How is Naya coping?

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Demi POV

I had just hung up on the phone with Naya, she was filling me in one everything that had been going on at home in the last few days.

My tour had kicked off to an amazing start and I couldn't wait for my girls to enjoy it with me. Naya is driving up tomorrow with the girls and she'll be leaving Ebony here with me. I'd have brought her with me from the start but I wanted to get used to tour life myself before throwing Ebby into the chaos.

Naya told me Ebby has been really well behaved at home. She kept telling Naya to tell me she was being a good girl. It was cute but I think she thought that if she was bad she wouldn't be allowed to stay with me. Though Naya also told be she had been struggling with Lindsey , Naya hadn't been able to leave them alone because Ebby would freak out. But apart from that she was being really good. I'm proud of her.

Evie on the other hand had apparently been a nightmare, I had expected it to be the other way around. She hasn't been eating, no matter how hard Naya tried, she'd just shut herself up in her room all week apparently and has hardly spoken to Ebby and Naya. I'm going to have a private word with her when she arrives tomorrow. To see if I can get through to her.

"Demi, soundcheck soon, come on" Marissa shouted. She's been so much fun these last few days and I know she will help me out with Ebby as well.

The next morning

Naya POV

"That's it, good girl Ebony" I said as Ebby began feeding herself. She's done really well these last few days, she's really surprised me. She's been joined at my hip though but that's what I expected. I know she misses Demi.

"You tell mommy I be good girl?" She asks me.

"Of course sweetie, mommy knows how good you're being and she's very excited to see you tomorrow" I tell her

"Ok mama"

"EVIE! Come on!" I shout for the fiftieth time. She's going to be late for school. She's done the same thing every morning this week, she's not come down for breakfast so that it gets to late and she has to leave without. I love her but she's really trying my patience this morning.

She came out of her room and stomped down the stairs.

"Go and eat something please" I told her

"I'm not hungry"

"Don't even bother with that one Evie, go eat" I reply sternly.

"I said no" she shouted.

Because she raised her voice, Ebony jumped and ran over to me. I held her on my hip and rocked her a little but I didn't take my eyes of Evie. I don't know what's gotten into her.

"Evie, what is your mom going to say when she finds out you haven't been eating?" I question

"Tell her, I don't care. But I thought you were supposed to be my mom as well. You haven't even been here this week. You've been at work with Ebony and her tutor so how would you even know I haven't been eating!" She screamed. I was so shocked by her sudden outburst I couldn't even speak. She walked passed me picked up her bag and turned to face me.

"I'm walking with Reagan" she said before she left and slammed the door.

All the noise had caused Ebby to start crying, I don't blame her, I wanted to cry as well. What's happened to my little girl.

"Shhhh Ebby it's ok, mama's here" I soothed. As soon as I gave her a bottle she calmed down

I sat on the sofa with her on my lap, just so I could work out what just happened and what to do next.

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