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Naya POV

"Do you think she's gonna be ok today?" I cautiously ask Demi as we lay in bed together.

Today is the day of Evie's dad and brothers trial. I've never seen her so nervous as she has been in these last few days. She woke up screaming in the middle of the night with flashbacks of what they did to her. It took me over an hour to get her to calm down and go back to sleep.

Demi rolled over in bed to face me. She wrapped her arms around my waist an pulled me tight into her body.

"I know for a fact she is going to panic and freak out but that's to be expected. I think she'll be fine with the actual interview side of things. how was she last night?" Demi replied

"She just cried for about an hour"

"Oh bless her. Anyway I was thinking about her birthday." She told me

"Go on"

"I thought we could hire out the giant trampoline warehouse and just invite Marisa and the family. What you think?"

"She'll love it"

"Ok I'll make a few calls later then"

We were too busy talking to even notice that our bedroom door had been opened. We realised when we felt little hands tugging on the duvet. I chuckled and lent forward to pick Ebony up. Instead of laying in between Demi and I like usual she sat up on my stomach. I didn't mind, she's like a little feather.

Again she must have gotten hot in the night because she was just in her pull-up.

"Good morning baba" Demi said, leaning over and gently stroking her tummy

"Hello mommy" she giggled.

"What are you doing out of bed misses, you know you're supposed to be resting?" I asked her.

"But mama. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play" she said

Demi and I broke out into fits of laughter. I actually had tears in my eyes.

"Ok Demi, how many times did you let her watch Frozen while she was in hospital?" I laughed

"By that comment, possibly too many"

After about ten minutes our laughter finally subsided. Ebony was just the cutest thing ever.

"I really wished I'd have had keek open at that moment" Demi said

"I know, your lovatics would have gone crazy."

"Mommy?" Ebby questioned

"Yeah baby?"

"Why you laughing at me?"

"Because you're the cutest baby girl ever, that's why" Demi said as she sat up and pulled Ebony off my stomach so she could tickle her. Ebby's laugh was adorable.

Half an hour later, the three of us were down in the kitchen. Demi was feeding oatmeal to Ebby while I was making coffee for us. Just as I placed Demi's coffee down on the table the front door opened.

"HONEY IM HOME" Marisa shouted

Before Demi could stop her, Ebby jumped off her chair and ran into Marissa's arms.

"Hey Demi?" Mar asked


"Why is Ebony just in a pull-up?"

"I don't actually know but Ebony sweetheart you need to come finish eating" Demi said as she patted the chair.

"No I finished" Ebby said

"No you haven't, now come here"


"Ebony I'm giving you one last chance. You either come sit down and eat or you're going into the quiet room."

Slowly, with her head down Ebony walked back towards the table.

"Good girl princess" Dem said as she began feeding Ebony again.

"Where's Evie?" Marissa asks

"She's not come down yet, I'm gonna go get her now" I said

I knocked on Evie's door but there was no reply. I twisted the handle and walked in to find Evie sat up in bed, staring at the wall with a blank look on her face.

"Evie?" I said softly

No reply.

"Evie talk to mama"

I crossed the room and climbed into bed with her. As soon as she recognised my presence she lay back down and curled up in to me. She wasn't crying, she just needed to know I was there. I played with her hair while we were having mama and daughter cuddles.

"Please don't leave me today mama"

"Never baby girl, have you decided who's going to go in the interview room with you?"

"I want you mama"

"Ok princess, then I'll be there"

After twenty minutes of cuddling it really was time to get up and get ready.

"Come on then sweetheart, up we get" I said as I unwrapped myself from Evie, I went to climb out of her bed but was instantly grabbed by her little hands.

"No mama stay" she said panicked

"Baby, we need to get up now, come on Marissa is downstairs you can see her before we have to go."

I held my hand out for her and she hesitantly took a hold of it. I led her downstairs and into the kitchen where Demi had just managed to get Ebby to finish eating. I signalled for Evie to sit down at the table but before she could Demi pulled her onto her lap.

Evie POV

Demi pulled me onto her lap. I'm glad she did. I don't think I could face breakfast with out her today. Naya is amazing but when it comes to mealtimes Demi knows what's going on in my head, she can calm me down quicker, she makes it easier. I like it because she doesn't make a big deal out of it. She tries to distract me, like she's doing right now by trying to engage me in the conversation between her and Marissa. It would usually work but today my mind is on overload. She took a sip of her coffee as Naya placed a bowl of fruit and yogurt in front of me. I took a deep breath and picked up the spoon. Demi leant forward and whispered in my ear.

"It's ok princess, It's healthy. I know you can do this. I'm right here"

I moved myself on Demi's lap so I could still eat but so I was curled into her a little more. Slowly but surely I began to eat. It felt like after every mouthful, another one appeared in my bowl. I was starting to get really full.


"Yeah baby" Demi replied

"I'm full" I admitted

"It's ok, you've done really well. I'm so proud of you"

She squeezed me tight and kissed my forehead.

"Can I stay with you, so you know, I don't erm you know throw up" I stuttered

"Of course baby, why don't we both go and get dressed and I'll do your hair"

"Thank you mommy"

"Anytime Evie"

We stood up and headed out of the kitchen, before we went upstairs Demi turned round and shouted to Mar...

"Mar, will you grab Ebby from the living room, she should still be resting in bed."

"No problem" she shouted back.

Demi, Naya and I were now all sat in a waiting room in the court house.
We left Ebony with Marissa. She was screaming for Demi. She jumped out of her bed and ran to her. She was clinging onto Demi's legs. Once Marissa pried her off Demi we left. Marissa knew Demi would be worrying about Ebby so while we were waiting Mar sent her a picture of them both in her bed watching a film.

I could feel myself getting even more worked up the longer we were waiting. My legs were dangling down from the chair and I was repeatedly swinging them back and fourth.

"How you feeling angel?" Naya asked

"Scared" I replied truthfully.

Before Naya could respond the door opened and someone I never ever thought I'd see again walked in.

My birth mom.

"You!" she said coldly looking me right in the eye

"Look what you have caused. All this drama because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" She spat at me.

I looked at Demi and Naya they were so confused.

"Excuse me but who do you think you are to talk to our daughter like that" Demi said

"Your daughter? Well good luck with that little fuck-up you dykes"

Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.

Naya crouched down in front of my legs and rested her arms on my knees.

"She's my real mom" I cried

Naya stood up and picked me up. I was facing her so I wrapped my legs around her waist and buried my head into her shoulder.

"Yeah I am her mom but I wish I wasn't. I wish I'd had her aborted"

Wow. That one stung.

"How dare you!" Demi began

"She is the most amazing girl I've ever met. She is so strong. I only wish she never had to put up with all the shit you and your family put her through."

"She's a waste of space. I'm so glad I agreed to the abuse my son and husband gave her"

"Can you leave please, I can't even look at you!" Demi replied

"At least I'm not a filthy lesbian"

Naya had been gently swaying me from side to side in an attempt at calming me down but as soon as my mom said that she placed me back on the floor and walked over to Demi. Without a second thought she forced her lips onto Demi's, Demi played along as she turned it into a deep passionate kiss. I must admit, I had to let out a giggle. My moms face was a picture.

Once they broke apart they winked at each other and Naya signalled for me to go and join them. This time it was Demi who picked me up. She placed me on her hip and turned back round to face my mom.

"You've hurt her enough, I think you should go!" Naya told her

"This is not the last time you will see me!" She said as she turned towards the door. Before she left Naya said...

"If you hate Evie that much then why come back, you'll only get yourself into trouble"

"I don't care, that kid ruined my life"

And with that she walked out and slammed the door.

I turned round slightly and buried my head into Demi's chest and cried.

"Oh baby shhhhhh shhhhhh calm down. I've got you" she told me.

"That woman is so stupid" Naya suddenly said.

I lifted my head up and looked at her. Demi looked as confused as I was. Naya realised we didn't know what she meant so continued to talk.

"We're in a court house right?"

We both nodded.

"Well obviously there are security cameras in like every room, look around they're in here. We can easily get a restraining order on her now"

"You genius" Demi laughed

"But they will also be able to see you and mommy making out" I added.

Demi and Naya both blushed.

A few minutes later the door opened again and this time it was the interviewer telling us she was ready for me.

I tensed up in Demi's arms.

"You can do this baby girl" she whispered to me. She then passed me over to Naya. I gripped onto her shirt tightly.

Demi kissed my cheek before we were led to the room where I'd be interviewed.

Naya carried me in and you could tell this room was specifically designed for children as the walls were brightly coloured and had pictures hung up everywhere. On the table in the middle of the room was a laptop that would record the whole thing.

Naya sat down on one of the chairs with my on her lap while the lady, who i think was called Sam explained everything to us. Then what she said next made me really panic.

"Right Miss Rivera you can leave Evie with me now and go and wait with Miss Lovato, we shouldn't be too long."

"I was told Evie was allowed someone to stay with her"'Naya replied

"I'm afraid not, don't worry Evie will be fine"

I turned to look at Naya. She knew I didn't want her to go, but it looked like we didn't have a choice.

I didn't want to but I knew I was going to cry. Don't judge me I'm only 11 tomorrow.

"Mama" yep, my voice cracked

"Evie it's ok, you're safe. Mommy and I will be right out side"

"Please don't leave me mama"'I cried into her chest. I clung onto her shirt.

Naya gave a pleading look to Sam.

"I'm sorry, it's regulation there's nothing I can do"

"But look at her, she's a little girl"

"I know but I can promise you I'll take good care of her. Evie sweetheart, the sooner we do this the sooner you will be back with your mommies." Sam told Naya and I

"You'll be right outside mama?"

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as you finish. Be brave Angel."

I let go of Naya and she placed me down on my own chair. I watched her walking towards the door and wished she could stay with me.

"Right, let's get this started"

I took a deep breath and started answering all the questions.

Demi POV

I was arranging Evie's birthday while her and Naya were in the interview room. Then unexpectedly Naya walked back in the room without Evie.

"Apparently she's got to be in there on her own" Naya said as she slumped down on a chair next to me. I put my phone away and pulled her across my lap.

"She'll be fine babe"

"I know, it just wasn't nice leaving her"

We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit until Naya spoke up again.

"Can you believe that was her birth mom?"

"She doesn't deserve to be called a mom" I added

"We need to make sure Evie has the best birthday ever tomorrow"

"We will, I'm actually really excited for it"

"You're such a child Demetria" she laughed

Before I could reply the door opened once again and Evie ran into our arms. We both held her in a group hug.

"I did it" she said happily.

"Well done baby girl we're so proud of you"

Naya and I tickled her and covered her in kisses until laughing started to hurt her.

"Can we go home now?" Evie asked

"Of course princess, let's get back to Ebby and Mar and see what trouble they have gotten into."

When we arrived home, the first thing I saw was Ebby toddling round completely naked with a princess crown on her head.

"Ebony what on earth are you doing?" I asked her as i crouched down in front of her. She had a very mischievous look on her face which made me very suspicious.

"Nothing mommy"

"Where's Rissa?"

She shrugged her shoulders and let out a giggle.

"Ebony Mae Lovato where is Marissa?"

I looked round and Naya and Evie were in fits of laughter.

"This isn't funny you two, she should be resting in bed" I told them

"She busy mommy" Ebony said sweetly, like butter wouldn't melt.

"Doing what?"

She took hold of my hand and led me to her bedroom.

When I saw Marissa all my anger left my body. I burst out laughing. Marissa was tied to the white rocking chair in the corner of the room. It was clear that Ebony had tried to do her hair and make-up as she looked like a clown with her hair all over the place.

"Marissa, can you please explain this situation because the last I heard was you were both snuggled in bed watching a film" I chuckled.

Evie and Naya could not control themselves. I lifted Ebby onto her bed and started to get her dressed again while Marissa told us what happened. I still hadn't untied her from the chair. It was funny.

"We were watching a film. But then we got a bit bored so I suggested we play a little game of dress up and well it kind of got out of control." She told us. That only set us all off laughing again.

When everybody had calmed down, Ebony was dressed and Marissa was cleaned up we all decided to have a sleepover downstairs. We grabbed all the pillows and covers and put a film on. Half way through it my phone started to ring. I got up and went into the kitchen. When I had finished on the phone I shouted for Evie to come and talk to me.

"Yeah mommy?"

"Sit down for a second sweetie"

Once she was sat down, I began to tell her what the phone call was about.

"Evie, the court just rang me and told me your brother and dad are now in prison. They won't ever be able to hurt you again angel. And your mom has a restraining order, she can't go anywhere near you baby"

Her little face lit up. She threw herself into my arms.

"We did it mommy"

"No baby, you did it, I'm so proud of you"

The rest of the night was spent with us all laughing and watching movies. I think I'm more excited about Evie's birthday than she is. But to be fair, she doesn't know what's planned yet.


I think this is longer :/

Hope you enjoyed reading :) :) :)

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