He threw her?

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Demi POV

“Come on baby girl, mommy needs you to come in the arena with me” I tell Ebony softly.

She’s just woken up from a nap and I really need to go and get ready for my soundcheck. Naya and Evie are coming tonight, they’re gonna be with us for about a week, however we are going to speak to Evie about her staying with me and having her lessons with Ebony’s tutor for a bit as she’s still stressed a bit with what’s been going on in her school.

Naya has told me since the fight with Becca, Evie has been really struggling keeping her anger under control so we want to see whether Lindsey can help her. Plus when Naya is working there isn’t really anybody who can take care of her and Naya and I really don’t want her being alone, however on tour with me I have; Max, Marissa and Lindsey.

Ebony has been ok with Lindsey these last couple of days but on one day she had me with her and the other Marissa stayed. Marissa and I both noticed Ebony was struggling with the work, she was really trying and therefore getting really frustrated and worked up when she couldn’t get it right.

“I want to stay here mommy” she tiredly said

“I know baba, but mommy needs to go sing, come on Marissa is in the arena and mama and Evie are coming soon”

“I still sleepy”

I picked her up and placed her on my hip. She snuggled into me as I carefully walked of the bus.

“Sweetheart your pushchair is in my dressing room you can sleep in that if you want” I reasoned.

As I got closer the arena I could see that there was already a queue of fans forming outside. I wasn’t surprised when they noticed me and began screaming. Ebony gripped onto my shirt at the sound of my screaming lovatics.

“shhhh its ok baby, mommy’s got you” I whispered into her ear

When I finally got inside the arena I was grabbed by one of the higher members of my team. He looked furious.


“look, I’m sorry I had to get this little one ready, I’m not late for souncheck you know full well I go on looking casual and can you please not shout in front of Ebony” I said calmly, rocking Ebby in my arms as I spoke

“Demi, shut up about that kid for five minutes”

My mouth fell open, did he really just say that?

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, here give me the kid and go do your job” he said as he pulled Ebony out of my grasp. She cried for me and thrashed about in his grip in an attempt at getting back to me.

“John, give me my baby back” I demanded

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