Tricking Sian

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Demi POV

"Mummy it was sian"

My heart immediately sank. Sian, her tutor. The woman I trusted to take care of my baby.

"Sweetheart are you sure?"
I asked her as I exchanged glances with the doctor

"You don't believe me?"

She looked so afraid and so fragile. I cannot believe I have missed this. I should have realised. Ebony cried and cried when I had to leave her to go to work. She had been so quiet and distant for the last few weeks.

"Baby of course I believe you, how's about we go home and you can tell me what's been going on?"

I leant forward to take hold of her hand but she flinched away from me.

"Sweetie, I won't hurt you, come on let's go home"

She took hold of my hand and I thanked the doctor. I told him I was going to sort out the Sian situation so he didn't need to call social services.

I buckled ebony into the back of my car and within minutes she was asleep. I was dreading the talk we needed to have when she woke up.

We arrived home an eb was still asleep, I carried her into the living room and placed her down on the couch. After covering her with a blanket I headed into the kitchen to phone Marissa.

"She's done what!!!!!!!" Marissa shouted down the phone

"Mar, I need to find out all the details off ebony but yes that's where the marks have come from. Will you do me a favour and come round, I want you to be here when she's telling me, I need her to know she has support"

"I'm leaving now"

"Thanks mar"

I headed back into the living room and joined ebony on the couch. I lifted her head up slightly and placed it back down onto my lap. I sat there silently stroking her her and waited for Marissa to arrive.

Ebony POV

I didn't even know I'd fallen asleep until I started to wake up. My eyes opened and I didn't know where I was at first. I think I'm lying on demi, it smells like demi. I can here her talking to someone, I hope it's not sian.

"Wakey Wakey baby girl"

I start to edge myself up slightly when demi pulls me onto her lap. For some reason I start crying, I have no idea why. I can't help it.

"Shhhh ebby it's ok"

"Mummy" I cry into demi

"I'm here ebony, I'm here. Marissa can you go and get me a bottle please?"

"No mummy"

"Baby you need to drink, you fainted last time and it's nearly half 2 and you haven't really eaten yet"

Marissa comes back in and hands demi a bottle, I think she knew I wouldn't take it of her.

"Come here baby" demi says turning me on my back more. I try to wriggle away from her but she pulls me back up and wraps her arm tight around me.

"No mama"

"Shhhh baby come on" she says putting the bottle to my mouth, I give into her and even take hold of the bottle myself.

"Aww good girl ebony"

Marissa and demi sit talking about random stuff for a while like X factor and Demi's tour. I don't mind, I don't really want to tell them about Sian. My luck ran out when demi sat me up properly and turned to face me. Marissa walked over to join us on the couch. She sat down and pulled me onto her knee so that I was facing demi. I could feel her lightly playing with my hair.

"Sweetie stop shaking, there's nothing to be afraid of" Marissa whispered into my ear

I relaxed a little when demi took hold of my hands.

"Ebony I need you to be honest with me, I need you to be brave and strong for me"

"I can't mummy" I cry whilst shaking my head

Demi exchanges a look with Marissa

"Ebony, me and mummy need you to tell us what's been going on so that we can help you and make it all ok again" Marissa told me

"She hurt me mummy"

"I know baby I know, why don't you start from the beginning"

"You'll hate me"

"Ebony we'd never, ever hate you"

"You promise?"

"I promise little one, now come on, be brave"

"Ok, it's a long story"

"We've got all the time you need"

"Sian was really nice when you were there, I really did like her and I was starting to trust her. But when I was on my own with her she was really short and snappy with me. I ignored it at first because I thought she was just a strict teacher but then she started getting angry at me for not getting the answers right. She told me you would hate me if I was stupid, I was really trying mummy but It was too hard."

"It's ok, keep going ebony" Marissa said as I leant further back onto her.

"When we were on a break she made me look on her phone, she went on that twitter thing that you go on and she read out all these messages from people telling me how ugly and fat I am, she said they were your fans. She told me you would be better off without me. That's why I tried to stop bothering you and leave you alone. When I told her I didn't believe her she hit me and pushed me, from then on she did it all the time and told me she was going to stop giving me lunch. I didn't mind that part because it meant I didn't have to eat"

By this point I was really crying and so was demi. Marissa had to comfort us both. After about ten minutes demi lifted me off Marissa and held me in her arms.

"Ok misses, you're going to listen to me now ok? You are my precious baby girl and I can tell you now those people writing those messages were wrong! Completely wrong. You are the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen and I'm never going to let her hurt you again"

"I love you mummy and Rissa"

"We love you too princess" Marissa said

"What's going to happen mummy?"

"Mummy is gonna sort it but you will probably have to tell some other people this as well baby so that Sian can't get to you again ok?"

"I don't want to"

"I know sweetheart but there's no other option. Marissa can you wait here with ebony while I go and make a few calls please" demi asked placing me down on Marissa.

"Mummy" I screamed, trying to get out of marissa's arms

"She'll be back soon baby, shes only in the kitchen, come on let's go outside for some fresh air"

Demi's POV

I saw Marissa carry Ebony outside. Nows my chance to put my plan in place.

I have cameras all around my house, I'm going to invite sian over for a little picnic and see how she is with ebony, If nothing happens I'm going to question her myself and make her admit it. I'm going to have the police in standby and and Marissa on guard to quickly grab ebony if Sian tries anything.

After phoning Sian and setting up my cameras I go outside to find Marissa and ebony lying on a picnic blanket cuddling, it's so cute.

I start explaining my plan to them both and ebony starts freaking out, I saw this coming but I really need her to play along.

"No I can't see her, I can't do it"

"Ebony me and Marissa will be here, if she even tries to hurt you we'll be right there. I need you to be mummies little actress and be a big brave girl. It will all be over soon sweetheart"

"You'll be here mummy?"

"Every step of the way"

We stayed sitting on the picnic blanket for a while, just talking about what we were going to say and do.

I suddenly got a phone call off Sian saying she was outside. Marissa went off to hide and I left ebony to go and greet Sian. I'm determined to get enough evidence to prove to the police that ebony is right.

"Hey demi"

"Hello Sian, let's go and meet ebony in the garden, we wanted to have a little picnic"

"Aww that sounds lovely"

Sorry it's short but I've been so busy, I will update ASAP :)

Thank you for reading

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