I forgive you

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Demi POV

"Baby girl no. Calm down and let go of mummy"

It was around 10pm and I had finally finished shooting my new video. We had just arrived home and Ebby was clinging to my legs as I tried to walk around my house.

Dallas filled me in on everything that had happened with Evie and I felt so guilty. I should have been there for her. She tried to get my attention but I was in the middle of a stupid argument with Naya.

I don't think I've ever been this stressed out before in my life. Evie was barely talking to me, I'd been working all day and I was facing losing my youngest daughter who wanted to be permanently attached to me.

I felt like I couldn't breath with all this going on.

I just want to go to bed and wake up with it all being a dream.

"Mummy uppy" Ebby cried for me

"Not now baby girl we need to get you ready for bed" I explained

She cried and ran off from me. She ran straight to Naya and tried to get her to pick her up. Naya being just as tired and stressed as me gave in and lifted her onto her hip.

I watched as ebony snuggled into her chest and put her had down Naya's shirt for comfort.

"No baba let go" Naya firmly said

Ebby didn't listen and shook her head before placing it back on Naya.

"Ebony let go of mamas boob" she repeated

"Naya leave her, let's just get her to bed" I sighed

"No Demi, we need to break this habit. She's doing it too often"

"I know I agree with you but we'll start tomorrow, come on babe it's late"

I finally convinced her and I followed behind as she carried Ebby up to bed.

"Sleep with you?" I heard ebony ask Naya

"Just for tonight baby girl"

Naya and I were both incredibly tired and couldn't be bothered with her crying as we tried to get her to sleep on her own. Plus we wanted her as close as possible because we were terrified of loosing her. Naya headed into Ebony's room while I went to check on Evie.

I knocked on her door but got no reply.

I walked in and realised she was in the shower. I sat myself on her bed and waited.

When she didn't come out for a while I began to get concerned.

As I walked closer to the bathroom door I heard faint cries.

"Evie, sweetheart are you ok?" I said from behind the door.

Again I got no reply.

I turned the handle and walked in to find her curled up at the bottom of the shower sobbing her heart out.

"Oh Evie"

I rushed to turn the water off and she didn't even notice my presence.

"Evie sweetheart talk to mummy" I pleaded

Her eyes moved to look at me and she broke down into more sobs.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her shaking body. I pulled her up, out of the shower and lead her back through to her bedroom. I sat her down on her bed and began drying her but she flinched away.

"Evie let me help you"

"N-no. Don't t-touch me"

I'd broken my daughter. Brilliant

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