Home time

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3 days later

Demi POV

Ebby could come home today, she was really excited. The last few days she had gotten a bit stronger but her body was still making her really tired, forcing her to have lots of naps.

The doctor came in earlier this morning and told me ebony had to stay in bed for the next couple of days and she wasn't allowed to do anything too strenuous or rough.

Before I was allowed to take her home the nurse came in and told her she had to eat her dinner.

Her eyes widened she's hated the hospital food even more than normal food. I climbed on her bed and we sat opposite each other with our legs crossed and the food tray in between us.

"Hey hey hey baby no tears. Once you've had this you can go home and see mama Naya and Evie."

I fed her a spoonful of the thick gloop that's classed as food and her face scrunches up.

"Yucky" she says

"I know baba, no more yucky food when we get home"

"Mommy eat"

Oh great

"If mommy eats some will you try and finish it for me?"

She nods her head and takes the spoon off me.

"Open up mommy" she says as she tries to feed me like I feed her. I laugh a little before I open my mouth.

"Yucky" I say and she giggles at me then allows me to feed her the rest.

Once she's finished I put her shoes on. The doctor just needed to do one more check before we left. Ebony hadn't actually walked yet and he needed to make sure her legs hadn't been affected. I knew ebony was nervous to try because she's listened to everything the doctor has said and it had freaked her out at the thought of not being able to walk.

The doctor came in and told me to sit on a chair in the middle of the room.

"Mommy" ebony called for me

"I'm right here baby, walk to mommy"

She clung onto the doctor and wouldn't let him lift her down.

"Baba, walk to mommy and we can go home"

She allowed the doctor to place her on the floor.

"Scared" she tells me

"I know sweetie but you can do this"

I held out my arms to her and she slowly began to lift one leg up. She was a little wobbly but step by step she toddled over to me. When she was close enough to grab my hands I scooped her up and spun her around.

"Well done princess"

Thank god. Now we could leave.

Surprisingly ebby stayed awake on the drive home, I was expecting her to take a nap but she talked to me all the way home. I think she was just excited to get back.

I carried ebony through the door on my hip as she was still wobbly and as soon as we walked in we were met with shouting and screaming. What on earth?

Ebony's hands shot to cover her ears. She wasn't comfortable around noise like this. It reminded her too much of her past.


Then we heard the door to the quiet room slam and a stressed out Naya walked down the stairs.

"Shhhh ebby it's ok, it's stopped" ebony lifted her head out of the crook of my neck and gave me a weak smile.

"Hey princess" Naya said as she saw us both. She took her out of my arms and we went into the living room. We sat down on the sofa and Naya placed ebby across her lap. Ebony turned and cuddled into Naya with her head on her boobs. Naya took deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

"Ok what was that about?" I asked

"The last couple of days when you've been at the hospital I've been trying to talk to Evie about her dad's trial as it's coming up very soon and each time she's flipped out and pushed me away. Today she got so angry and I couldn't deal with her. She was too angry to talk to so I've sent her to the quiet room. She needs to open up and let us help her"

"Ok well will you put ebony in bed and watch a movie or something you can spend some time together and I'll go speak to her"

"Ok babe. Right come on little one, let's go choose a film"

Naya carried Eb while I followed her upstairs. While she went right into Ebby's room I turned left and headed towards the quiet room.

I popped my head round the door and saw Evie curled up in a ball on one of the beanbags. She was shaking and crying her heart out. I went and sat down next to her with my back against the wall.

"Talk to me" I said softly

"I can't do it" she whimpered

I rested my hand on her and gently rubbed her back.

"Can't do what baby?"

"The trial, I can't speak about it. I'm scared mommy"

I pulled her up and cradled her in my arms.

"Mommy I want to cut"

"No princess I can't let you. Block the voices out"

"They're too strong please mommy let me" she begged

"I'm so proud of you for telling me you want to cut but baby I can't let you. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you, we can fight this together"

"Where's mama?" She cried into my chest.

"She's with ebony watching a movie."

"I was horrible to her mommy, does she hate me?"

"Of course not baby. She's just worried about you and wants to help you"

"Can I go and say sorry?"

"If you want baby girl. Why don't we all go watch the movie then when ebby takes a nap we can have a chat ok"

"Yeah ok"

I stood up and pulled Evie to her feet. She held her arms out for me to pick her up which I gladly did.

"Hey I thought ebony was the baby one" I laughed

Evie just smiled and shrugged her shoulders before kissing my cheek.

I carried her to Ebby's room and we saw that they were watching a Disney film. It's a good job ebony had a big bed and the girls are tiny otherwise we wouldn't all fit. Naya and I were each on the end while the girls were in between us. Evie was in between Naya and ebony. I saw her roll over and whisper something to Naya. Once she'd spoken Naya wrapped her arms around Evie and kissed her head. Then we all snuggled down together to watch the movie. I'm so happy I've got my baby girl home from hospital. It scared me to death I never want to see her sick ever again.


Again this was written on a free period. Evie's conversation with Demi and Naya will be in the next chapter. Comment what you want to happen :) xxxxx

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