Lea saved me

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Evie POV




I continued to run despite the endless shouts coming from my parents. The further I ran the quieter their shouts became and eventually their voices died out completely.

The thought of Demi leaving me to go on tour was too much. I know I'd have Naya and don't get me wrong I love her to pieces but there's just something about Demi that no matter what situation you're in she can make things better.

I'm going back to school soon and I hate it, I need Demi to make me feel safe.

It's pitch black now and I feel like I've been running for ages. I decided that I'm far enough away from home now to begin walking.

Why is it everything seems scarier in the dark?

Every individual noise causes my heart rate to pick up and makes me more and more nervous of my surroundings.

I'm now completely lost, I have no idea where I am and I've no phone on me.

I continue to walk in the hopes of recognising something familiar.

"What's a young pretty thing like you doing out all alone?"

The cold voice makes me panic, I whip my head around to see who's there.

A middle age man makes his way towards me after appearing from behind a dumpster. He looks like he's homeless and hasn't had a wash in forever.

I quickly turn away and begin to walk quicker only to be grabbed in the process. I instantly scream and make an attempt to escape his firm grasp.

I keep praying that someone will come along and hear my screams for help but I'm practically in the middle of nowhere.

I try my best to fight against his hold and make as much noise as possible. He throws me to the floor and straddles me, his weight forcing me to lie beneath him. I continue to cry out when I feel his hand make it's way inside my jeans while his other goes up my shirt.

Just as I'm about to give up I hear a familiar voice. It's not Naya or Demi but it's familiar.

"Get the fuck off her" the mystery voice shouts.

The man, obviously scared of getting caught instantly jumps up and runs off. I remain laying there, still on the floor, too scared to move.

"Hey there sweetheart. It's ok" I hear the person say as they make their way over to me.

"Lea?" I call out

"Wait! Evie is that you?" She asks me, evidently shocked

"Yeah" I say in a whisper

"Oh angel come here"

She bends down and lifts me up off the floor. I collapse into the arms of the beautiful Lea Michele. She holds me up and holds my head to her chest while I just stand there and cry.

"Come on Evie, let's get you home" she says after five minutes.

"NO! I can't go home" I cry out

"Why not sweetheart?"

"I just can't. Please don't make me" I beg

"Alright shhhh, calm down. You can come back to my house" she soothes.

Very little was said as Lea and I made our way back to her house. She could tell I wasn't ready to talk just yet. She held my hand the entire walk back and sat me down on her sofa when we reached her home.

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