Am i still your baby?

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Demi POV

"Baby, sit down please" I said firmly to ebony, who was currently playing up in the Greek restaurant we were in. A couple of people were turning their heads to look at what was going on, but once they realised it was just a child throwing a tantrum they carried on with their own conversations.

Naya was on one side of the table with Evie, while I was on the other with my little crying diva.

"Sit down. Now" I quietly but sternly said. She was trying to climb off her chair to get onto my lap.

"Mummy please" she cried at me.

I felt so guilty that my child was crying for me like this, I knew if I just placed her on my lap she would settle down a bit, but she knows the rules at meal times. I'm not giving in.

Once again I placed her back in her seat, but this time kept my arms round her to restrict her from getting up again. She finally realised that she wasn't going to get her own way so sat there silently crying. I got her colouring book out of my bag and handed it to her to hopefully distract her. She began colouring in a picture but the tears didn't stop. I turned to Naya and Evie and started a conversation with them, with the hope that Ebby would eventually calm down.

"What are you gonna order for dinner Evie?" I questioned

"Erm, salad?" She said nervously. Naya and I glanced at each other

"Baby if you get a salad you will have to share some of mine or your moms food as well" Naya told her

"Fine, I'll get chicken" she sighed

"Good girl" I said, giving her a comforting smile.

I decided I'd order the same thing for ebony as well. When our food came I cut Ebony's up for her and handed her a fork. She looked up at me with red, puffy, pleading eyes; silently begging me to feed her. I wish she knew how much I wanted to hold her on my lap and spoon feed her but she had to get passed this.

"Come on princess, eat up for mummy"

"Mummy please" she whimpered.

I think I could start crying myself soon, the guilt was driving me crazy. I took a deep breath and shook my head at her.

"Mummy needs to eat her dinner baby, I know you can feed yourself" I told her

She turned towards her dinner and poked the food around with her fork, as she sat there crying for me.

"Ebony just shut up!" Evie suddenly said

"Evie" Naya warned.

I looked at her and saw her fists clenching and noticed that her breathing began to quicken.

"No! All she's done all day is cry for no reason. I don't want to eat my dinner either but I still have to so just do it ebony!" She shouted at her.

"Evie that's enough" Naya scolded

By now ebony was in floods of tears and the reason this time was clear. Surely I should comfort her now, I mean she will calm down and that's what will calm Evie down if ebony stops crying.

I looked at Naya and she nodded. With Naya's agreement I pulled ebony onto my lap and allowed her to curl herself into my body and rest her head on my chest. Her cries pretty much stopped and Evie's breathing went back to normal as she relaxed. I'm not gonna shout at Evie, I mean she did have a point. I just can't bring myself to shout at either of the girls. We all continued eating and I fed ebony off my plate. I could feel her little jaw chewing against my boobs.

As we arrived back at the apartment I decided to take ebony for a walk down the the beach. I needed to find out what was going on, otherwise bedtime would be a complete nightmare.

"Naya, I'm gonna take Ebby for a walk to calm her down before bed. We won't be long." I informed her, pecking her lips straight after.

"Ok baby that's fine, don't be too long though it's getting late"

"I won't be don't worry baby, Evie come here a second sweetheart" I shouted over to her

She came walking up to me and found her way into my embrace, I kissed the top of her head before crouching down to her level.

"I'm just taking ebony out for a little walk ok, I'll be back before you go to bed"

"Ok mom" she smiled up at me.

"Come on then misses" I gestured to Ebby as I took hold of her hand.

"Uppy mummy" she whined as we began walking towards the beach. She held her arms up and tried to cling on to me.

"Princess, we're nearly at the beach. Just walk a little more" I practically begged

And right on cue. The tears began

I ignored her cries and carried on leading her towards the beach. Once we got there it was practically deserted. I found a suitable spot and sat myself down, this time allowing ebony to climb onto my lap. She curled herself up in the smallest ball and gripped onto my shirt like her life depended on it. I held her little shaking body in my arms whilst I made an attempt to calm her down.

"Shhhh it's ok darling, mummy's got you"

"Mummy's here baby girl." I soothed

"No no no" ebony cried into me

"No what baby?" I asked

"I not your baby" she whimpered

"What do you mean, you are my baby girl"

"Not anymore" she hiccuped.

"Princess, mummy's confused, explain to mummy what you're feeling" I calmly asked her

"You not want me as your baby anymore. You took the bottles away and the pushchair and I have to sleep on my own" she explained to me through all the tears. I realised then that I hadn't actually told her why I stopped the bottles and everything. I feel like such an idiot, I forget how impressionable she is, she picks up on everything and just assumes for herself what's going on. She never asks me questions about things, she always keeps things to herself. I should have sat her down and explained everything to her.

"No no no, ebony you've got it all wrong. You will always be my baby girl. You don't need to have baby things to be my little girl. Evie is my baby as well and she doesn't use bottles. Mama and I took them away because you don't need them anymore. We know you're big and clever enough to use big girl cups" I tried to explain everything as simply as I could.

"But mummy I like bottles"

"I know you do sweetheart, but you can't use them forever."

"So you still be my mummy then?" She asked

"Oh baby girl of course. I'll always be your mummy no matter what, and no matter how old you get. Mummy was just trying to help you grow up a little because I thought you were ready"

"I sorry mummy" she said as she buried her head into my chest

"No baby, mummy is sorry. I should have explained to you"

"I love you mummy"

I smiled down at my beautiful baby.

"I love you too baby girl"

"Mummy I tired" she yawned cutely

I kissed her head before standing up with her in my arms. I swung her round so she was placed comfortably on my hip, she rested her head on my shoulder as I made the short walk back to the apartment.


It feels great not having to worry about college. :)

Come on people don't be shy, share your ideas please, ya know because you love me ;)

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