Please dont go

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Evie POV

I woke up from my nap expecting to be in Demi's arms, but she wasn't there. Nobody was. Her dressing room was empty.

I stood up and walked out into the corridor. I could hear fifth harmony performing, that must mean Demi hasn't been on stage yet. I carry on walking around backstage until I hear her instantly recognisable laugh.

I run up to her and wrap my arms around her waist, not caring that all of her band and team are around her.


"Hey baby girl"

"You left, you said you'd never leave me" I cried into her body.

I let go of all the panic and emotion I'd been keeping in whilst looking for her. Now I didn't know whether i was angry at her for leaving me or relieved that I have found her.

"Baby, calm down ok, you were asleep and I had to get ready"

"You promised, you said you wouldn't leave me"

"Oh Evie, you know I'd always come back. Now calm down for me" she said caring but firmly

"Mommy please" by this point I could feel myself shaking, I didn't want her to go on stage. I wanted her to stay with me and go back on the bus.

As I was only little she picked me up and placed me on her hip.

"Evie you need to calm down and relax. Mama and Ebony are on the bus you can go and stay with them, or you can stay backstage with Marissa and Natalie. It's up to you but you need to relax"

"I want you mommy, don't go on stage" I said as I buried my face into her neck and continued to cry

"Five minuets Demi" the stage manager said

"No! No mommy"

I heard Demi let out a deep sigh as she held on to me.

"Sweetheart you know I have to. I will be two hours at the most"

"Please mommy"

"Come on baby, here go with Rissa and Nat"

I felt her try and pass me into Natalie's arms but I wouldn't let go of her. I then felt Marissa's arms around me. Now i had no chance. They pulled me off Demi and she quickly kissed my forehead before running onto the stage.

"Mommy" I cried after her.

"Shhhh, we've got you Evie" Rissa said.

"I want Demi, I want mommy"

"I know darling, come on let's go watch mommy from the front ok" Natalie said.

She put me down and took hold of my hand. We walked to the front of the stage, in front of the barrier that kept all the fans at bay. Natalie sat down and so did Marissa. Natalie pulled me onto her lap and kept her arms wrapped tightly around me. I got comfortable and calmed down, I managed to curl up on Natalie's lap.

"Good girl Evie" she whispered into my ear.

As soon as Demi came off stage I ran round and threw myself at her.

"Hey there angel"

"You were amazing mommy"

"Thanks baby, now I don't know about you but I'm shattered, why don't we ditch everyone and go back to the bus" she whispered in my ear

I giggled and agreed and we both ran off towards the exit before any fans could spot us.

We were out of breath by the time we got to the bus, and when we got on we saw Naya playing with Ebony and her dolls.

"Mommy" Ebony squealed when she saw Demi. She ran up to her and Demi scooped her up and covered her with kisses. Ebony's little laugh was adorable.

"Hey baby girl, Mommy's missed you today" Demi said to her as she sat down with her on her lap.

"I not seen you today mommy" she pouted

"I know, I'm sorry cutie, mommy was sick this morning then she had to work"

"You better now mommy?"

"I feel lots better baby"

Naya stood up and joined them on the sofa.

"Tell mommy how good you've been today Ebby" Naya said

Ebony nodded at her and turned to face Demi again.

"I did all my school work and I ate all my meals by myself" she said proudly

Demi looked genuinely shocked at first then a huge smile covered her face

"Oh Ebby mommy is so proud of you, I think you deserve a treat soon because you've been such a good girl lately. Mommy only has one more show left then we can all go home. I will take you out for a mommy and Ebony day when we get back ok"

"Ok mommy" Ebby smiled

I had only just realised I'd been stood awkwardly in the corner, just watching them all in front of me.

Demi noticed and then glanced at Naya.

"Ebony, why don't you come take a bath with mommy then we can watch a movie in bed"

Ebony nodded so Demi picked her up and headed towards the bathroom, giving me an encouraging smile and a kiss on the way out.

Naya looked up and patted the sofa next to her, I hesitantly walked over and joined her.

"Hey there baby girl" she said softly.

I was only realising now how much I'd missed my mama today.

"Hi mama"

"How you feeling angel?"

I felt so guilty, you could tell how sorry she was, I just wanted my mama back.

I instantly burst into tears at the thought of her not wanting me back.

"Oh Evie, talk to me"

"Mama, just please hold me"

Straight away she pulled me onto her lap, she held my head against her chest and rubbed my back gently as she knew I was still sore from the injuries I gained the other day.

"I'm so sorry Evie"

"No mama, I am, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that"

"Let's just move on ok baby girl, I promise I'll never leave you again"

She squeezed me tight but I winced in pain.

"I'm sorry baby, do you want me to put some more lotion on for you"

"Please mama"

"Ok come on then"

She stood up with me in her arms and carried me into the bedroom. She gently laid me down on the bed and began trying to take my clothes off. Naturally I tensed up, I couldn't help it.

"Baby, it's just me. Only I can see it's ok"

I relaxed a little when she started covering my scars and bruises in lotion. I felt better this time as I had my underwear on and Naya knew about the relapse. When she had finished she let me get changed into my pyjamas and climb into bed. Soon after, Demi came in with a tired little Ebony. When the film started Demi gave Ebby a bottle and cradled her like a baby. You could tell they had missed each other today.

I snuggled into Naya and fell asleep way before the film ended.


Ideasssssssssss please people!!!!!

I can't believe I still have people reading this!!!!!! :)

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