You prefer her

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Demi POV.

"Demi" Naya whispered, as Ebby was still fast asleep on me.

Jill left a while ago and I was left with soft brown hair, I had just carefully moved myself onto the sofa so I coy get more comfortably with Ebony. I know I could have placed her down on her own but I loved having her sleeping on me. I don't get a lot of time with her to do that.

"Yeah babe?"

"Evie's curled up fast asleep with tear stains down her face, should we leave her and just wake her up for her tea?" she suggested

"Yeah ok, what are we doing for dinner?" I asked

"I don't know, you want me to cook?"

"Well it's either you cook or I do" I pointed out

"You're right I'll cook" she answered quickly

"Hey, you said that way too fast. What's wrong with my cooking?" I faked being offended.

"Nothing's wrong with it baby, I just prefer mine, as it's got flavour and isn't burnt"

"You're mean"

"But you love me" she said as she pecked my lips and proceeded to walk away into the kitchen, swaying her hips as she went.

I laughed to myself and looked down at Ebony who was still looking very peaceful. Her hand was clenched around my shirt, slightly pulling it so the top of my bra showed. She had began doing this a lot so I took out my phone and did a bit of research. Apparently it's a sign of separation anxiety in children. That must be why Evie does it as well. With any luck they will grow out of it.

"Babe, dinners nearly ready" Naya shouted after about twenty minutes.

"I'll get Evie while you wake Ebby up" she added.

I turned the ID channel off and gently sat Ebony up a little more in my arms. I started rubbing her little tummy.

"Ebony, baby girl wake up"

"Come on baba, wakey wakey"

Her big brown eyes slowly opened and her hands curled into little fists as she began rubbing them against her eyes. Such a cutie

"Mommy"'she said quietly

"Mommy's right here baby, it's dinner time"

I stood up and placed her on my hip, her head instantly dropped onto my shoulder and her thumb entered her mouth.

"No baby, wake up a bit more, come on" I said as I pulled her thumb out of her mouth.

"Tired mommy"

"I know angel but you can have a bath and an early night after your tea"

I reached the kitchen and placed her down on a chair. Her arms automatically flew up towards me


"After dinner Ebony"

as she was about to argue, Naya came back in looking a little stressed. She sat down and began plating up our food.

"Where's Evie?"

"You're gonna have to go get her. She acting really strange, she wouldn't come out the quiet room."

"Ok, you help Ebony and I'll take her some food in there with me"

I quickly sorted some food out for Evie, making sure I wasn't giving her too much that would over face her. Once I reached the quiet room I could hear her soft sobs, it broke my heart to know she was hurting.

"Hey baby" I said as I went into join her. She looked up at me with fear filled eyes.

She didn't reply to me so I walked over to her and placed her food on the floor near her.

"Your mama said you didn't want to come out of here, what's going on Evie?"

I went to rest my hand on her knee but she flinched away.

"Don't hurt me!"


"Don't hurt me"

She was now sobbing uncontrollably. She wouldn't let me near her to comfort her.

"Evie it's mommy, I'm not going to hurt you, please try and take nice deep breaths and calm down." I softly said.

"You don't want me" she said suddenly

"What do you mean baby girl?"

"No! I'm not your baby girl. Ebony is. I'm not good enough" she screamed

"Evie, calm down for me and we can talk"

I carefully got a little closer to her and placed my hand on her back, slowly and gently I began rubbing circles and drawing patterns. Eventually she calmed down, i knew I could talk now and she'd listen and understand.

"Sweetheart, you and Ebony are both my daughters. I love you both equally. You are both my baby girls ok"

Silent tears fell from her eyes and she shook her head.

"No, you don't need me. I'm too much trouble"

I took the chance to pull her on to my lap, despite her silent protest she gave in and relaxed into my body.

"You are such a special little girl Evie, I wouldn't change you for the world. Ebony is younger than you and sometimes needs me a little more, I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like i don't love you because I do, so so much"

"Please don't get rid of me mommy" she cried into my chest.

"Never! Now sweetie can you tell me what triggered this?"

I felt her tense a little in my arms but she took a deep breath and began to speak.

"When you caught us arguing before you let Ebony take a nap on you and you sent me in here. I got upset because I needed you to help me calm down but you wouldn't let me tell you why we were really arguing. You told me to let Ebby play with me. I didn't want to be near her because I was angry and scared I would hurt her, but she wouldn't leave me alone so I ended up shouting. I like playing with her, I really do. I just get scared I'll hurt her."

"Oh Evie I'm so sorry, why were you angry in the first place?"

"I don't even know mommy I'm sorry"

"You've got nothing to be sorry for sweetheart. But next time, as soon as you feel yourself getting angry you need to come tell me or your mama ok?"

"Mama was out and I didn't want to interrupt your hair appointment" she admitted as she looked down and played with her hands.

I lifted her chin up to meet her eyes.

"You and Ebony come first. Always"

She kissed my cheek and snuggled into me.

"Baby, don't think you're getting out of dinner. Here, I brought your food" I said loving but firmly.

"You feed me" she asked cutely, smiling up at me

"Fine, just this once ok"

She nodded and smiled again.


Yeahhhhh I know it's short, but it's still an update so don't hate me :/

Pleaseeeeeeee send me ideas. You know because you love me x

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