Mine our ours?

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Evie POV

I'm so incredibly bored. I've been lay on my bed all morning doing nothing.

I'm about to watch another episode of something on Netflix when my phone goes off. I expect it to be James but I'm pleasantly surprised when I see Maddie's name pop up.

Maddie is like my best friend apart from Reagan. Although we don't hang out much we text all the time. I tell her everything and she always promises to keep it between us.

Maddie- hey Evie, you up to much?

Ha is she joking?

I quickly text back my reply

Evie- No. Bored out of my mind

Maddie- go ask Demi or Naya to do something?

Evie- like they would tare their attention away from Ebby for a second

Maddie- don't be daft just go ask

Evie- no I can't be bothered being rejected again

Maddie- come out with me and the gang then. It's been a while since I've seen you

Evie- who's going to be there?

Maddie- just me, Drew, Bea, Jayde and you if you come

Evie- will they not mind me tagging along? I've never met them

Maddie- sure they're cool. We'll be at the park near you in about an hour. Get ready and come meet us

Evie- alright see you later

I jump up off my bed and quickly go for a shower. When I'm dressed and ready it's time for me to leave. I can't be bothered with the questions off my moms I just want to get out for a bit without having to be second best to ebony.

Demi POV

The VMA's were actually really good and both Naya and I had a really good time but today we're just enjoying relaxing before Evie goes back to school and our work schedules blow up.

"Baby can we start looking at wedding ideas?" Naya asked excitedly.

"Yeah go on, I'm excited about planning this"'I smiled.

She came and sat beside me on the sofa and pulled the laptop on her knee. I put an arm round her and we began planning.

"You know I've not got the first idea about planning a wedding. I'm clueless" I admitted

"Me too babe. Should we hire a wedding planner?" Naya asked

"I think so, but I want us to make all the decisions. They can just guide us"

"Alright but let's just look at some stuff now to figure out what we want" she suggested

We looked at a few wedding cake websites and looked at flower ideas while Ebony played with her toys on the rug in front of us. She had her dollhouse down and was making up some imaginary game. I don't usually let her bring big toys downstairs but she wants to be around me all the time and unless I want her permanently on my knee then I'm gonna have to let her bring her toys downstairs. She's fine as long as I'm in the room.

I looked up from the laptop to see Evie heading towards the front door.

"And where do you think you're going?" I asked

"Out with Maddie"

"Do you not think you should ask our permission first?" Naya scolded

"Fine, can I go out with Maddie?" She said as she folded her arms

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