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Demi POV.
Saying goodbye to Naya and Ebby again was so unbelievably hard but I knew it was for the best.

I would be home again soon and Naya and I could start doing some serious wedding planning.

I had the best few days will all my girls and I still feel bad for judging Cheryl. She really was lovely and I still can't believe my baby ebony has a best friend.

Having quality time with Ebby makes me realise how much I love being a mummy.

When her big eyes look straight into mine when I'm cradling her in my arms.

The way her little fist grips around my clothes, her silent way of telling me not to leave.

When she's playing or watching TV and she catches me staring at her, she gives me a smile giggles.

God I miss my baby girl.

Tonight I had a night off from performing so all the girls decided to watch Annabelle.

Jill, Holly, Caroline, Christina, Evie and myself wanted a girly night in.
As the days went by I was getting increasingly more jealous of Evie's relationship with Christina. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's chosen Christina as a role model because even I look up to her but I want to be my baby's role model.

I've allowed Evie to take part in small workouts with us and I'm really worried she's going to get carried away with it all but she's been joined at the hip with Christina and she works out even more than I do.

I'm also very sceptical of how Evie is going to cope with tonight's choice of movie.

"Evie come here a second please" I called down the bus

She came back through into my bedroom and sat beside me.

"I don't want you watching the film with us tonight" I told her seriously

"What! Why?" She argued

"You hate horror films. I don't want this one giving you nightmares" I explained

"Mom I'm not a baby. I'll be fine"

"You don't have to prove anything to anyone you know Evie. Some adults can't watch horror movies"

"Mom please. I really wanna watch it" she begged

"Fine but if you get too scared please tell me and we'll leave the room"

"I'll be fine mummy" she said as she leant forward and gave me a hug.

I held her tight and savoured the moment. It seemed like Christina was getting more cuddles than me lately.

Evie POV

I hate horror films.

Why did I agree to watch this?

Oh yeah, because I don't want people to think I'm a baby.

And Christina wanted to watch it. I wanted to show her I could be grown up. She doesn't treat me like a child or try and baby me. She speaks to me like I'm one of her friends which is a nice change from Naya and Demi treating me like I'm three years old.

She told me to sit next to her so that's exactly what i did despite my mum looking and glaring at me.

I knew she wanted me to sit beside her.
We had put all the pillows, cushions and covers on the floor so we were all warm and comfy.

When it got to the scary parts I wanted nothing more than to hide in my mums chest while she holds me.

But I couldn't, she was on the other side next to Holly.

I couldn't cuddle into Christina because she'd know I was scared.

I could feel myself begin to shake and tears filled my eyes.

My eyes were fixed on the screen. I couldn't bring myself to look or move away.

I wanted my mum.

Demi POV.

I glanced over at Evie to make sure she was alright and I could see my baby trembling.

I knew this movie would be too scary for her.

I didn't do anything straight away, I didn't want to embarrass her seeing as she wanted to be all grown up.

I didn't know how much longer I could leave her panicking though.

Her eyes were fixed on the screen, she wasn't blinking. I knew she was terrified.

"Evie come here" I said in front of everyone.

Their eyes turned to look at my scared daughter.

She didn't move.

"Evie baby come to mummy" I said again.

Slowly she began to move and eventually made her way into my arms.
I pulled her onto my lap and she instantly hid her face in my chest. I quietly soothed her while everyone else gave us some privacy and turned their attention back to the screen.

"Shhh baby it's ok. Mummy's got you" I whispered in her ear.

I squeezed her shivering body to me and when she let out soft whimpers I knew it was all too much for her.

"Alright misses that's enough. Come on with me"

I stood up and placed her on the floor. She whimpered and grabbed onto my arm as I led her through to the back of the bus where my bed was.

"Come on sweetie lets get you to bed."
As she was already in her pyjamas she simply climbed into bed and curled into a ball.

"Mum don't go" she begged

"I'm not going anywhere baby girl. Let me just get changed"

I quickly threw on a pair of cotton shorts and a oversized shirt and got into bed beside my eleven year old.

"I hate horror films mummy" she said when I wrapped my arm around her waist from behind.

I ran my fingers through her soft long hair to continue to calm her down.

"I know you do sweetheart. Maybe you'll listen to me next time bubba"

"I wanted to be grown up" she admitted

"But you don't have to be. You're only eleven sweetheart and I knew I shouldn't have let you watch that movie" I said, talking more to myself at the end

"You know me better than anyone mum. I'll listen to you next time" she told me

"You know me better than I know myself" she whispered as if she didn't want me to hear her.

"Don't worry about anything now baby girl. Just get some sleep"

"You're staying here right?"

"Of course Evie, I'm not going anywhere"

I kissed the top of her head and enjoyed the feeling of my daughter falling asleep in my arms.

It doesn't matter which daughter it is. I adore the feeling of them relying on me and depending on me.

This right now was reassurance that she does still need me and I love knowing that.

I kiss the top of her head and pull her closer to me, I want her to know I'm here.

"Mummy's here baby girl. Mummy's always here" I softly spoke as my girl drifter off to sleep

You know because you all love me, if I get 15 ideas from people I'll update again tomorrow ;)

Oh and don't worry not long now until Demi and Ebby are back together

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