Busy morning

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Naya POV

I wake up to find Evie snuggled into my side, I'm so glad she managed to sleep through the entire night, I didn't think she would.

I gently pry her off me and I sneak out of the room.

"Morning babe" I say to Demi as I snake my arms around her waist. She's stood leaning over the kitchen counter flicking through a magazine and drinking her coffee.

"Good morning Nay"

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah, but I wish I had you with me" she pouted

"I know babe but Evie needed me"

"Don't worry I know, I'd have done the same, how is she?"

"I don't know she's still sleeping, she slept through the night though and babe, can I ask you something?" I asked nervously

"I know what you're thinking and you don't even need to ask Naya, I was going to suggest it anyway, of course we can adopt her"

I pulled her into a huge hug and smacked my lips straight onto hers. She immediately kissed me back and I felt her smile into it.

"I love you Miss Lovato"

"I love you Miss Rivera"

After a 15 minute make out session on the sofa Demi broke the kiss.

"Right so, we need a plan. I was thinking I could go and pick Ebby up from my moms then go and speak to the police, I know Evie will be terrified but it has to be done otherwise they won't just let us randomly adopt her. I think it would be best if you took Evie shopping or something to take her mind off things and then when Ebby's home we can surprise her. If you want you can talk to Evie this morning and make sure it's what she wants."

"That's what you were thinking about while you had me on top of you?" I faked being upset

"Of course not, I thought of all that this morning when I woke up alone" this time she faked being upset. We both laughed and gave each other one more kiss before I jumped off her.

"Anyway babe, I think that sounds like a good plan to me, I'll go wake Evie"

I kissed her once more and left her to back upstairs.

I quietly walked back into the bedroom, Evie was still sleeping. I felt mean waking her up but I had no choice, we've got a busy day ahead of us. I placed her clothes on the edge of the bed. I washed them for her last night as Ebby's clothes are too small and mine and Demi's are too big.

I stroked her hair and she stirred a little but didn't wake.

"Evie, sweetie wake up"

She made little whimpering sounds then rolled over.

"No Evie, come on angel, wakey wakey"

Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a weak smile when she realised who I was. I pulled her up so she was sat up against the back of the bed. I joined her and turned her to face me.

"How did you sleep Hun?"

"You didn't leave me?" She asked sounding surprised.

"Of course not, and that's actually what I want to talk to you about"

Her head immediately dropped. I knew she automatically thought I was sending her away. I placed my finger under her chin and forced her to look at me.

"Evie, how would you feel if Demi and I adopted you. It's totally up to you though?"

"Why would you want me, I'm worthless i can't even believe you let me stay last night"

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