Please stay mama

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Naya POV.

I woke up to the sound of Ebony crying.

Demi hadn't seamed to have heard her, she must be in a really deep sleep as Ebby is curled right into her side and she still hasn't woken. She always wakes up with Ebby.

Evie is still fast asleep wrapped up against me. I carefully untangle myself from her and get out of the bed to walk round and pick Ebby up. She clung onto me while i gently rocked her in my arms.

She wasn't calming down.

To prevent her waking the others up i carried her out the bedroom and to the other end of the bus.

"Shhhhh Ebony, mama's got you" I cooed.


"Yeah baby mama"

I sat on one of the sofas and Eb tried to get away to run back to Demi. I grabbed her and pulled her back on to my lap.

"Come here baba, stay with mama."

"But mommy" she whimpered

"Mommy is sleeping baby, come on lay on mama. Use mama like a pillow and get some more sleep" I said softly.

She finally gave in and snuggled into me, resting her head on my boobs and she subconsciously played with my pyjama top.

"I love you mama, you give good cuddles."

I giggled to myself and stroked her cheek.

"I love you too angel, now be a good girl and get some sleep for mama"

Her eyes slowly closed and her little fist gripped onto my top. I switched the tv on while I waited for the others to wake up.

Half an hour later a very sleepy Evie walked down from the bedroom. You could tell she was in pain just by looking at her, every movement made her flinch.

"Morning mama" she said quietly.

"Morning baby, how you feeling?"

"In pain"

"Ok baby, come sit down here, I'll put Ebony back in bed and I'll come sort you out ok" I explained as I stood up with Ebony in my arms.

"You can't put her with mommy"

"Why not eve?"

"Mommy's sick. She told me her throat is killing her. She's kinda awake but also kinda asleep" she tried to explain to me.

I placed Ebby back on the sofa and told Evie to keep an eye on her while I went and checked on Dem.

When I reached the bedroom she was curled up coughing and sneezing, surrounded by a box full of tissues.


"Morning babe. I'm sorry I'll get up and help you with the girls in a minute" she sputtered out

"Oh no you will not. The girls will be fine with me. You have a show tonight, you're resting"

"Naya, babe I'm ok the girls need me" she protested as she tried to get out of bed. I climbed in with her and pulled her back down so she could snuggle into me.

"Your fans need you to be healthy, and I don't want you getting the girls sick because that would be a nightmare. You're going to stay here and rest. I'll go make you a warm drink"

"No, stay"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me back down like I just did to her.

"How are the girls?"

"Ebby woke up crying about an hour ago but she's fast asleep again now, Evie seams ok but she's in a lot of pain" I informed her.

"Ok, I'll get up soon and go over to the arena"

"Babe, you're sick"

"Thank you for informing me, But I have a show to do. I'll help as much as I can with the girls"

"Demi, don't be worrying about the girls. They will be fine. You just need to concentrate on getting better."

"Ok ok" she said stubbornly

Within five minutes she was fast asleep again. I carefully detached myself from her and went to check on the girls.

"I'm sorry Evie, your mommy needed me. I'll get medication and lotion for you now."

"Ok mama"

She looked a little tense but it was probably from the pain.

I came back with pain relief and lotion for Evie. She took the tablets easily as I sat down next to her. I gently tried to remove her pyjama top but she struggled against me.

"Angel it's only mama, and Ebby's asleep. We can't go in the bedroom because Mommy's sick" I explained.

"I don't want you to see"

"Evie, it's just me. You know I won't judge you"

"I can't show you mama"

"Show me what?" I asked a little worried.

"You'll be angry"

Ok now I was really worried.

"Let mama see sweetheart, I won't be angry"

She sighed in defeat.

Once again I tried to take off her top. This time she let me. I gasped when I looked down at her little frame. Brand new scars were all over her arms and stomach. These were not caused by the fight she was in yesterday.

"When?" Was all I could say

"In the middle of the night. I had a nightmare and everything came back to me. I couldn't stop the voices from shouting at me. I'm sorry mama. Please don't hate me." She begged, tears threatening to spill.

I couldn't speak. I didn't trust my voice. I wanted to scream at her for not waking Me or Demi up. But at the same time I wanted to comfort her and tell her everything would be ok. But would it? She doesn't seem to get very far before she goes back to square one. Maybe it's because I'm a bad mom, or I'm not there for her enough.

I stayed quiet and began, covering her sores and bruises in cream, carefully avoiding the new red cuts. She was wincing in pain but there was nothing i could do about it.



"Mama, please talk to me"

I was honestly stuck for words. It hurt so much seeing my baby struggling. I need some time to think, but Demi's sick, I can't leave her alone with two vulnerable girls. I stood up and scooped a sleeping Ebony into my arms. I grabbed a bag of her things for when she wakes up, new clothes and stuff and I headed towards the door.

Demi was gonna kill me for leaving her like this but I'm in shock. Demi's the one who handles these things. I'm tired of letting Evie down.

"I won't be long Evie, I just need some air. I don't hate you, stay strong for me"

Just before I closed the door properly I heard a faint little voice

"Please don't leave me mama"

Then she broke down into tears. I was so tempted to go back in to her but maybe this will help her realise a few things. Maybe this will put her off cutting once and for all.

I don't know what to do.

Should I go back in to her ??


Sooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in ages. Please don't hate me. I've had a lot going on.


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