She's gone

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Evie POV

I woke up to the sound of beeping. I blinked my eyes open and shut them straight away as I couldn't stand the bright light.

My body felt stiff and heavy and I couldn't find the energy to move my arms and legs. I struggled to try and open my eyes again but I finally found the strength.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I found myself in a hospital bed attached to a drip and a few wires.

My mouth was dry, I was in desperate need of water.

I tried to sit myself up but I couldn't, so I lay there and waited for someone to come in.

Not long later a man who I'm assuming was a doctor came in with his clipboard.

"Argh Miss Evie I see you're finally awake" he said, walking over to my bed and smiling at me warmly

"Why am I here?" I asked.

My voice was tired and strained.

His smile turned into a frown and he was now giving me a look of sympathy.

"Where's my mum?" I asked when he didn't reply to my first question

"What happened to me?"

I was getting frustrated with him now. Why wasn't he answering my questions?

He raised the bed so I was sat upright.

"Miss Rivera is on her way, she should be here soon. Maybe it would be best to wait for her until we talk" he suggested

"No I want to know what's going on" I argued

"Are you in pain?" He asked me, ignoring my comment

I thought about his question for a moment.

Was I in pain?

"My ribs and chest hurt a little" I finally told him.

"Ok well I can do something about that for you"

He left for a moment and soon returned with a much needed glass of water and two white pills.

I took the tablets and finished the full glass of water.

"Please tell me where my mum is" I pleaded, feeling myself getting a little emotional

"Evie, I want you to stay calm for me ok" he seriously said

I nervously nodded my head. I could feel in my heart that something was wrong.

"You were in an accident. The tour bus you were travelling in crashed while you were asleep"

I couldn't believe it.

I didn't even know.

"Where's my mum?" I asked for the third time

"Evie it was a very serious accident. You're very lucky that you didn't sustain more serious injuries. Unfortunately not everyone was as lucky as you"

"What do you mean? I want my mum. Where's my mummy"

I was starting to cry, this was all too much of a shock.

At that moment Naya rushed in the room, she was in tears and ran straight towards me.

She pulled me into her and was kissing me all over. Every inch of my face was getting covered in my mothers kisses.

"Mama where's mummy?" I asked her desperately.

She pulled away from me and glanced at the doctor. He shook his head indicating that I didn't know what was going on.

"She's not here anymore baby" mama cried

"What do you mean?"

"She didn't make it baby girl, mummy's dead"

I didn't believe her.

She couldn't be dead.

Demi could not be dead.

"No. No she's not" I shouted

"Oh bubba come here" mama cried, once again pulling me into her arms.

"I need my mummy. Please let me see mummy" I choked out in tears.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. I'm so sorry"

That's all Naya was saying.

"Please let me see her"

By this point I was struggling to get out of Naya's arms. I wanted these wires off me. I had to go find Demi.

"Baby calm down" Naya said as she made an attempt to restrain my struggling body.

"Let go. I need to see mummy"

"Baby you can't, I'm sorry but you can't" Naya said through tears

"NO. YOUR'E LYING." I screamed

"I'm sorry bubba. I'm so sorry"

"My heart hurts mama. It hurts" I cried in my mamas arms.

"I know sweetheart I know. We'll be ok" she tried to reassure me even though she was crying and broken herself

"I need her mama. I need my mummy"

"You'll be ok Evie. I promise you you'll be ok"

"She said she wouldn't leave me. She said she'd always be here"

My tears were still falling and I couldn't see them stopping any time soon. This was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life.

I need my mummy.

But she's gone.

She's never gonna hold me again.

She's never gonna sing me to sleep again.

I need her.

I need her.

"She loved you baby. She loved you so much" Naya said despite the fact her tears were still falling.

"Where's Ebby mama?"

"She's with Marissa bubba"

"Mama I need her"

She climbed in the bed with me and held me close. We both sat for hours crying in each other's arms.

My mummy has gone


Sorry not sorry

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