Bad dreams and tantrums

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Demi POV

I woke up to the sound of sound of crying coming out of one of the baby monitors, I rolled over and saw that is was half three in the morning. I looked at Naya and noticed she was still fast asleep, looks like I'm doing this round then. I quickly throw on my shorts and tank top as well, I kinda had nothing on and then I head out of my bedroom. I checked on Ebony first as I automatically assumed it was her crying but as I popped my head round her door I saw that she was still fast asleep with her new doll in her arms. It must be Evie.

I slowly open her bedroom door and see she's tossing and turning in her sleep. As I get closer I see she's crying her eyes out but still hasn't woken up.
Her little arms and legs are going wild and she's kicking her bed sheets off her. I rushed over to her and grabbed hold of her arms, subconsciously In her sleep she was scratching at her cuts.

"Evie, baby wake up"'

"Wake up sweetheart, it's just a dream"'

Her eyes shot open and she began to cry harder, I don't think she realised who I was, she kinda freaked out.

"Don't touch me, please don't touch me"

"Evie, look at me, it's me Demi"

"Demi?" She questioned

"Yeah baby it's me"

"I'm so sorry" she cried

"Shhh it's ok Evie"

I climbed into bed with her and pulled her into me, i tried to calm her down while she cried into my chest. After a couple of minutes she lifted her head up and looked at me with her face full of anxiety.

"I need to cut Demi, please let me" she begged

"Oh baby girl you know I can't let you do that"

"Demi please" she said as she tried to get out of my arms

"No Evie, you can beat this, I'm right here with you and I'm not going anywhere."

"No just leave me, I don't want to bother you"

"I'm not leaving you where your vulnerable like this Evie, let me help you"

"I can't" she cried

"You can baby, just try and let me in"

"Demi I don't think I can do this on my own"

"You don't have to, Naya and I are right by you"

"I'm tired" she yawned

"I know sweetie. Do you want to stay in here or come sleep with Naya and I?"

"Can I sleep with you and Naya, I feel safer" she asked nervously

"Of course, come on" I held my arms out to her and she let me carry her like a little koala into mine and Naya's room. She had calmed down a lot now. I placed her down in the middle of the bed and wrapped my arms around her, thank god Naya had put shorts and a vest on before we fell asleep, I was just to lazy to.


"Yeah babe?"

"Thank you"

"Any time baby girl, now get some sleep. And remember that I love you"

"I love you too"

And with that i wrapped my arm over her and we both fell back to sleep.

Ebony POV

When I woke up I was so pleased I had slept all night, mummy and Naya will be proud but then I look down and realise my pull-up is wet. Oh oh I need a new one. But I can't reach. I too little. I go get mummy.

As I open mummy's bedroom door I see Evie, Naya and mummy all together. Why they no get me. I like Evie but do mama and Naya no want me now. They want just Evie. I think they like her better because she no cry as much as me or wet the bed. They are going to take me back to the orphanage. I go pack now.

I go back to my room and take my wet pyjamas off so I just in the pull-up. I fell really hot and funny. I get a big bag out my closet and put some things in it like my dolly. That when my bedroom door open.

"Ebby baby, what on earth are you doing?"

Demi POV

I'm starting to wake up when I hear the door open slightly, I'm about to sit up because I know it will be Ebony but just as I'm about to say good morning the door shuts and she leaves. Something isn't right. I jump out of bed and slowly follow her back to her room, I wait outside to see what she is doing. First she takes off her pyjamas, she must be hot and come to think of it she looks a little pale. But what surprised me the most is when she went and got a bag out of her closet. I stand there curious, and watch her start to put things in the bag. I also notice she has tears running down her face. Oh my poor baby, what's going in in her little head. I can't stand and watch any more. I need to know what's going on.

"Ebby baby, what on earth are you doing?" I asked as I entered the room

She didn't answer me, she just carried on filling the bag.

"Ebony stop! Look at mummy" I said as I crouched down on my knees in front of her.

"I helping" she told me

"Helping with what baby"

"IM HELPING YOU" she shouted

"Ok Ebony, calm down you are not allowed to shout at mummy" I told her

She didn't say anything

"Baby is your pull-up wet?"

She just shrugged her shoulders at me, what on earth is going on.

"Come her let me get you a dry one" I held out my hand but she just stood there with her arms folded, this was so out of character. I went and got a clean pull-up and tried to change her but she wouldn't come near me.

"Ebony let mummy change you" I said sternly, she was really trying my patience this morning.

"No, I do it"

"Ok, ok you do it" I said throwing my hands up in defeat.

I watched her as she struggled trying to change herself, I knew that she secretly wanted my help.

"What's with the bag Ebony?" I tried again


"I don't know what you mean sweetheart"

"YES YOU DO" she screamed

"Right come on misses, quite room now! I think you need to calm down."

"No mummy"

"No you had your warning Ebony, come on" I said as I picked her up despite her resistance. Naya and I had decided to create a quiet room where Ebby could go to calm down or if she was ever naughty or upset. It is basically an empty room in the house but it is filled with coloured beanbags and fluorescent lights.

I placed her down on one of the beanbags and straight away she grabbed hold of my legs.


"Ebony, calm down"

"Mummy stay"

"If mummy stays do you promise not to shout"

"I promise mama"

"Ok baba, lie down then"

I lay down on my side facing Ebby who was lying on her back still wearing only a pull-up. She was staring up at all the lights and at the shapes they made on the roof. Her breathing still hadn't settled though, so I started tracing patterns on her tummy with my finger to calm her down.

"Shhhh baby girl, nice deep breaths"

I am so glad we got this room installed, it really helps her calm down when her autism takes over her. I still need to find out what she was doing earlier.

"Mama?" She whimpered

"Yes princess?"

"You still love me?"

"Baby of course I do. You're my special little girl nothing will ever change that."

She shut her eyes and I pressed my hand against her forehead, she was burning up. just as I was about to ask her if she felt ok Naya opened the door.

"I've been looking for you two everywhere" she said

"Sorry babe, we had a bit of a situation"

She looked at me funny.

"I'll tell you later, now can you get me a thermometer please?"

"Yeah sure"

When Naya returned with the thermometer I took Ebony's temperature. Way to high! She was sick, great I thought to myself.

"Come on baby let's get you to bed" i told her as I lifted her up and carried her back to her room. Within two minutes she was fast asleep. I put back all the things she was packing earlier and switched her lamp off. I crept out of her room and went to check on Evie, this has been a strange morning already I wonder what was the matter with Ebby. Maybe Evie can help me find out.


Though I'd give you another short chapter while I love you all so much!!!!

Thank you to FanficGirl0 and Warrior18 for your constant support. I love you


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