First day

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Demi POV

"good luck baby girl, I'm so proud of you for giving school a chance. I'm meeting with Ebony's new tutor today so mama's going to take you. I want to hear all about it when you get home ok?" I told Evie.

"Ok mommy" she replied quietly.

She was slightly shaking and looking down at her shoes.

"It's ok to be nervous baby, but you really don't have to be, you're going to be fine"

"I love you mommy"

I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you later Evie"

She walked out the front door towards the car, I kissed Naya before she left and headed back upstairs to wake Ebony up.

"Ebby, sweetheart wake up"

She rolled over and rubbed her eyes with her little hands and let out a sleepy yawn.

"Hello mommy" she said without even opening her eyes.

She was still half asleep so i scooped her up in my arms and carried her into the bathroom.

I held her on my hip and she snuggled and rested her head in the crook of my neck while I bent down to start running her a bath.

"You ok princess?" I asked her as i lstarted undressing her.

"Yeah, where mama and Evie?"

"Mama has taken Evie to school then she's going to work" I told her

"So it ebby and mommy day?" She sweetly asked.

"Well yes for a little bit. But mommy's friend Lindsey is going to come see us as well" I said as I lifted her into the bath. She tensed up at first but once she got used to the water she relaxed.

"Who Lindsey?"

"Well baby, Lindsey is Dallas' friend and she's a teacher. She wants to help you"

As I'd expected she instantly burst into tears. I knew all the memories of Sian had come flooding back. She was freaking out and was trying to climb out of the bath. Her breathing was too fast and I don't think I've ever seen her cry like this.

"Ebony calm down baba, it's ok." I had to get her out the bath, she needed me so I picked her up and wrapped a big soft towel round her.

"Momma no" she cried into my chest

"Baba, breath with mommy, come on try and copy mommy's breathing" I soothed her.

I carried her into her bedroom and picked up some clothes in my other hand. She was all over the place, she wriggled about in my arms and she wasn't breathing properly.

I walked downstairs with her and went into the quiet room. Switching on the sensory lights I sat on a beanbag and I lay her down on my body. She was still wrapped in a towel but she curled into my chest and continued to cry.

"Shhh baby it's alright"

"No teacher mommy" she whimpered.

"Ebony listen to mommy. Lindsey is auntie Dallas' really good friend. She won't hurt you baby. Mommy promises to stay with you at first and Naya will if I can't ok. Mommy is going on tour soon but don't worry you're coming with me and Lindsey will come as well to help you"

I started playing with her hair to try and calm her down more.

"I scared mommy"

"I know princess but I promise you it will be ok. Mommy won't leave you at all today."

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