The sisters meet

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Naya POV

"Right let's do some serious shopping!" I said excitedly as I climbed out of my car. Evie got out a lot slower than me. I think she was a bit apprehensive about it so I walked round the car and took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze to let her know she's not alone.

I guide her into a shop and we start looking through all the clothes.

"What size are you babe?" I ask her

"I don't know, I'm sorry" she replied, looking down at the floor.

"Hey sweetie, it's ok you'll just have to try some stuff on until we work out what size you are, I don't think you'll be in a children's 10, I think you'll be in about a 7 but we'll get you sorted"


I don't think Evie really gets the idea of shopping as she's just following me round like she's my shadow. I just keep holding things up and asking her if she likes them. Once I've got a good collection of styles and sizes I lead Evie towards the changing room.

Evie POV

So this is what shopping is like, I think to myself as Naya keeps throwing clothes at me. She leads me to what I think is the changing rooms. I hope she lets me go in on my own I don't want her to see my fat, scar covered body.

"There you go babe, go try some of them on and let me know what you think"

She hands me a pile of clothes then shuts the door behind me, thank goodness.

I try on a pair of jeans first. Children's size 8. Too big. Yes!

Unfortunately the size 7 fits. I need to work harder. Next I try on some really cute tops, the only thing is they have short sleeves. I suppose I could just wear a jacket over the top or loads and loads of bracelets.

As I'm debating what to do about the clothes I hear a knock on the door.

"Evie, how's it going, can I see?"

"Errrrmm, hang on I'm nearly done" I reply with a sense of panic in my voice. I quickly get changed back in to my clothes and create two piles, clothes that fit in one and clothes that don't in another.

I walk out the changing room and Naya looks up from her phone and gives me a warm smile.

"Any good?"

"Yeah, these ones fit." I tell, her as I gesture to the pile of clothes in size 7. She gave me a smile but I could tell she wished I was in a bigger size. But in my mind she's wrong, I need to be in a smaller one.

"Good, come on then, we can go to other shops now we know your size"

After we filled the car with shopping bags Naya decided to take me out for lunch before we went and met up with Demi and Ebony. It was a lovely thought but inside I was crying and breaking down. I hope there are toilets wherever we're going.

"Evie, you ok? You've gone very quiet?" Naya asked me as she pulled up outside some little cafe.

"Yeah, just thinking" I gave her a fake smile but I could tell she saw through it.

"Ok well if you need to talk I'm here for you sweetie"

"Thanks Naya"

"Anytime" she gave me a wink, then got out the car and lead me inside.

We sat down at a little table towards the back of the cafe and Naya told me I could order whatever I wanted.

"I'll just have a small salad please"

"Are you sure that's all you want babe?" She asked, giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry"

"Ok, we'll make sure you eat up, I don't want to be spoon feeding you like I do with Ebony"

"What's Ebony like Naya?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked that because me and Demi need to talk to you about her, I'm sure Demi won't mind if I fill you in. Ebony is six years old,,,"

"NO WAY IS EBONY SIX, SHE LOOKS THREE" I said in disbelief

"Yeah, she's six, Ebony was adopted by Demi a few months ago, she has been brought up in an abusive family like you have so she's very fragile and has a mild form of autism which makes her act younger than she is. She has terrible separation anxiety and is terrified of being in large crowds and around new people. She also has an eating disorder, it's more like a fear of food than anything else she just panics. But you can see she's slowly improving"

"Will she like me?" I asked worriedly

"Of course she will, it may take her some time to trust and get used to you and don't be put off if she is very clingy towards me and Demi. It's just her way of dealing with her fears."

As Naya finished speaking our food arrived, I took a deep breath and picked up my fork. If Ebony has a problem with eating that might distract their attention from me, on the other hand it could make them extra vigilant around me.

Each mouthful was torture, Naya kept looking at me expectantly. I had to eat, I had to finish this, she couldn't find out.

"Can I go to the bathroom" I said once I'd finished.

"Yeah of course it's just over there" she pointed to the sign above a door.

I tried my hardest not to run to the bathroom but once I got there I couldn't keep it in any longer, i slid down the wall and buried my head in my hands. I couldn't control my tears and my breathing was picking up. Naya and Demi are going to hate me for lying to them, they won't let me near Ebony. I'm gonna let them down so badly.

At that point I threw myself over the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach, I instantly felt calmer.

Well I did until I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.

Naya POV

Evie had been in the bathroom a long time, I got up out of my seat and went to check up on her. There was nobody else in the bathroom, so the one cubicle with the door shut must be where Evie is. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard the crying of a little girl. I walked closer and could hear her talking to herself, saying things like........

"Naya and Demi are going to hate me for lying to them"

"they won't let me near Ebony."

"I'm gonna let them down so badly."

Then I heard something I really didn't want to hear, she began to throw up. This explained so much but I needed her to know she could trust me and that I could help her. I noticed it was one of those locks you could open from both sides of the door, I quickly unlocked it and pulled Evie into my arms. She panicked and struggled against me.

"Let go please" she cried

"Shhhh baby, it's me, it's Naya"

"No, you hate me, let go"

"Shhhh, it's ok, I don't hate you, I want to help you" I soothed her.

She relaxed enough so that I could hold her properly. As she was only small I could easily hold her on my hip. She buried her head in my neck as she began to calm down a lot more.

"Let's so somewhere quiet babe, I think we need to talk"

She didn't say anything but I felt her nod. I placed her back down on the floor, took ahold of her hand and walked out the bathroom. I payed for our food and we left.

Apart from Evie whimpering, the car journey was virtually silent. I didn't expect Demi to be home yet so I just drove us back to the house, and as I suspected she wasn't back yet.
As soon as we entered the house, Evie attempted to run straight upstairs. I grabbed her arm and guided her into the living room. I sat on the sofa and patted it, signalling Evie to come sit.

"Right misses, I get that this isn't the easiest thing to talk about but babe I'm here for you, I won't judge you" i told her.

She shuffled nervously on the sofa and began playing with her hands. I put my hands over hers and she looked up at me.

"Please don't send me away" she cried

"Oh baby girl come here" I said as I pulled her onto my lap

"Whatever you tell me will not make me get rid of you, you can tell me anything"

"I'm fat" she simply said

"No baby girl, no you're not" I wrapped my arms even tighter around her and let her cry into my chest. Her small hand gripped onto my shirt like she was hanging on for her life.

"Sweetheart you're so beautiful and if anything you're too small. Me and Demi will help you through this"

She bolted upright

"NO, no, don't tell Demi please, please I'll do anything." She begged me

"I'm sorry angel but I have to, me and Demi don't have secrets and she'll be the best person to help you, now is there anything else you want to tell me"

She shook her head but I knew she was lying

"Evie, come on, trust me"

Without saying anything she stood up off my lap. She pulled her hoodie over her head and stepped out of her shorts. I didn't say anything until she had finished. She finally pulled her long sleeve top over her head displaying scars old and new all over her arms. I looked down and at the top of her thighs you could see the same thing. I leant forward and traced her legs gently with my thumb.

"I'm so sorry" she sobbed.

Once gain I pulled her across my lap, however this time she just had her little flowery panties on. It didn't matter though she was my baby girl now.

"Shhhhh, sweetie it's not your fault. You'll get through this."

In between her sobs she let out a little yawn and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Look Evie, Demi will be back soon, why don't you go calm down and take a nap, then when she's back you can meet Ebony."

She nodded

"What are you going to tell her?" She asked

"Do you want me or you to tell her?"

"You please"

"That's absolutely fine, now do you want to be with me?"

"No, if that's ok"

"Ok baby girl, now let's get you upstairs"

She climbed off my lap and picked up her clothes. She walked upstairs and into the room that is going to be hers. She didn't even bother putting any of her new pyjamas on she just climbed straight into bed. I wanted to stay with her until she fell asleep so I lay down next to her and started playing with her hair and stroking her cheek. Within five minutes she was out like a light.

I walked back downstairs just as Demi walked in with Ebony,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Demi POV

Ebony slept all through the adoption appointment and just as I was placing her back in her car seat she woke up.

"Hey there baby girl"

I started ticking her little tummy.

"Hey momma"she giggled her little head off

"How about you and mommy go somewhere together before we go home"

"Where mommy?"

"It's a surprise"

"A good surprise, or one where people go boo"

"Hahaha no baby, not one where people go boo, now move your arm into the strap so I can clip you in"

She let my fasten her in and I kissed her head before I shut the door.

I had a huge stupid smile on my face because they let us keep Evie. The only thing is the police need her to give a statement, but Naya and I can be with her.
I decided to take Ebony to a toy store before we headed home, just so she still knows she's my princess. But I also want her to choose something for Evie that way Ebby feels involved.


Ebony said as she excitedly jumped up and down as we entered the store. I loved seeing her happy like this.

"Come on mama"

"Hahaha ok I'm coming baba, don't forget we need to find something for Evie as well and remember she's a bit older than you"

"Ok mama"

We weren't in there for long, it didn't take Ebby long to find something she wanted. That's not because she's spoilt it's because she's easily pleased. Most children her age would go wild in a toy store but once Ebony found a beautiful doll that she liked, she started looking for Evie something.

Eventually she decided on a gorgeous old fashioned stuffed bear with a blue ribbon around its neck. I knew Evie would love it.

"Are you excited to meet your big sister Ebby" i asked her on the way home.

"Yeah but scared mama"

"You don't need to be sweetie, she's lovely, plus Naya a I will be there"

"I give her the teddy bear?"

"Yes sweetheart, it's a present off you"

"Ok I be brave"

"Good girl"

I saw Naya coming down the stairs when I walked in with Ebony.

"Hey gorgeous" I said as I wrapped her in a hug

"Naya!" Ebby shouted

"Hey princess, I missed you last night"

Naya picked Ebony up and we all went into the living room. Naya sat down with Ebby on her lap.

"Look at my dolly Naya"

"Aww, isn't she beautiful"

"I got Evie a present too" Ebby said excitedly

"She's fast asleep at the moment but I'm sure she'll love it"

I could tell that Naya had something on her mind, I can read her like a book.

"Ebony, why don't you go and settle your dolly into her new home why Naya and I go start making tea"

"Ok mummy"

She skipped off into her playroom.

"Coffee?" I said to Naya

"Coffee" she agreed

After I made our drinks we sat down at the counter in the kitchen.

"Ok firstly, Evie is our new little girl and secondly what on earth is on your mind babe"

She took hold of one of my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"I found something out about Evie"

"Ok go on"

She proceeded to tell me about the day she had had with Evie, I couldn't believe it that poor baby girl. I can't believe she thought we'd hate her. I didn't realise I'd been crying until Naya wiped the tears off my face.

"I'm gonna go and speak to her, will you make a start on tea"

"Yeah no problem"

I walked upstairs, not knowing what I was going to say or how she was going to react. I haven't really spent any time alone with Evie yet.

I knocked on her door as I didn't know whether she had woken up yet but I got a reply.

"Come in" her sweet little voice said.

"Hey sweetie, can i come join you?"


I crossed her room and perched on the edge of the bed. She looked at me with her big brown eyes, fear evident in them.

"She's told you hasn't she"

I nodded.

"She had to sweetheart, she wants to help you, just like I do. You're not alone in this"

"I don't want to bother you, I'm not worth your time"

"Oh Evie of course you are, your legally our little girl now"

"Really?" She smiled

"Yes really" I laughed.

She threw herself at me and i wrapped her in my arms.

"Listen Evie, I know this is going to be hard for you but whenever you feel things are getting too much I need you to come talk to me or Naya, we can help you and Ebony struggles at meal times as well so we can be there for you both. But I really need you to be brave and strong now, can you show me your wrists?"

She placed her arms in front of me and allowed me to gently pull up her sleeves. I traced her scars and placed soft kisses on each of her wrists.

"Baby girl, can you give me your blades?"

"Please Demi, let me keep them" she begged

"I can't let you sweetie, come on I know it's hard but it will get easier."

She climbed off the bed and walked into her bathroom. She came back and handed me two blades.

"Good girl, I'm proud of you, now how's about we go downstairs and you can meet Ebony properly."

"Ok, and Demi?"

"Yeah babe?"

"You don't hate me do you?"

"Oh sweetheart of course not, come here"

I pulled her into a hug and led her downstairs.

"Ebony!" I shouted as me and Evie reached the living room. Evie looked really nervous.

"Hey, Evie it's ok, she's just a little girl"

"I know but I don't want to scare her"

"Don't worry about it, she knows me and Naya are here.

Just as I mentioned Naya, she walked in carrying Ebby on her hip. I saw Ebony turn herself into Naya's body, she was clearly scared
as well. Naya sat down with Ebony on her knee and i noticed she had a bottle her. Good think nay I thought.

I wrapped my arm around Evie, letting her know I was there.

"Ebony baby, this is Evie" Naya said, forcing Ebony to turn around.

"Hi, Ebony" Evie said. I rubbed her back for encouragement.

"Hello Evie" Ebony finally said

"Ebony, why don't you go and get the gift you got for Evie?"

"Ok mummy"

A couple of minutes later Ebby skipped in with the bear behind her back. She was such a cutie. She stood in front of Evie.

"Here you go Evie"

Ebony handed Evie the bear then climbed back on Naya's lap.

"Thank you so much Ebony, I love him" Evie smiled as she hugged the bear.

"What are you going to call him?" Ebby asked

"I think I'll call him George, because he looks like a George"

"Does George want to come and meet my teddies?"

Evie looked up at me and I smiled at her letting her know it was ok to go and play, she needed to be ten years old and have fun.

The girls ran off into the play room and I gestured for Naya to come cuddle. She climbed on my lap and we gave each other a long passionate kiss.

"Well that went better than expected, I didn't even need to give her the bottle"

"Haha I know, now let's go finish making dinner, that could be quite stressful"

"Let's go"


Sooooooooooooo sorry for not updating, I've physically and emotionally not been able to, please forgive me xxxxx

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