Naya visits

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Ebony POV

Mummy called her friend Naya to come over to our house. I've never met Naya before but she seems nice, I think I'll be able to trust her soon.

Mummy wanted Naya to come and video our dance to Neon Lights. She said she was gonna put it on YouTube for her fans to see.

I hope they like it and don't think I'm rubbish.

Me and Demi danced for ages perfecting it and when we played the recording back it looked so good, especially because we were in the new dance studio.

When we have watched it, all three of us go downstairs into the living room to go on Demi's laptop.

"Ebony, come sit here" Naya said patting the couch next to her

I look towards demi.

"Go on baby girl" she tells me

I walk over and Naya pulls me up onto the couch and wraps her arm around me. She smells so nice and I feel the same warmth from her I feel when demi holds me.

"You're so talented and beautiful ebony, you know that right?" She asks me

I look down and shrug my shoulders.

Naya puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head so we are making eye contact.

"Trust me" she tells me

I don't say anything but I snuggle into her why demi turns her laptop on.

"Are you gonna tweet about it and tell your lovatics to watch it Dem?" Naya asked

"Yeah I've just uploaded it, I'm gonna tweet now"

She turned her laptop round so I could read her tweet.

"Mummy read it" I ask her just so I know exactly what it says, I don't want to get confused.

"Ok sweetie it says @ddlovato: hey lovatics, I have some big news! You may have seen me photographed with a beautiful little girl recently and I'm just letting you all know she is now my adoptive daughter, check out our video on YouTube"


"Yeah baby?"

"What if they don't like it, what if they hate me"

"Oh sweetheart don't worry about that, they will love you, and even if a few don't, who cares because I love you and that's all that matters"

"Ok mummy"

Demi POV

My lovatics are going crazy over this video but who can blame them it's the cutest thing ever.

I head into my kitchen to prepare tea for me, naya and ebony.

It doesn't take me long to make tea, I've only made vegetable pasta.

Ebony looks like she's nearly asleep on naya, she's on her lap leaning back onto her chest.

I walk over and crouch down in front of them both.

"Ebony baby, come eat dinner"

"I don't want to"

"Baby come on, you need to eat for me"

She's not going to co-operate tonight I can tell.

I lift her off naya and carry her into the kitchen.

She starts playing up by kicking and fighting trying to get out of my arms.

I hold onto her tightly and sit down with her on my knee. Naya joins me at the table and helps me in trying to calm ebby down.

"Shhh shhhh princess come on, calm down for me"

"I can't mummy"

"Take deep breaths for me, come on baby nice deep breaths. Copy me eb" I tell her

I gently rub her back and she beings to calm down. Tears are still falling fast from her gorgeous big eyes.

I let her fully calm down before I start feeding her. I give her some time by eating my own dinner and chatting to naya about work.

After a while ebony is calm again, I take a chance and take her fork in my hand. I move the fork towards her mouth and she shakes her head.

"Be brave ebony" I whisper

She opens her mouth for me and let's me feed her.

"Good girl sweetheart"

I kiss her forehead and continue to feed her.

She doesn't end up eating much but it's something.

"Wanna watch a film?" Naya asks

"Yeah, sure let me just go get ebony in her pjs"

I pick ebony up and place her on my hip "Ebony sweetheart, let's go upstairs and get ready for bed"

"No bed momma"

Ebony started getting worked up and stressed out. I gently rubbed her back to sooth her.

"Baby I know, not yet. Let's just get ready for bed then we can go and watch a film with naya"

She didn't say anything but she placed her head back down on my shoulder.

I place her down on her bed and go to her draws to get her onesie out.

"Which one ebony, the polar bear one or the flowery one?"

"Polar bear"

"Ok princess come here then"

She walks over to me and I help her get her clothes off, you can still see some of the marks from where Sian hurt her.

After I've buttoned up her onesie, I go and change into my sweats. Ebony follows me, she won't leave my side.

"Come on then munchkin let's go down to naya" I say as I start walking out of my room

"Mummy don't leave me" ebony shouts, she runs up to me and clings on to my legs. I crouch down to her level and take hold of her hands and wipe the tears off her cheeks. She's trembling.

"Shhhh shhhh ebony"

"M-mummy" she cried

"Hey baby girl, what's the matter, where's all this come from?"

"Don't leave me mummy"

"Oh sweetheart I'm not going anywhere, come on let's go snuggle and watch a movie"

She was still crying but the panicking had stopped, I carried her on my hip all the way to the couch.

"Hey gorgeous, you ok?" Naya asked ebby

I placed ebony down on the couch and she crawled over to naya while I went and picked a film.

I chose Monte Carlo because it's not a children's film but ebony can still watch it and understand what is going on.

"Oooooo good choice dems" naya said

"Why thank you miss rivera"

I joined them both on the couch and pulled a blanket over all three of us.

After about twenty minutes I felt ebony move, she lay down in between me and naya and laid her head on my lap. I played with her hair and stroked her cheek.

I looked down after the film had finished and my baby girl was fast asleep.

"You stay here dem, I'll take her up to bed"

"You sure naya?"

"Yeah it's fine" she said as she stood up off the sofa and picked ebony up.

I kissed ebony's cheek and naya headed upstairs to put eb in bed.

Five minutes later naya rejoined me.

"She go down ok?" I asked

"Yeah fine, she didn't wake up"

"Oh good"

We watched another movie and had a grown up girlie chat, we talked about glee and naya's engagement to big Sean.

"Right well I better be getting home dem"

"Ok babe, I'll speak to you soon"

Once naya had left I headed up to ebony's room and climbed into bed with her.

She must have sensed me because she snuggled into me in her sleep. She's so adorable.

"Sleep tight baby girl"

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