Mommys dressingroom

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Evie POV

There were quite a few people in Demi's dressing room, Demi, Naya, Natalie, a few of Demi's hair and markup team and me. I felt a little claustrophobic, nothing was really happening though everybody was just chilling.

"Right I'm gonna go check on Ebony and Marissa to make sure they're behaving themselves. Evie come on babe, let's leave mommy to have a little rest" Naya announced to Demi and I

I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay with Demi.

"No" I said harshly. I didn't mean it to come out like that.

"Come on Evie, mommy needs some rest" Naya repeated.

My hands curled into fists and I felt my chest go tight. I love my mama but I'm not ready to be alone with her yet. What if she goes off and leaves me again?

I was stood up in front of the sofa that Demi was sat down on. Naya was stood by the door.

"I want to stay with mommy"

"Sweetheart Mommy's going to be sleeping, come with me to go and find Ebby and Mar, we need to get you some dinner as well"

Naya came forward a little to take hold of my hand but I flinched away and nearly ended up falling down onto the sofa. I felt Demi's hand on my back, steadying me. I thought she'd move it as soon as I'd got my balance but she kept it there, silently comforting me.

"Naya, look let her stay here, she'll be no trouble. If it were Ebony I'd need you to take her as she's still like a toddler but Evie will be good" Demi added

Thank The Lord for Demi Lovato

Naya let out a deep sigh, I know I was making her feel bad but to be honest I didn't care. I wanted, no I needed Demi.

"Fine, but keep an eye on her. I won't be long" Naya replied.

"Hey, I am here you know" I shouted

"Evie, drop the attitude, I'm letting you stay with your mommy aren't i?"

"Whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Don't push me Evie" she warned

I tensed up even more, if that was possible. I felt like she was going to go crazy and hit me or something. Without even realising I backed away and removed the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Evie" Naya began

"Go and find Ebony mama"

She looked down defeated before kissing Demi goodbye and leaving the dressing room.

When she left I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.


"Evie, angel relax for me" Demi said softly.

"Sweetheart, come lie with mommy and take a nap"

I didn't reply, I didn't move, I stood there frozen. Guilt was rising in my body. Why did I talk to Naya like that? She's never hurt me. She made one mistake and I'm treating her so badly.

I felt Demi come up to me and pick me up in her arms like I was a new born baby. With me still in her arms she carefully lay down on the sofa. She was at the back of the sofa whilst I lay next to her. I turned into her and buried my head in her chest. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in tighter. She kissed my forehead as I burst into tears.

I was completely ignoring the fact that half of the people who worked for Demi were in the room. In fact I had forgotten until Natalie came and asked Demi if she needed anything, which she replied by asking for a bottle of water.

"Shhhh calm down baby girl, Mommy's here" she soothed

I physically couldn't stop crying, my tears were soaking Demi's shirt.

Natalie came back with the bottle of water and handed it to Demi. She unscrewed the top and propped me up a little in her arms.

"Take little sips baby, just try and keep calm" she said as she held the bottle to my mouth. I didn't want it. I moved my head away.

"No Evie, have a little drink, it will help"

This time I did as I was told and took a drink from her. When she was satisfied she let me lay down again. Demi was on her side looking down at me as I was flat on my back. I felt her hand lift my top slightly and she began tracing shapes on my stomach. It was my natural instinct to smack her hand away. I didn't want her feeling all my fat.

"No mommy, it's too big to do that"

"Sweetie, you practically have no stomach don't be feeling self conscious around me baby girl. I'm your mommy"

I clenched my eyes closed, i couldn't look at her. I didn't want to cry again. I felt her hand return to my stomach, I took in a sharp breath at the contact.

"Shhh it's ok Evie, Mommy's got you"

I felt myself relax a little as Demi pulled a blanket over us. We snuggled into each other.

"You know your mama is sorry right? She won't hurt you Evie, she knows she made a mistake"

"I know, I feel really bad. I'm just scared of her leaving me" I admitted

"Your mama will never leave you and neither will I. You're our little girl and we love you"

"Mommy don't leave me"

"Never baba, never. Now try get some sleep for me, I'll be right here with you"

With that said, I closed my eyes and turned my back against Demi so we were both facing the same way. She pulled me closer to her and once again put her hand on my stomach. Surprisingly this time I didn't mind. She was my mom after all.


Sorry for being a pain and taking forever to update.

Suggestions pleaseeeeeeeee

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