First day home

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Demi POV.

When I woke up I expected to have Naya next to me, surprisingly she wasn't there. I didn't even have one of my little girls in bed with me. To be honest I'm glad the girls aren't with me, I've still not got any clothes on from after our bath yesterday.

I was about to check on Ebony in her room before I headed downstairs but I heard her and Naya giggling from the kitchen. When I reached them, Ebby jumped out of her seat and ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Good morning baby girl" I said as I lifted her from under her arms and placed her on my hip.

"Hi momma" she said, nuzzling into my chest at the same time.

I sat down at the table with her on my lap. Naya pushed the rest of her breakfast over to me so I could carry on feeding her. I took hold of the spoon and held it at her mouth but she kept it closed and scrunched her face up.

"Come on, open up for mommy" I prompted.

"Tummy full"

I glanced down at her bowl and she hadn't even eaten half of it.

"Just a little more for mommy sweetheart"

I put the spoon in her mouth and she reluctantly swallowed. Once she knew she wasn't getting out of eating she gave up the fight.

"Nay, where's Evie?" I asked.

"She hasn't come down yet, I think we should leave her though, she was so tired last night"she replied, kissing my cheek and standing up to go make coffee.

"Ok babe, I'll check on her in a bit"

"What do you fancy doing today?" Naya questioned.

"To be quite honest I could do with a day doing nothing, but if you fancy doing something I don't mind"

"No that's fine by me, weren't you on about getting your hair done?"

"Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I'll go give my hair dresser a call now"

I finished feeding Ebony and set her down in front of the tv with her doll and a bottle. She was so easily pleased.

Before I went to phone Jill I decided to just check on Evie. I slowly opened her door to find her waking up. She looked a little stressed and agitated, like she was waking up from a nightmare. When I reached her bed I took hold of her arms and held them down.

"No-no-don't-get off" she whimpered

"Evie, it's mommy. Wake up darling"


I gently shook her in an attempt to wake her up.

"Baby girl it's ok, it's just mommy"

Her eyes opened, then instantly filled with tears. Without speaking I lifted her across my lap and held her in my arms, pressing her head against my chest so she could hear my heartbeat.

"Mom" she said breathlessly.

"I'm here sweetheart, just keep breathing for me. Nice deep breaths"

She began to calm down a little and her breathing settled. I was playing with her hair, waiting for her to completely calm down.

"That's it, good girl. How you feeling Evie?"

"I'm ok, I don't know what happened" she said quietly

"It's ok, we're not going out today so you can relax and take things nice and slowly alright?"

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