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Demi POV

"Evie come on get ready you're coming with me today" I told her, walking into her room and sitting on her bed.

These last few days she's been in the biggest mood ever. She's hardly spoken to anyone accept Maddie.

"Where are we going?" She snapped

"You're coming to rehearsals with me. I've got a surprise for you"

"I'm going out with Maddie" she said blankly

"No you're not. You're coming with me now come on get ready we're leaving soon"

"Is Ebby coming?"

"No why?"

"So it's just us?" She asked, now a lot calmer

"Yeah sweetheart. I'll be busy but I want to spend some mummy & Evie time with you"

"Ok I'll come" she agreed

Twenty minutes later we were downstairs ready to leave. All I had to do was get my crying little girl to let go of me but it was proving quite difficult.

"Ebony baby mummy needs to go to work. I'll be home later" I tried to explain to her

I had her placed on my hip but couldn't put her down due to the fact she was clinging onto my shirt.

"Mummy stay."

"You're staying with mama sweetheart you'll be ok"

"But bottles mummy and cuddles" she cried

"Baby girl mama will give you a bottle at nap time and you know she'll give you lots of cuddles. But remember if you're thirsty you have to use a sippy cup ok, only bottles at nap and bedtime"

"Mummy no go" she whimpered into my chest

"Mummy's gonna be back soon be a good girl for mama"

I kissed her forehead and tried to pass her over to Naya.

"No!" She screamed as she thrashed her arms and legs about

She tried desperately to get back into my arms and was making grabbing hands for my boobs to so she could hold on to me. She wanted and needed me but I really had to leave.

Naya finally got her out of my arms. I kissed them both goodbye and grabbed Evie's hand, pulling her out the door with me.


I'm not gonna lie, I was actually over the moon mum had asked me to come with her today.

I've hardly spoken to them in three days, ever since I over heard the conversation three days ago about her taking Ebby on stage I've been trying to ignore them but I can't resist watching my mum perform.

I love love love hearing her voice live. I'm surprised she chose me over ebony but it's a nice feeling.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" Mum asks me as she starts driving towards the arena

"Yeah why?"

"You've been awfully quite these last few days"

Do I tell her I know?

Do I confess to being angry with her?

If I tell her then it will all go away. I'm tired of feeling upset and angry with her.

"I'm angry with you" I admitted

"What? Why sweetie, tell me what's wrong"

Her voice was soft and calm, I expected her to start shouting.

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