Don't be jealous

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Demi POV

Evie was occupying herself one way or another in the arena. I think she was off with Christina looking at the stage.

I had a about an hour and a half before my show and I had the time all to myself.

It was very strange.

I got my phone out and went online only to be met with the sight of photos of my fiancé hanging out with another woman.

The strange woman was beautiful, not as beautiful as Naya but she was still gorgeous.

In the photos Naya was carrying Ebby and she looked really happy as well.

Neither of them looked like they had been missing me.

It was like soon as I'd left they had replaced me.

Wasn't I good enough for Naya?

I quickly text her asking her who the fuck this woman was.

Naya POV

I replied to Demi telling her I wasn't going to have this conversation over text. Within two seconds of me sending it my phone began to ring.

I knew she was going to scream and shout but I answered it anyway.


"Don't hi me, tell me who the fuck she is" she angrily said

"Demi I'm not going to talk to you when you're like this. Calm down and I'll explain."

"I am calm"

"No you're not. Please Demi, calm down and we'll talk"

I heard her take a few deep breaths on the other end of the phone.

"Just tell me who she is" She said after a moment of silence.

She sounded like she was going to break.

"I wanted to cheer Ebby up. She was so upset at the fact you left so I thought I'd take her to an indoor play area"

"Naya you know I don't want her in places like that. What if she has a panic attack" Demi interrupted

"Demi listen. Did you not look at the pictures I sent you. She was happy. She was enjoying herself and she even made a friend" I tried to reason

"That woman's daughter?" Demi said in disgust.

"Demi listen to me. I was sat down and Ebby was a bit nervous. There were spare seats next to us and cheryl came and sat down with her daughter Bella. Bella introduced herself to Ebony and asked if she wanted to go and play. I couldn't believe it when Ebby said yes. She was so happy going off and playing with Bella. Demi she even drank out of a juice box because she wanted to copy Bella. She hasn't stopped talking about her since we got home. That's why I got talking to Cheryl, because our daughters were playing together."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.


"She really drank out of a juice box?" Demi said in tears

"Yes and you would have known that if you had checked your phone"

"I'm sorry" she cried

"What? For accusing me of cheating?" I said, now suddenly very angry

"I never accused you of cheating"

"No but that's what you were implying"

"Naya I'm sorry. I was jealous"

"You know you're my one and only Demi. You never have to be jealous" I reminded her

"I know but I was jealous because you got to take Ebby out to play. You got to watch her make friends. I'm gonna miss out on so much by being on tour"

"You're going to see her in no time at all. I promise you I'll keep you up to date with everything."

"I'm missing you both so much"

"Demi it's barely been two days"

"I know but you're my entire life. It's strange being apart from you both"

"You've got Evie there to keep you on your toes. And stop being sad now, you've got your first show tonight and I can't wait to hear all about it" I said excitedly in an attempt at cheering the her up

"I'm nervous" she admitted

"Don't be. You're gonna be amazing as usual."

"I love you baby"

"I love you too Demi. Now no more worrying about me and Ebby ok"

"Ok" she sniffed

"I mean it Demi. I'd never ever cheat on you or do something to hurt you"

"I know. I'm sorry for even thinking like that"

"It's alright babe. Now go get ready for your show. I'll speak to you later on"

"I love you" she said again

"I love you too"

She hung up and I let out a deep sigh. Well thank goodness that's sorted. As if she thought I would cheat on her with cheryl. I only met the woman a few hours ago.

I was about to put a film on when I heard little footsteps coming into the livingroom.

I turned to see Ebby in only her pyjama sorts, clutching her fluffy toy rabbit in her hand.

"Hey baby girl, what are you doing awake?"

She came over to me and tried to climb on my lap. I helped her up and chuckled to myself as she snuggled into me.

"I cold" she shivered

"Well baby you've taken most of your clothes off. Mama put you to bed in your pyjamas and onesie. What happened?"

"I got hot" she simply said.

I couldn't help but smile. She was too cute and it's no wonder Demi is missing her so much.

"Come on then munchkin. Let's go sort you out."

I carried her upstairs and back into her bedroom.

"What do you want to sleep in baby?"

"Mommy clothes" she giggled

"Alright come on"

I took her through to the bedroom Demi and I shared and rummaged through Demi's side of the wardrobe until I found one of her oversized shirts.

"Arms up baba"

I placed the shirt over Ebby's head and it absolutely buried her.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Sleep with you?"

"Just this once bubba" I agreed.

I lay down in bed beside Ebby while she curled up to my side. I drew patterns on her back until she fell asleep for the second time tonight.

I switched the TV on and turned the sound down as to not wake Ebby.

I needed to do something to keep me awake until I could call Demi after her show.


Again I'm sorry that it's short but uni is taking over my life.

If you want updates more often then I really need you to send me your thoughts and ideas :)

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