Hospital and holidays

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Demi POV

I walk up to the receptionist in the children's ward at the hospital and ask for ebony lovato. She tells me to wait in the waiting room for the doctor to come and get me.

I'm so anxious. I've no idea what condition she is going to be in or how she is going to react around me. She probably hates me for not being able to save her.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when the doctor enters the room. He sits down opposite me and begins to talk.

"Miss lovato"


"Ebony is ok. She collapsed when the police officers rescued her and she's still asleep. She is covered in cuts and bruises so try not to be too alarmed when you see her. Also, when she was found by the police officer she was in a corner of the van with no clothes on. We have done checks on her and she's fine but has clearly been sexually abused and may be in some pain when she wakes up."

I couldn't prevent the tears from falling, I feel so bad.

"When can I see her?" I asked him

"You can come through now miss"

I pulled myself together and followed the doctor through to ebony's room. She was just lying there with wires attached all over her and an oxygen mask on her face. She had no top on due to of all the wires, and because of this you could see all the marks on her tiny frame. I went and sat in the chair next to her bed and took hold of her hand and rubbed small circles on the back of it. Now was the perfect time to call my mom.

My phone only rang about twice before she picked up.


"Yeah mom, I have her" I told her. I started to get all emotional again.

"Demi, honey, calm down"

"I'm sorry mom, can you come to the hospital please I need you"

"I'm on my way, I won't be long baby , be strong for ebony"

"I will, I'll see you soon"

I hung up and turned my attention back to ebony who by the looks of things is starting to wake up.

I sit and wait for her to come around a bit more. She usually gets all worked up when she wakes up but I don't think she has the energy.

The doctor enters the room and comes and joins me by the side if the bed. He removes the oxygen mask and ebony turned her head to look at me.

"Hey princess, mummy's here" I tell her as I move her hair off of her face. The doctor lifts the bed a little so she's not flat on her back.

"Miss, do you want to try and give her a drink, she'll be dehydrated." He asks me.

"Yeah of course" I reply. He hands me a cup of juice but I know she won't be able to drink it out of that. I go to my bag and take out one of ebby's bottles. Carefully I pour the drink into it. Ebony still hasn't fully come round yet so I lie next to her on the bed and let her lean into me. After a few minutes I place the bottle in her mouth and she sucks slowly. I know she's in pain but I'm so glad I've got her back.

"Hey you two"

I look up and see my mom walking in to the room.

"Hi mom"

She sits on the chair I was in earlier next to ebony's bed.

"How's she doing?" She asks me, her voice full of worry and concern.

"She's just woken up, the doctor will be back in soon. He just told me to give her a drink so that's what I'm doing."

"At least she's safe and sound."

Ebony was starting to get restless and was trying to hit the bottle out of my hand.

"No ebony, you need to drink" I told her. As soon as I said this she burst into tears. I've not seen her cry like this in a while. It was breaking my heart.

"Shhhhh baby, shhhhh," I soothed her. She was mumbling something and trying to speak but I couldn't tell what she was saying. "Sweetheart, take a deep breath and use your words so mummy can understand you"

"It hurts momma"

"What hurts sweetie?"

She pointed in between her legs, I took a deep sigh and started stroking her hair.

"Baby, you need to tell the doctor so he can help you"

She shook her head against me and began crying again.

"Ebony he will help you, I'll be here the whole time. I won't let go or leave you"

"No mama"

"Baby if your in pain, we can make it better you just need to trust us" I told her as the doctor walked back into the room. I looked over and saw my mom talking to him, I think she was telling him what ebony had said.

They finished talking and he walked over to us.

"Hello sleeping beauty, you're finally awake then" he said to ebony, he was lovely with her. He perched himself on the edge of ebony's bed. She tensed up next to me and hid her head into my side. I gently lifted her to turn her back round, I could feel her little body shaking.

"Ebony, Diana tells me that you're in a little bit of pain and we can't have that can we, we need to get you better and strong again so your mummy can take you home, so can I have a little look where it hurts and I can see if I can make it better for you?" He asks her.

"Mummy" my baby cries

"I'm here baby girl, I'm not going anywhere" I told her.

I caught the doctors eye and I knew he wanted me to get off the bed. I unwrapped myself from ebony and took hold of her hand.

"Mom can you come here please?" I shouted to my mom, I want her on the other side of ebony's bed incase she needs holding down.

My mom joins me near her bed and takes hold of eb's other hand. I lie her a bit flatter so she is straight and flat on her back. She looks so worn out, she's fighting to stay awake. I stroke her hair and try to sooth her and stop her crying. I don't blame her though, I wouldn't like having these sort of checks done.

"Shhh good girl ebby, you're doing so well" I tell her. She stops struggling and lies still. Her beautiful eyes close and she's fast asleep again. It's a good thing as the doctor can now fully check her without the risk of him getting kicked in the face.

I can't actually wait to get her back home and put this behind us, although I know I'm gonna have to start at square one with her again. I think I'm gonna book us a holiday. I'll ask naya if she wants to come with us. Just somewhere warm and quiet where ebony can relax and recover from this terrible ordeal.

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