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Naya POV

"Hey Lea come in" I said warmly, allowing my friend to enter the house.

Lea had come over to run lines for glee and go through a couple of scenes with me.

We walked through into the lounge where Ebby was sat on the floor happily playing with her toys.

"Auntie Lea!" She shouted when she saw her.

"Hey cutie" she responded

Lea crouched down and Ebony ran into her open arms. They shared a quick cuddle and then Lea sent her off to play again.

"How's she been doing?" Lea asked as we sat down on the sofa.

"She's been ok, these last few days she's played up a lot more than usual at meal, bath and bed times but I think it might be her coming down with something." I informed her

"You think she's getting sick?"

"I'm not too sure, I've been keeping an eye on her but even if she is I'm sure it's only a cold or something. She hasn't complained of feeling ill"

"When's Demi back?"

"In a couple of days. I've not told Ebby though, I want it to be a surprise" I said excitedly.

It's a good job Ebby is happily playing with her toys otherwise she'd probably be trying to listen to what we're talking about.

We finished our girly gossip and began to rehearse. Half an hour later whilst I was speaking as Santana I felt Ebby come over and climb onto my lap.

I allowed her to curl up on my knee while Lea and I finished the scene.

When I felt her grip onto my shirt I knew she was tired and probably ready for a nap.

"You ok baby girl?" I asked when I had said my last line.


"Yeah bubba?"

"You play with me?" She asked sweetly

"Sweetie mama is working with auntie lea right now" I explained

"Please mama" she whined

"I'm sorry baby, I'm busy but why don't you have a little nap and when you wake up mama will play" I tried to reason

"I want to play. No nap" she began to cry

"Shhh baby we don't need tears. Come on calm down" I soothed

"I want Evie. I miss Evie" she cried into me, wetting my chest with her tears.

"I know sweetheart but it's not long now until they're back. Come on why don't you have a little sleep?"

While Ebby continued to cry Lea looked on helplessly. I manoeuvred my baby so she was lay down flat on the between myself and Lea. She had her head resting on my lap and was kicking her legs about a bit.

"Lea pass me that blanket please" I said, pointing to Ebby's blanket that she'd left lying around on the floor by her toys.

Once she'd handed it to me I covered Ebony's little frame so she was all snug.

"Shhhh that's it baby girl mama's here. Go to sleep angel" I cooed over her.

She placed her thumb in her mouth and I reluctantly let her leave it there. I played with her hair and began drawing a line from her forehead down to her nose repeatedly to sooth her.

I watched as her eyes slowly closed. I kept quiet for a while and continued comforting her until I was positive she had fallen asleep.

"You're such a good mum Naya. I never would have imagined you being a mum now" lea said when she too realised Ebby was asleep

"Haha thanks. I would have never imagined it either but these girls are my life. I'd do anything for them." I admitted

"Are you excited to marry Demi?"

"You have no idea how much I want to make her my wife. I want to officially adopt Ebby as well but I've not mentioned that to her yet."

"Do you think you'll have more children?"

"We haven't had that conversation but I know I'd love to. I think it would be nice to have one of our own, not that Evie or Ebby don't feel like my own but we've never had an actual baby"

"I know what you mean and I'm claiming god mother now ok"

"Haha alright but you'll have to fight Marissa for it"

"Oh I will"

We spent the rest of the afternoon properly catching up and when Ebony did wake up, Lea and I ended up playing mermaids with her. It's a good job we are both actresses.

"Bubba are you gonna come up and have a bath now?" I shouted to Ebony later that evening.

"You too mama" she told me

"Fine ok, me too" I agreed, knowing there would be a huge tantrum if I didn't give in.

I ran a bath for the both of us and helped Ebony get out of her clothes.

When she was stood naked in front of me I noticed a few red spots on her body. It couldn't be meningitis again and besides they looked different, they weren't red blotches.

"Turn round for mama baby"

She stood with her back to me and there were red spots on her back as well.

I grabbed my phone and quickly text Demi.

To Demi 💕
Babe has Ebby ever had the chickenpox? Xxxxxx

While I waited for her reply I took a picture of our daughters small naked body.

My phone buzzed with her response.

From Demi 💕
Not that I'm aware of why? Is my baby ok? Xxxxxx

I quickly sent her the picture of Ebony then got us both settled in the bath.

Ebby crawled up so she could rest on top of me.

I was always grateful for her cuddles.

"Sweetheart do you feel ok?" I asked

"I miss mummy and Evie"

"I know bubba but I mean do you feel sick or anything?"

"No mama. Just hot and tired" she informed me.

The water wasn't making her hot. I purposely make it a little cold so that it's perfect temperature for her.

"Ok well tell mama if you start to feel poorly ok"

"I will mama"

"Good girl now give mama a kiss"

She pushed herself up off my chest and placed her lips on mine giving me a wet sloppy kiss which made me laugh.

"thank you baby girl" I chuckled

By that evening I was almost 100% convinced that Ebony had the chickenpox. The red spots had almost covered her entire body and she had been complaining of them itching.

They had started off just on her back, legs and stomach where I couldn't see them until I got her undressed but now they were beginning to cover her face and arms as well.

I kept Demi informed and she wasn't happy she couldn't be there to look after her sick baby but she'd be home in two days.

I'd set Ebby up on the sofa with lots of pillows and blankets and we'd been watching endless disney movies.

Despite my views on the matter I had given in and made her a few bottles of milk. I hate seeing my children sick and I'd do whatever I could to make her feel better and right now bottles would keep her relaxed and calm.

She remained curled into me with her head on my chest while I held her in my.

That night I allowed Ebony to sleep in mine and Demi's bed and I fell asleep thinking about the fact I see the love of my life in two days.

Short I know but they will all be reunited very shortly!!!!!!!!

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