The tour is soon

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*few days later

Naya POV

"Girls! Come out here" I shouted.

Demi's tour starts in a couple of days and we really need to explain to the girls what's going to happen.

Demi is really excited about her tour, it's so cute, but at the same time she's terrified about how the girls will cope.

Demi and I are currently laying on a picnic blanket in the back garden. We see the girls coming outside to join us, they are holding hands. They both sit opposite us looking scared.

"What's up?" Evie asks

I look at Demi who looks as if she's about to cry, looks like I'm doing the talking then.

"Well girls, you know how mommy is going on tour?" They both nod but Ebby looks a bit confused.

"Well she leaves on Sunday" I tell them.

"I go with you mommy?" Ebony asks Demi

Demi puts her arms out and pulls Ebony onto her lap and kisses her head.

"Yes baby, but not for the first few days, mommy needs to get everything sorted before you come join me" Demi told her

"No I go with mommy" Ebony cried

"Shhhh baby, you will come with mommy but you need to stay with Mama and Evie for a few days"

"No mommy!" She said, getting wound up

"Calm down baba, it's just a few days you will be fine" Demi cooed

Ebony then just turned and cuddled into Demi, gosh it's gonna be hard having to look after her on my own. Evie was just sat there quietly playing with the grass. She had become so distant these last few days since she had started school. The only thing we could get out of her was that she had a new friend called Reagan. I'm just glad she managed to find someone to hang around with, but other than that she won't tell us a thing. When she gets in from school she goes straight to her room claiming she's got too much homework.

"Evie are you ok?" I ask her

"I'm gonna miss mommy" she said as she looked up at Demi.

"I'm gonna miss you to angel, so so much but you'll be seeing me all the time. Mama will bring you to stay and you can carry on your school work with Lindsey." She replied softly.

"Please don't go" Evie begged as the tears began to spill. I felt helpless.

"Oh sweetheart don't cry, I'd love for you to come with me and you mean the world but this tour is very Important and means a lot to me"

My heart was breaking for Demi, I knew this was killing her.

"I know, I'm sorry mommy"

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to be sorry. I promise you I will phone and FaceTime you all the time baby, you can text me whenever and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you ever need me Evie, promise me you'll let me know!"

"I promise"

Demi gestured for Evie to join her and then for me. All four of us were laying down, cuddled up together looking up at the sky. I'm not going to lie, I was gonna miss my girl like hell.

"Mommy i cold" Ebony said after a while.

"Let's go in the jacuzzi then, have some fun time" Demi suggested

We all got up to go inside and get changed.

I notices the colour had completely drained out of Evie's face, it was replaced with panic. Demi got Ebony changed as well as herself and headed back outside. I got changed into my plain black bikini and noticed Evie was hanging back a little. She was just sat on her bed playing with her hands.

"You ok angel?" I asked, popping my head round her door.

"Can I just stay up here?"

"Why sweetheart, don't you want to join in with family time?"

I joined her on her bed and placed my hand on her back comfortingly. I noticed a tear rolling down her cheek, I used my thumb to wipe it away.

"Talk to me" I said softly

"I can't" she admitted

"Baby girl you can tell me anything, you know that"

"You won't judge?"

"Never baby"

She got up off the bed and stood in front of me. First she took off her jeans which revealed all scars on her upper thighs. next she pulled her top off her head, she hadn't hit puberty so she didn't need a proper bra yet she just wore the thin crop tops. All across her hips and stomach were scars. Old and new. Now I knew why she didn't want to wear a bikini.

"You're so beautiful Evie."

She shook her head and cried harder.

"No. No I'm not. Look at me mama I'm fat and covered in scars. How is the beautiful?"

"Ok sweetie, for starters you're not fat, you're tiny which I'm telling you now we are going to work on. And baby your scars just show how strong and brave you are. There nothing to be ashamed of. Can I ask you something Evie?"

She nodded

"All these scars, they weren't all caused by you were they?"

"No mama, some are from my dad and brother."

She stood with her legs a little wider and you could see huge scars around her inner thighs, right next to her precious area. She was only a baby.

"They hurt me mama" she cried.

I stood and walked over to her closet. I found a cute little bikini and returned to stand in front of Evie and pulled her into me for a hug.

"Baby I'm not going to let this stop you having fun, we're gonna get you changed and we're going to spend some well needed family time together"

"But what about mommy and Ebony?"

"Your mommy has scars sweetheart, she won't judge you and I doubt Ebby will notice"

"Ok mama"

"Good girl, now put this on, you're gonna look adorable"

She giggled and took the bikini off me.

Before we went back outside Evie and I made some non-alcoholic cocktails and put little umbrellas in them. I poured Ebby's into a bottle before carrying them all out on a tray.

I laughed when I saw Ebby was tickling Demi.

Evie looked all tense so when we finally got in the jacuzzi I pulled her onto my lap. She wriggled about a bit before she eventually relaxed.

We were drinking our cocktails and Ebony must have been in a good mood because she held her own bottle. She was still lay across Demi's lap though.

"Should we do something tonight?" I asked

"Anything in mind?" Dem replied

"How about the cinema, what do you think girls?" I suggested

They both nodded, well Evie did. Ebony must have been due a nap because she was half asleep in Demi's arms.

I scooted round further so I was right next to Demi, i placed one hand on her thigh and she gave me a warm smile. I new she was going to miss this family time while she was away. Evie was occupying herself by tracing Demi's tattoos with her finger.

We got out shortly after and Demi went to put Ebby down for a nap so that she wasn't all fussy when we went out later.


It's short but I felt like being nice and giving you an update :)

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