn't even know I was crying.

"Shhh ebony, it's ok shhhh"

She starts singing to me softly, it's the song she did for Frozen the new Disney film "let it go"

Demi POV

I carry on singing and stroking her hair until her eyes finally close. I wrap my arms around her an get comfy myself.

As I'm lying here waiting to fall asleep my mind is over run with thoughts of ebony.

I don't know whether i should take her to a doctor or a child therapist or something. I'm doing the best I can to help her but what if she does need professional help. I can't see her agreeing to go, I'd have to drag her there and then restrain her on my knee or something.

She's only been with me two days and she's made some improvements already so with I bit more time she might be ok.

I'm just about getting her settled here so I'll leave it for now but if she doesn't improve or starts to get worse I'm taking her to see someone.

And on that note, I fall asleep too.

Ebony POV

My eyes flutter open and i can see the sun creeping in through the curtains.

I roll over and the clock says it's 8:30 am.

That can't be right, there is no way I've slept through the whole night without waking up.

I roll onto my other side and demi is staring down at me with a huge grin on her face.

"You did it baby girl"

"I can't have"

"Yes you did, I'm so so proud of you sweetheart"

She kisses my forehead and pulls me even tighter into her arms.

"I've just checked my schedule and I'm off work for the rest of the week so was thinking I could make some calls today about tutors and then towards the end of the week you can help me interview a few of them. What you think?"

"Can't you just teach me?"

She lifts my head up so i meet her eyes.

"If I could baby I would, but a) I wouldn't have the time and b) I'm nowhere near qualified enough to be a tutor. But ebony you'll be fine, at first you can have your lessons with me there with you, I'll just be doing my work at the same time ok?"


"Baby we'll find someone who's right for you I promise"

"What are we doing today then?"

"Hmmm well let's go get ready, eat breakfast while I make some calls and then go somewhere fun"

And with that she threw the bed covers off us and jumped up. She went across the hall, into my room and started picking out clothes for me.

The weather looks really warm today do she throws a little summer dress at me, along with a little white cardigan.

"You're going to look so cute in that, get changed and I'll come do your hair in a minute once I'm ready"

"Demi I can do my own hair you know" I said laughing at her

"Yes I know but you're my little girl and I like doing it"

I can't be bothered waiting up here for dem to get ready so I make my way downstairs into the living-room.

I sit on the big fluffy rug and take some of the stuff demi bought me out of the bags. I told her I didn't want a phone yet, I had to keep reminding her that I was six. She realised then that I had never really had anything to play with. We went in the Disney store an she went crazy. She bought me this beautiful Disney princess doll house with all the princesses to go with it. I can't wait to set it all up.

Demi's POV

I got back into ebony's room an she isn't there, I head down towards the living room and I stop just before I reach it.

I stand there watching my little girl play. Wow she speaks like she's a teenager but deep down she is still a baby girl. It's so nice watching her having fun.

I leave her to play while I go and make breakfast, I'll stick to porridge for now while I know she'll eat it, I'm gonna add a bit of honey in it just so it's not as bland for her.

"Ebony, breakfast"

She comes walking in slowly

"Come on ebby" I say patting the high stool at the kitchen counter.

I lift her on the the stool and place the bowl in front of her. I stood behind her and started to brush her hair, might as well get two things done at once. I leave it all down, her loose curls flowing down her back. I add a cute flower clip to keep her hair out of her eyes and she's all ready to go.

I peer over her shoulder to see how much she's eaten. Nowhere near enough yet but she's not stopped. I grab my bowl and sit next to her.

"Can I go play?"

"Yeah baby but only once you've finished eating"

"I've finished"

"Nice try baby girl"

After about ten minutes I'm satisfied with what she's eaten.

"Off you go and play then while I make a few calls"

She carefully climbs down off the stool and runs into the living room, she's that preoccupied with her dolls that she's not even tried to go to the bathroom. Well that is a pleasant surprise.

I pass ebony and she is sat humming to herself, playing quietly. I go into my office and start work on finding a tutor.

Ebony POV

I'm playing with my dolls but I can think about is how full I feel. I thought distracting myself with toys would help and it did for a bit but I really feel full. I hate this feeling

I look round and demi has just gone into her office.

Quietly I run upstairs and into my bathroom. I haven't eaten loads so it won't take me long to get rid of everything. But then again I've eaten everything I've been given in two full days.

I flush the toilet, wash my hands and clean my teeth.

Yes I've got away with it, I don't like hiding things from demi but she'd be so angry if she found out.

I unlock the bathroom door and as I open it my heart sinks.

Demi POV

It doesn't take me long to get names of some tutors, I print off there applications and go to find ebony.

That's strange, she's not playing. I only left her ten minutes ago.

Once i get in her bedroom I can hear all too familiar sounds.

My poor baby is making herself throw up, she'll have locked the door, I'm not gonna try and get in.

I sit on her bed waiting for her to come out, I don't have to wait long before I hear the door unlock.

She walks out and her eyes lock with mine. Instantly she runs out of the room.

I know she won't go out of the house, without sounding horrible, she isn't brave enough, she wouldn't leave. Instead she runs into the garden and curls up on the swinging chair.

I make my way over to her and she cowers away in a little ball.

"Baby I'm not angry, let me help you"

Hearing her cry breaks my heart.

"Come here princess" I say sitting down next to her and pulling her on my knee

"Baby why didn't you come and talk to me, I could have helped you"

"I-I did-didn't want to m-make you angry" she sobbed into my chest.

"Oh ebby i wouldn't have been angry, if you're struggling you need to let me know so I can help"

"I'm so sorry mummy"

"I know baby but you don't need to be, you've done so well so far I couldn't be prouder"

She snuggles into me and her tears stop.

"How you feeling baby girl?"

"Ok I think"

"Let's go to the mall, that always cheers me up"

We get to the mall an quickly dodge the paps, I'm carrying ebony on my hip until she gets used to the surroundings.

Fans automatically start coming over and asking for pictures and autographs. I love my fans so much but I don't want them freaking ebby out.

"Baby can I put you down for a second, just while I sign these"


"Good girl" I say placing her onto the ground. I feel her hand grip my shirt.

As soon as I put ebony down even more lovatics come rushing over.

I do my best to sign all the autographs, take pictures and at the same time keep one eye on ebony but the crowd around me is getting bigger and bigger.

Eventually everyone leaves, wow that was a lot of lovatics.

I turn round and I can't see ebony anywhere.

I keep looking then notice a little girl standing against the wall on the other side of the mall.

I run over to my baby and she's uncontrollably shaking. She's not even registering me, she's gone into her own world.

"Eb, ebby look at me, baby look at me"

"I- I can't bbr-breath"

"Sweetie copy me, breath with me"

I take hold of her hands to try and stop the shaking but she moves them away.

"I don't like it"

"I know baby I know, come on copy me, match my breathing"

She slowly starts to relax, her breathing is still way too irregular.

"Mummy I don't feel well"

"What's the matter baby"

But before she can answer me her eyes shut and she collapses and falls straight to the floor.

A/n thank you so much for all the reads :)

A special thank you to the people who have messaged me giving me ideas, you know who you are and I'm so grateful. :)
I'm working on something with them in.

I'll update ASAP


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