The flight

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Evie POV

We were in the car on the way to the airport. Due to Demi or Naya tweeting about going on holiday I bet there's going to be thousands of people at the airport. Ok maybe not thousands but maybe hundreds, either way the thought of it terrified me.

I have also never been on holiday, meaning I've never been on a plane and that scares me even more than paparazzi and crazy fans. I'm scared of the holiday as well, I don't know what to expect, there's all the food and mama mentioned all the different swimming pools, I'm not even that strong a swimmer. What if they make me go in and I drown.

I was so deep in thought that i hadn't even realised what I was doing until I felt Naya's hand on my leg shaking me. I looked up and my eyes met hers. She was sat in the back with me and ebony while Demi was in the front next to the driver.

"Evie, relax your hands sweetheart. Uncurl them" she said calmly

I looked down and noticed that I had been digging my nails into the palms if my hands, I slowly opened my hands and took a deep breath, looking back up at a worried Naya.

"You ok?" She asked

I nodded, I wasn't ready to speak yet, I didn't know what would come out. I don't want to worry them. My moms are so excited about this holiday I can't ruin this for them.

"Come on then baby girl. We're here" she smiled.

I looked out of the window and saw huge crowds of screaming people. Ebony must have realised this as well as she began to freak out. I'm not surprised though, her anxiety is so much worse than mine.

"Naya, babe how we doing this?" Demi asked, turning around in her seat

"Wellllll" she thought out loud

"You take ebony, I'll grab two cases and Evie baby can you pull the other case if you hold onto Mommy's hand?" Naya suggested

"I-I'll try m-mama"

Great why did I have to stutter

"Evie, you'll be ok. We're going straight inside and your mommy will have you" my mama explained

I gulped and nodded again. Whilst this little discussion was going on, ebony was thrashing about trying to get to Demi. Demi got out the car first and headed round to get ebony, she scooped her up out of the car and placed her on her hip, Ebby immediately buried her head into Demi.

Naya gave me an encouraging smile and helped me climb over her lap to get out next. Mommy took hold of my hand straight away and squeezed it tight. I watched as Naya sorted the suitcases, eventually giving me the smallest of the three to pull along with me. My chest was so tight but I wasn't even worrying about that. I was concentrating most on the fans trying to grab me to take pictures and trying to stop my moms. Naya walked close by me with the other cases.

"Good girl Evie, keep walking" mommy said to me.

Once we were inside I let out such a deep breath and dropped the handle of the suitcase so I could hold my chest. I looked and saw mommy swaying side to side with ebony.

"Come on Evie, let's get rid of these and we can get you nice and calm ok" Naya said, gesturing to the cases. I nodded and picked it back up, following closely to her. Once we had checked in the cases, mama wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl" she squealed

"Thanks mama" I smiled back.

Demi and Naya decided to go and wait in the VIP departure lounge. We all settled down in a corner with two sofas facing each other and a table in between. Ebony had calmed down and Demi set her off with a colouring book. She was knelt on the floor while she leant on the table and coloured in some pictures. Naya sat down on a sofa and wrapped an arm around Demi who was resting on her.

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