The lawyer

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Naya POV

I looked up from my magazine as a very stressed, tired and frustrated Demi walked into to kitchen in her pyjamas.

She sat down at the table next to me and threw her head down to rest on her folded arms.

Without saying anything I stood up to go make her a coffee. After placing it down in front of her I moved behind her to begin massaging her shoulders. She sat up straight and deeply sighed.

"Thank you baby"

"Anything for you my love" I replied as I bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Did Ebby sleep ok?" She asked while I continued to rub her shoulders.

"She woke up once at around 3am but she settled back down quickly" I told her

"What about you though? you don't look like you've slept well at all baby" I added

"I was just restless. I can't take my mind off the thought of loosing her" she admitted

"We are not going to loose her"

"But naya they sa,,,"

"No Demi. We aren't loosing our little girl" I said cutting her off

"What are we gonna do Nay?

I heard her voice crack. I stopped what I was doing and moved in front of her. I sat myself down on her lap and her arms instinctively came to hold my waist.

"I've already called a lawyer. He is coming round this soon to explain the situation and tell us what our options are. Don't you be getting yourself worked up because we need to stay strong for the girls"

I leant forward and rested my forehead against Demi's

"I love you, you know that right?" She said

"I know love, I love you too"

Our lips automatically connected. No matter how many times I kissed this woman I felt sparks. Every time was special.

As if on cue we were interrupted by one of our girls entering the kitchen. I had to laugh as it happened every single time Demi and I wanted a moment.

I got up off Demi's knee as Evie sat down on another chair.

"Good morning angel. How you feeling?" I asked her

"I'm still having a few cramps. Will they always last this long?"

"It depends sweetheart. Sometimes they will but this could possibly just be because it's your first" I explained to her

"I hope so because I don't like it"

"No girl likes it baby" I chuckled

"What do you want for breakfast?" I added

"Fruit and yogurt please mama" she smiled

I smiled to myself knowing her eating was slightly improving. She still had a lot of tough days but it was getting better.

As I began sorting out her breakfast Ebby sleepily entered the kitchen with her doll swinging down beside her.

"Hey there baby girl" I warmly smiled.

"Morning mama"

I placed Evie's food down in front I her and turned to Demi and Ebony.

"What do you two want to eat?"

Ebony was attempting to get up on Dem's lap but Demi wouldn't pick her up. She turned and lifted her onto the spare chair next to her.

"Mummy. Uppy" Ebony whined

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