Bye mommy

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Naya POV

Demi was leaving in about half an hour. She's just spent the morning in bed with me and the girls.

Ebony hasn't left her side for a second these last few days.

"How you feeling baby?" I asked Demi as we finally had a minute alone.

"Excited for the tour but I'm going to miss you all so much"

A single tear fell down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb then leant forward towards my girl to lock our lips together. I was going to miss these lips.

Within seconds it became more passionate and when we pulled away we were both breathless.

"Baby, you'll have ebony back with you in just under a week and you know Evie and I will come when we can"

"I want my girls" she cried

"Demi, stop it. You have worked too hard for this tour. You deserve it. Enjoy it and stop worrying about us. You will be fine when you get in the swing of things." I told her

"I love you" she said

I pulled her in for a hug

"I love you too" I whispered.

"Right let's get the girls, promise me you will be there for Ebony?" She begged

"Of course, you know I consider her my daughter as well"

At that moment Ebby ran in and threw herself at Demi. She was crying histerically. Demi scooped her up in her arms and placed Ebony's head on her chest to calm her down. Demi gently swayed from side to side but Ebony's crying wasn't stopping any time soon.

"Baby what's wrong? talk to mommy" Demi said.

"I-I I thought yyou gone without ssaying ggoodbyy" Ebony struggled to get out.

"No, baba, I'd never do that." Demi comforted

Ebby was getting really worked up and her breathing was way too fast, she was choking on her tears and couldn't calm down.

I knew Demi was beginning to panic because she realised her car was coming to pick her up in like five minutes.

I shouted Evie down and she came and stood by me. I think she felt overwhelmed seeing Ebony in this state.

Right on cue the car horn sounded and it was time to say goodbye.

"Evie come here angel" Demi motioned. She held her free arm out for Evie to get wrapped in. Evie and Demi were now also crying. I was close but had to stay strong for my girls.

"Girls, mommy loves you so much and I'll see you very soon. Be big brave girls for me and be good for your mama ok"

"Ok" Evie replied, she then pulled away from the hug to come back and join me.

"Come on Ebby, calm down baby girl, you'll be back with mommy before you know it. Mama won't leave you." Demi said as she tried to get Ebby to calm down.

"Come here Ebby" I said as I stepped forward to try and take Ebony off Demi. Ebby gripped onto Demi. She was kicking and screaming as I was trying to pull them apart. Demi was crying more now, I felt awful, like I was separating them forever. I finally pulled Ebby off Demi and held her tight in my arms. I got to kiss Demi quickly before she waved goodbye and headed out the door. Ebby was still struggling in my arms, trying to get back to her mommy.

I looked up and saw Evie staring at the door, crying and shaking. I felt so out of my depth. I silently took hold of Evie's hand and lead her into the quiet room with Ebby and I. Evie was in a trance and Ebony was hysterical. Wow, what a combination.

I quickly took out my phone and text Lea asking her to come and help me for a bit until the girls calmed down. But for now I switched on the sensory lights, got Evie to lie next to me and lay Ebby in between my legs so she was leaning back on me.

Ebby had stopped kicking off but her crying hadn't subsided. I was running out of ideas so did the only thing I could think of. I sang to my girls. I chose 'here comes the sun' the version I sang with Demi on glee. I obviously took all her parts as well. I knew the girls knew this one as they had heard Demi and I practice it and we sang it to them all the time.

By the time I had finished the song, both girls had calmed down. The crying had stopped and Ebby was playing with my fingers on one of my hand that was rested on her tummy.

"I'm gonna miss her mama" Evie said.

"I know angel, we all will but you will see her shortly"

Suddenly, the door to the quiet room opened causing Ebby to jump a mile and climb up on to my lap properly.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry I rang the bell but no one answered. I figured you were busy with the girls so I let myself in, I hope you don't mind" Lea said.

"Hey babe, no it's fine, come join us" I patted the mat next to me.

Ebby clearly hadn't worked out who was here because she still had her head hidden in my chest.

"Baba, look who's here to see you" I whispered to her. She slowly lifted her head up and looked around.

"Aunty Lea" she said softly

"Hi beautiful, can I have a cuddle?" She asked her.

Ebby climbed off my lap and crawled onto Lea's

Demi POV

I hated doing that.

Leaving my girls behind.

I hated leaving my baby Ebony crying and screaming for me. She had to be pulled from me. I knew I had to leave but even I didn't want to let go of her.

As I'm sat in the car on the way to the tour bus, I'm already thinking about how much I miss all three of my girls.

To distract myself I tweet my lovatics about the tour. I am mega excited to tour. I've waited a long time for something this big. And besides, at least I'll have Ebony back with me soon.

I don't know how it will work having a little girl with me on tour but we will manage. Marissa will be there and so will Lindsey. Everything will be fine. I'm also desperate to get some alone time with Naya, we don't get to even talk alone much.

Naya POV

It just took Lea and I over an hour to get both girls to eat something, I had to restrain Evie on my lap afterwards to stop her running away and throwing up.

I know they have had a tough day but it will get easier.

Lea is currently reading a story to Ebony. They are in mine and Demi's room, I promised the girls they could sleep with me tonight.

I'm just sitting on the sofa, flicking through channels on the television. I was more concentrated on playing with Evie's hair. She had fallen asleep with her head on my lap, she was in a deep sleep but was breathing softly.

"That's it baby girl, sweet dreams" I whispered

I think it's going to be an early night for all of us.


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