christmas eve

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Demi POV

It's Christmas Eve! Me and Naya are so excited. I think Ebony is a bit confused about the whole thing. We've explained the concept of Christmas to her and she said she's never really had a Christmas before so Naya and I are determined to make it perfect for her.

The holiday in Spain really relaxed Ebony towards the end and since we have been back she's been a lot calmer. She sleeps with me and Naya every night which is a habit we are going to try and break soon. We love having her in bed with us but she needs to start sleeping on her own, she can't be sleeping with us forever. Plus me and Naya would both quite like some time alone.

"Babe, would you mind helping me finish wrapping these presents before Ebby wakes up?" I ask Naya as I see her walk down the stairs

"Yeah sure, I'll just go and make some coffee, want one?"

"Please babe"

We sat down on the living room floor with our coffee and we were surrounded by wrapping paper, bows and presents. We decided to spend Christmas with my family so later on today we are heading over to their house and spending the night so we really need to get everyone's gifts wrapped before we leave.

"Wow. Let's hope ebony stays asleep for a while, we've got a lot to do" Naya laughed

"Yeah I know, why didn't we start this earlier?" I replied

"I did! These are all the ones you bought" she said as she playfully slapped me.

We sat there wrapping gifts and singing along to Christmas songs, this really was going to be an amazing Christmas. I had my family and my beautiful queen and adorable princess. I cant wait to watch Ebby open all her presents tomorrow. Although I am slightly worried about how she will react to being in a house full of people with lots of noise and lots of food. She's comfortable around them so she should be ok. I'm going to pack a few bottles and stuff just in case she starts to struggle. Recently she's been using sippy cups a lot more and even drank out of a little glass the other day but just to be on the safe side I'm taking all her baby stuff with me. After about an hour we finally finished wrapping everything. We just sat down together on the sofa when we heard ebony begin to cry.

"Typical" we both said in sync

"I'll go babe" Naya said, getting up and heading upstairs

"Thanks, I'm going to put all these in the car" I replied as I motioned to all the presents.

Once I'm done putting everything in the car I set off up the stairs to go see my girls. I walk in to our room and notice that they aren't there. I check in Ebby's room and see ebony on her bed giggling away whilst Naya is on the floor near Eb's closet, she is covered in a heap of clothes with a cute little frown on her face. I can't help but start to laugh myself. I walk over and join ebony on her bed; I place her in between my legs and start playing with her hair, she's still laughing her little head off.

"Erm, babe, what happened?" I asked Naya, trying to keep my laughter in

"What do you think happened? Her closet collapsed on me and this little one seems to think it is hilarious" she said as she got up and ran over to us and started tickling ebony.

"Mama stop" ebony laughed. It's cute how she's taken to calling Naya mama. I'm still mummy though, she loves Naya but I'll always be her mummy. Naya finally stopped tickling Ebby and went and picked up some clothes for her to put on. I helped ebony get dressed while Naya picked up the rest of Ebony's clothes that had attacked her.


"Yeah baba"

"When we go grandma's house?"

"Once you are dressed and have had something to eat ok?"

"Ok mummy"

Naya POV

After I have finished putting all of Ebony's clothes back and finish packing my overnight things I carry my bag downstairs. Demi is in the kitchen feeding Eb, she's been a lot better lately with food, she still struggles feeding herself but she'll allow Demi or I to help her lot easier now. I notice Dem has nearly finished spoon feeding her, Ebony has eaten but she looks a bit agitated now. I glance at Demi and realize that she wants to get going to her mom's house before Eb even has time to get even more worked up. I take Demi's hint and go and lift Ebony up off her chair. She struggles a bit but I've got a tight grip on her. I quickly sit down on the sofa with her on my lap so I can slide her little UGG boots on, Dem throws me her little jacket and I help her put it on.

"ready dem?" I shout as a stand up and place Ebony on my hip.

"yeah, I'm coming now" she replies

"ok, meet you in the car" I tell her as I walk out the door and towards demi's car. I buckle Eb into her seat and place a little blanket over her in case she falls asleep. "teddy" she says to me. I pass her the bear that was on the floor of the car. I kiss her forehead and jump in the front passenger seat.

During the car journey Me and Demi were just chatting away as per usual when I look behind me to check on Ebby.

"Dem, look at Eb"

She looked in her mirror and a smile crept on to her face. Ebony was sat in her car seat talking and singing to her doll and teddy. She clearly had a little game being played, it was so cute. Demi passes me her phone and mouths the word keek. Secretly I hold the camera up to video Ebony without her knowing. I post the video on Demi's keek with the caption 'ebony in wonderland' and it instantly has hundreds of views and comments.

When we arrive at Demi's parents house Demi unbuckles Eb and let's her run up to the front door. I smile at Demi and take ahold of her hand. We follow Ebby up to the house. Before we get there the door swings open and Dallas instantly scoops Ebony up and spins her around.

"Dally" ebony giggles

"Hey baby girl, someone's in a good mood today"

"It the holidays" ebony pointed out obviously, causing a laugh from me and Demi

"Haha yes it is Ebony, why don't you go find maddie in the kitchen" dal said as she placed ebony back down on the floor.

Ebony runs off into the kitchen and the three of us go and sit on the sofa. Dallas takes an armchair while Demi sits down with her arms wrapped around me.

"What have you done to her, she's like a different kid?" Dallas questioned

"She's healing, she still has very bad days and still sleeps with us and stuff but when she's around people she knows she's a lot more comfortable and confident" Demi replies

"It's great seeing her so happy"

"I know, she's slowly getting there"

We we're interrupted by laughing when Maddie came running in with Ebony on her back. We all joined in laughing with them. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Thought I'd update while it's nearly Christmas

I know it's only short but the next one will be longer :)

Remember don't be shy, I love your suggestions ;)

Have an amazing Christmas everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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