First time in surgery

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Naya POV.

It was quite late when we arrived back at the house, we had decided to cut our holiday short because Evie wasn't getting any better, she was in a constant state of pain.

It was around 11pm when we arrived home, ebony for some reason was incredibly hyper, I knew I shouldn't have given her that bag of sweets on the plane. She was running and jumping all over the place, trying to get Demi to play with her. Demi however was clearly not in the mood and was trying her best not to snap at Ebby.

"Evie, sweetheart how you feeling?" I said softly to my eldest daughter as I crouched down in front of her.

"The pain has moved to my side" she finally managed to stutter out.

We were interrupted when Demi began shouting.......


I looked up to see ebony jumping and bouncing on the sofa and Demi stood next to her with her hands on her hips.

"Mummy it's fun" Ebby giggled, completely ignoring Demi's command


Before anybody else could make a comment we were all forced to focus our attention on Evie, who had suddenly began screaming out in pain. She bent over, clutching at her side and stomach. I glanced for a second at Demi who knew straight away we had to get her to the hospital.

"Mama, make it stop" Evie cried out breathlessly

"Alright baby, stay calm, we're gonna get you to the hospital" I explained as calmly as possible, despite the fact I was freaking out on the inside.

I scooped up Evie and ran out to the car with her, I was quickly followed by Demi who was carrying a struggling ebony who didn't have a clue what was going on.

I jumped in the back with Evie in my arms, curled up in a tight ball, she physically couldn't stop screaming out in pain.

"Ebby this is not the time. Behave for me!" Demi said firmly, trying to get an agitated ebony fastened into her car seat.

When Demi finally got her in she jumped into the car and sped off in the direction of the hospital. I held onto one of Ebony's hands to try and calm her down, she didn't understand what was going on which was only making her play up more.

As soon as Demi parked the car, we grabbed a daughter each and sprinted inside, trying to find a doctor as quickly as possible.

When a nurse noticed me carrying my screaming child she called a doctor over straight away. He took Evie out of my arms, much to my discomfort, but I knew he wouldn't hurt her.

"Mama" she screamed and cried for me

"I'm here baby it's alright" I comforted her as I rushed beside the doctor.

Demi was right behind me, bouncing a crying ebony on her hip in an attempt to calm her down. Demi looked like she could throw up any second. She hated whenever one of the girls even had a little cough, never mind when they were being rushed into hospital.

The tall, masculine doctor placed my little girl onto a bed and came to ask Demi and I all sorts of questions while a couple of nurses stripped Evie of her clothes and tried to get her into a hospital gown. As she was curled tightly in a ball to minimise the pain, that was proving quite difficult for them.

"How long has she been like this?" The doctor asked

I was panicking trying to think back to the holiday.

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