Custody Battle

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Demi POV

Thursday soon came and I was incredibly nervous. Not to mention I was completely shattered, I'd explained what was happening to Ebby the day before and she was not happy about it. She kept me up all night. It was like having a new born baby in the house with her waking up every hour. Naya and I took it in turns and on a few occasions I was tempted to go make her a bottle but I stayed strong and got her to sleep the hard way.

I woke up early with Ebony and let Naya sleep in. She wanted to come with is today but I wanted her to spend some time with Evie. Evie has been quiet about the situation with Ebony but I know she's scared we won't win so I want Naya to try and distract her and have fun today.

It got to around 4am this morning and Naya and I gave in. We allowed Ebony to sleep in our bed with us. She lay cuddled up in between us both and finally fell asleep.

Now it's 7:30 and I need to get up. Slowly I try and roll Ebby of me without waking her but I was unsuccessful, she opened her eyes and began whining.

"Shhhh shhhh baby girl it's alright" I soothed

"Shhhh don't cry my angel don't wake mama"

She calmed down and tried to snuggle back into me but I got up out of bed.

"Mummy no. Cuddle" she said to me

"Shhh baby mummy needs to shower. You stay here and try not to wake mama" I replied in a whisper

"Me shower too"

"sweetheart you don't like the shower. You always say it's too loud" I reminded her

"Bath then mummy"

"Not now Ebony"

"Please mummy. Me and you bath together" she begged

I sighed and realised she'd only keep going on at me unless I gave in.

However Naya and I thought it would be best if she didn't bath with us anymore because she wasn't a baby or a toddler. Although I loved the connection it gave us and now she didn't use bottles I missed the bonding time with my daughter.

"Alright sweetheart come on then"

She held her arms out to me and made grabby gestures. I happily lifted her into my arms and carried her through to my bathroom.

"Take your pyjamas off baby" I told her while I turned round and ran the bath.

I undressed myself and lifted Ebony into the water before I climbed in after her.

I got comfortable and leant over to grab a few bath toys for Ebony. I lay back while Ebby sat in between my legs playing with the pink boat I managed to find.

She spoke out loud to herself while she played and I smiled at her imagination.

"Sweetheart can mummy talk to you?"

She looked up from her toys and faced me. She looked so innocent and angelic, her soft child skin glowed and she looked like she hadn't a care in the world.

"You're gonna be a big brave girl for me today aren't you baby?"

"I'll try mummy. But she scares me"

I knew she was on about her birth mother. I hated calling her Ebony's mum because to me Ebony was mine, whether I gave birth to her or not.

"Mummy will be there and you won't be alone ok."

"Then we come home?" She asked

"Hopefully baby. Hopefully it will all be over soon"

She moved so she could cuddle me. I allowed my six year old to climb all over me so she could get comfy on top of my body. She rested her head on my chest and looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

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